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2010-01-09 8:43 AM
in reply to: #2572886

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Southwest Florida
Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED
I made a goal for 2010 and it is to run/walk 500 miles and I just wanted to share that I've been getting my 5k runs in 3x's a week. Yesterday I mostly ran it at a slow 5.0 pace on the treadmill. I don't like running on asphalt so I'll only do that for my races. I skipped my swim and bike ride yesterday as I was extremely tired. I'm not too worried about missing those as I would for the runs.MaryP loosing weight as anyone whose ever been really overweight is never easy. Even thogh I've been training hard and try eating well I've been maintaining my 60 lbs loss for a year. Im/ hoping I'll get off my plateau too and start losing again. My goal right now is to focus on training and eating well. The weight loss will follow. I always hated when someone would tell me I need to lose weight as if I didn't know already. Just keep positive and work hard. Even if your not "losing weight" changes are happening to your body. Watch how your clothes fit more than what the scale reads.Mary U

2010-01-09 10:36 AM
in reply to: #2604472

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Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED
Mary P,
I'm 5'2" as well, so I feel your pain on what 152 can feel like to someone our size. I got up to 147 in college and everyone kept saying I looked normal, but considering I started at 100 lbs, gaining 50% of your starting body weight in one year is not normal. The most annoying part to losing weight for me was realizing that my body just doesn't need as many calories as someone taller than me. Even with all the running and weight training, I usually only need to average about 1500 calories day to day to keep my weight steady. I like using the daily plate website to track my daily calories. They have a huge library of food already in the database and you can make your own meals so you can quickly pull up foods you eat often and log your calories for each day.

As for weight training, I would stick to the basics. I tend to do some variation of each of the following: Push ups, Pull ups, shoulder presses, lateral raises, bicep curls and some sort of tricep extension(kickbacks, cable pull downs, or overhead extensions). That should work your upper back, shoulders, and arms. I think doing core work to strengthen my lower back helped a lot too. Just make sure you switch things up every few weeks or so by adding weight or reps.

Hope you're all recovered from the stomach flu by now. One of my side goals for 2010 is to not get the flu of any kind this year. I haven't been so lucking the past three years. Here's hoping.

On a different note, I bought a new indoor trainer and finally got cable for my garage so I can train more consistently on the bike this year. I'm using the Winter Bike Challenge plan listed on the Challenges board and so far I'm loving it, even if it is 20 degrees in my garage where I'm using it. It beats the 12 degrees and 4 inches of snow outside. Hopefully I can break my pathetic 5 minute mile pace and add some miles too this winter.

2010-01-10 6:25 AM
in reply to: #2572886

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Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED
Thanks all for the weight loss advice.  I am just going to keep at it.  Thankfully, the stomach flu has been a blessing that in I have lost 8 lbs.  Maybe this is what the television ads are talking about when they say its the "no diet, no exercise way to lose weight!"

Started back in with a 20-mile bike this morning - real easy - nothing strenuous and it felt pretty good.  Finalizing my schedule for the week.  I think it definitely helps to have a plan (fuzzy penguin - not sure of your real name - but thanks for the upper body advice. Laughing)  I bought a specific notebook for the gym where I can have a specific plan and track my weight training at the gym.  I always need to have some type of plan and organization process or else I flounder.  The 500 miles in 2010 is a great goal - can we all get in on it? YTD - I may be at 30...  That's 41.6 miles a month or 9.6 miles a week.  That should be an easy play for such a dedicated group of triathaloners like us!  I am in!
2010-01-11 8:33 AM
in reply to: #2598527

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Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED
Emily - Hi!  I started using a BT Plan - Olympic Basic 12 Week - HR Zone Based.  I will have to modify this plan some to fit my schedule and my abilities but I thought it was a good plan that would help me grow.  However, I have a lot of research to do to determine what my heart rate zones are.  I seem to have more trouble maintaining elevated heart rates than anything.  I am a weight trainer by nature and history - I used to train very heavy with weights (3-4+ hours a day - strict dieting, etc).  However, now switching gears to endurance sports is presenting a challenge. 
Any assistance you could provide on how to increase my endurance and also to determine HR zones would be helpful.
2010-01-11 9:01 PM
in reply to: #2607069

Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED
Hey Alicia -

The Olympic basic plans sounds like a good fit.  That's cool you used to lift - did you ever compete?  I'm obsessed with Oxygen magazine but the strict dieting is so tough!

By it's nature, the plan will help you build up your endurance.  As far as heart rate training, there's a good article here on BT (link is in the plan description) that walks you through determining your heart rate zones.  However, I've always found it really tough to keep up the intensity if I'm testing by myself.  I much prefer to use a 5k or 10k race (for the running LT test at least), that way it's so much easier to maintain.    hth!
2010-01-11 9:15 PM
in reply to: #2608820

Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED
Hey Gang -

We're through the first full week of the year - how'd everyone do on their goals for the week?

I came up short by 1 swim.  No good excuse, other than the swim was scheduled for Friday afternoon....hmmm, next time better get that one done in the AM!  Otherwise a good week to kick of 2010

We talked about having a general topic each week, and while anything is always fair game - I thought it was a good time of year to be thinking about race scheduling. 

Have you decided on your races for this year?  And started prioritizing them (A, B, and C)? 

2010-01-12 10:39 AM
in reply to: #2608820

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Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED

   I did review the HR link on BT and I understand the descriptions, however, I do agree with you that it is difficult to determine your HR zones when you are working out.  Is it normal for women to have higher HR's than men?  For instance - can you look at my Run from yesterday - 2.5 miles - pace 4.5 mph - Avg HR 173 - Max HR - 181.  That is very high (or it seems high to me).  If i could get my heart rate down I could run longer - I am not tired with my muslces I just can't breathe.


In the past I was training to compete in a Fitness Competition, I didn't ever get the chance to actually compete as I ended up moving because of my job and then life just changed.  I do miss weight training though!

2010-01-12 12:37 PM
in reply to: #2609541

Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED

I'm definitely not a heart rate expert, but I do know that the long accepted standard formula for estimating max heart rate is 220 - age for men and 226 - age for women, which would definitely support the idea that women can have a higher HR. 
It can vary a lot between individuals as well.  I used to attend spinning taught by a very well known tri coach/athlete, and there was a lady in the class whose HR was quite often above 200.  As an instructor myself, I would have been worried about her, but the coach teaching explained that it can vary so much between people and often it's good to just observe your heartrate at different exertion levels to get a feel for your own zones.

As you train you should begin to see that you can maintain the same pace at a lower heart rate.  My own example - when I'm just starting out after a layoff, I run a 9 min mile pace at about 160 bpm, then after a few months training I'm holding 9's at 140.  So I'd say keep sticking with the training, and I'd use a combo of heart rate and perceived exertion for now while you 'get to know' your own zones.

ps - One more thought - medicines can influence your heart rate too.  Caffiene and common cold medicines can raise your heart rate while beta blockers can lower it.

Very cool!  Seems like fitness comps would be so tough!  Far more intimidating than Ironman, imho

2010-01-12 1:34 PM
in reply to: #2572886


Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED
I am finally getting into the swing of things. I have been doing a spin class 2x a week and swimming 2x a week and this week I am adding in running. Did 4 miles this morning. I have 3 races scheduled so far. A sprint tri, a half marathon and an Olympic I would like to find a few more to do.
2010-01-14 6:22 AM
in reply to: #2572886

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Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED
Things have been good this week - hit it every day.  Swim, Bike, and run three times a week for all of them - alternate days but starting to put my swim and bike/spin back to back so that as soon as I get out of the pool, run, change clothes and head right into spin class (usually only about a 10 minute break in between).  Doing this twice a week as it works good for the class schedule at the gym.  I love the early morning workouts.  I'm there when the gym opens at 5 am - get in my swim and bike and going to work.  Running at home on the treadmill.  I've noticed that my running mileage is creeping up.  Hit 4.75 miles this morning without being winded and no heart pounding.  My treadmill times always are off.  It takes me around 34 minutes on the treadmill to do a 5K (of course, that does include warm-up) but my 5k times outside are around 26-27 minutes - around a 8.4 mile pace.  Why such a big difference?  Maybe I am not pushing myself enough on the treadmill or - I do notice that my strides seem to be limited on the treadmill whereas I feel I can really lengthen out when I run on the road.  (Listen to me - I'm short and talking about "lengthening" like I am some gazelle or whatever!  Oi-vey!)  Anyway - I am on the goal for 500 running miles in 2010!  Never used a heart rate monitor or timing.  SPin class does get my heart rate going faster than anything and - to be honest - I always ask myself "what do I think I am doing here?" and am hating myself at the 15-minute mark.  But always feel good when class is over knowing that I did it.  Cycling will be my worst event although the new instructor really helped me yesterday in talking about cycling being more about visualization.  As a task girl - that is hard for me but maybe it will help my cycling state-of mind.

Races this year - scheduled for one sprint tri and one 10k.  May also try to fit in two more 5ks just to keep me motivated.  I am leary about scheduling another tri this summer until I see how I do on this one - what if I crash and burn?  Should I even worry about over-extending myself in that way?  What's a good starting pace?  I am new to the whole "athlete" thing - but I am on board and could use some good advice from someone who has walked this path before...
2010-01-16 6:29 AM
in reply to: #2572886

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Southwest Florida
Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED
I wish I could say I did everything I was supposed to do this week... 

I did get my runs in as that is what I most worry about and I'm determined to do my 500 miles.  I'm really glad I set that goal because I know I would be slacking terribly without it.  I would have done my swimming but my daughter tattooed me a week ago and chlorine is not good for tattoos.  Anyway I'll be back in the pool Monday morning right after my run.  I did, however add an extra core strengthening to my week.  I'll get everything in this week!

MaryP - I can't say I'm short but I do understand the "lengthening" your talking about.  I purposely go slower on the treadmill than I know I can outside.  I realized this last year for my 5k.  For me it works out well since I really don't know of any trails to run on close by and I don't like to run on asphalt any more than needed.  I will say I like knowing all the details from the treadmill, whereas just running outside I haven't learned how to figure out how fast I'm going.  I know this isn't difficult to do - I just haven't tried.

Mary U

2010-01-16 6:41 AM
in reply to: #2572886

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Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED
MaryU - Congratulations on getting in your runs!  Life is busy and definitely too busy to spend time beating up on ourselves for all of the stuff that we didn't get done.  I think the point should be that you did something which is wayyyyy better than nothing.  So GOOD JOB!  I got in over 13 miles running this week and completed all the workouts that I wanted to get in  (81 bike miles, 2100 swim yards, two strength workouts and a yoga class).  ALthough - I will say that it took a lot of focus to stay on the path - and with my work schedule - I may not be able to keep up that kind of pace every week.  But again - something is better than nothing - and you just get back on the horse the next week.  YOU can do it!!!

I used to think that if I wasn't running outside, then I wasn't really running - you know - like maybe the treadmill was a "sissy" workout (!! - what????)  But - I decided that functional knees at 50, 60, 70, etc... were more important than my pride on treadmill training.  I'll just keep increasing my pace on the treadmill, knowing that once I get outside, my timing will be better.  Save those knees! 

Hope everyone has a good day!!!
2010-01-18 11:11 AM
in reply to: #2609984

Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED
Hey Emilie -

Good for you getting the training done!  Sounds like your 2010 schedule is shaping up
2010-01-18 11:17 AM
in reply to: #2617031

Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED
MaryU -

No worries about a few missed workouts this time of year - always just keep in mind that it's the cumulative effect, and quite frankly, better to miss a few now than when you're in focused race prep. 

In fun stuff - I'm very curious about your new tattoo - what did you get?

Running outside - I'm a horrible judge of pace outside, because my pace varies tremendously on different types of terrain.  A couple months ago I finally broke down and got a Garmin.  It's the bigger, older one and was about $135, but it's been a great tool for my outdoor run training.   I now know exactly how fast I'm going and exactly how far I've gone.  As it turns out, I may have been a bit, um...generous on some of my distance estimates in the past....*blushes*  But now this thing keeps me honest! 
2010-01-18 11:21 AM
in reply to: #2617035

Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED
MaryP  -

Treadmill for sissies?!  No way.  It's every bit as tough as running outside.  Even harder if there's nothing good on tv

Sounds like you're off to a great start with your training.  I understand your concern about scheduling too much and worrying about burnout.  It's a tough balance.  Personally I really enjoy the races and they keep me focused & moving forward in my training.  On the flip side, I have found that it's really tough if I schedule something too close after my 'A' priority races.  Mentally, I'm not usually ready to race again for about 3-4 weeks.  Of course, that's just me and YMMV, but you might just keep that in mind to be sure to schedule in some breaks after the big stuff.  HTH!
2010-01-18 11:30 AM
in reply to: #2572886

Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED
Hey gang -

New week, new goals!! 

Sorry if I've been a bit MIA, but I'm going to make a confession here.  As much as I tried to 'will' it away, I've got a pretty miserable sinus infection.  Starting up my second round of antibiotics today.  Technically I'm cleared to exercise, but it's definitely been affecting my energy levels and as a result, many missed workouts last week. 

However, as I mentioned above, I'm just trying to remind myself that this time of year is more of a marathon than a sprint (uh, no pun intended)  While I might have gotten a little bit off track, I just need to keep the track in sight and work my way back there. 

Taught a BodyPump class at the gym on Thursday night, which I have not taught in many years.  One word - OUCH!  In a good way   My hamstrings are still sore today.  Yes, really.   Which brings me to my proposed topic of the week - strength training.

Doing BodyPump reminded me that strength training is really good for me.  And for me goals - weight loss + tri performance - it's an important component. goal for the week is to get in 2 strength sessions in this week (working up to 3x/week) instead of my usual 1.

Have you incorporated any strength training into your training plan?  Is it impacting your swim/bike/run training - good or bad (ie - too sore for running, etc?)

2010-01-20 7:36 PM
in reply to: #2572886

New user
Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED
Just starting my strength training after the comments on this site as well as from a friend who is a body builder (He's got less than 3% body fat so I think he knows what he is doing).  He's got me a full routine for a three-day a week strength plan - 30-40 minutes each day targeting a different area of the body.  This is definitely an area that I am weak in but am looking forward to incorporating it into my routine.  I keep visualizing myself with those cut Angela Bassett arms and thinking "Wouldn't that be sweet?"  Maybe then I would get that tattoo across my shoulder blade!

Personal best this morning - 600 yards in 14 minutes!!!  And then - to ensure that my head didn't get too large - I immediately headed into spin class only to get my rear end kicked via full sprints and hills in position three for the next 45 minutes.  Urgh - sore for the rest of the day and eager to get into bed tonight.

I realized this week just how much of a work-aholic I am.  Things are super busy - as they always are - and I keep thinking about skipping my workouts so I can keep working.  And then I catch myself thinking - I am training and doing this triathlon so I can live more and do something for me - and here I am compromising it for another three or four more hours (on top of the already 60) that I can work.  This training process has done a lot for my mental state probably more so than my physical state (although I can feel myself getting stronger).  I feel like I can think clearer than I have been able to in years.  Emily - you asked about Mary U's tattoo - when I decided to do this tri - I got a tattoo in Chinese symbols that said "Let go and Live" - this is one way that I can prove to myself that I can live and I don't plan on giving it up.

On track for 500 in 2010!!!
2010-01-21 4:58 AM
in reply to: #2572886

New user
Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED
Personal best this morning on the treadmill - 5k in 33 minutes which would translate to my outside speed around 25 minutes.  YES!!!  Speed and sprints this morning.
2010-01-21 1:57 PM
in reply to: #2572886


Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED
I can't believe it's January 21st and I'm just now feeling like I'm getting back into the swing of "training".  I feel like such a slug.  My schedule seems to have changed and I'm about to change my workout routine, to "shake things up a bit".  It really sucks when there is no school and the local YMCA doesn't alter their child programs to accomodate the children that need supervision while their parents maintain their training schedule!!  Before the christmas holiday I lost 20lbs, but now I've gained back 9lbs.  At the moment, I want to lose about 60 more lbs.  Running will be my worse event.  I'm in the same boat as another member here that I just can't maintain my breathing while "running".  I feel like my heart is going to pound right out of my chest and I'm going to hack up a lung.  sigh, I'll keep at it and look into a running clinic in my area.

I've looked at a few race schedules and there are none in my area and I'll have to travel at least 3 hours or more just to get to a race.  I've never done a tri before and I'm a bit intimidated and overwhelmed with the whole transition area and reading posts of people being bullied on the course (I know that's probably not the norm).

Anyway, I feel fortunate to be included in this group.  I will be doing better on my training.

Until later,
Basia "talked-into-it"
2010-01-21 10:09 PM
in reply to: #2625716

Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED
Awesome Mary - 2 PBs in 2 days! 
2010-01-21 10:19 PM
in reply to: #2626969

Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED
Hey Basia -

I think it's really normal to have a tough time getting going this time of year - you definitely shouldn't feel like a slug!   As far as the running - have you looked into a run/walk program, such as Couch to 5k or Jeff Galloway?  I know loads of people who've had success with this type of approach. 

Triathlon can be very overwhelming at first, for sure, but I can't honestly say I've never had problems with other people on the course.  Most folks are very helpful.  I'm sure it's different at the front of the pack where guys are battling for podium spots, but overall I find triathletes super friendly, even during the actual races. 

A couple of options you might consider for races would be an 'indoor tri' event.  My YMCA does one every year where you work to complete the distances over 1 month.  They have different levels - 'Olympic', 'Iron' and one other one I'm forgetting.  It's not an actual race, but it's a fun challenge. 

Also, you might really like the women's only sprints, such as Tri for the Cure, Danskin and Iron Girl series if there's one in your area.  They are definitely geared towarded first timers and a great place to start.  

Another option would be to consider doing an event with only 2 of the 3 sports first, like a Splash & Dash (swim + run), Aquabike (swim + bike) or a duathlon (bike + run).  Good practice and fewer transitions to worry about

2010-01-27 1:52 PM
in reply to: #2572886

New user

Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED
Hey everyone,
Wow, what happened to our group? It was so big in the beginning and everyone has kind of checked out? I'm still focused though.  I'm kind of bummed that I've been working out like a crazy women for almost a full month and only lost 3 pounds Yell  But, alas I have resigned myself to bigger goals than weight loss.  I'm looking at the weight loss as a bonus of all the excercise, otherwise I'll get bummed and quite.  Not doing that!! 

I'm swimming and running 3 days a week, and biking 3 days a week.  And now I'm taking tri-training classes which are really cool!  The classes cover everything a newbie like me doesn't know.  Definitely what I need!  I have 3 races on the books so far.  Snake river sprint in April. Swimming is indoors.  Then I have one in June and one in July.  My husband was pretty hesitate about the April date? Wanted to know if I'd be ready?  I told him "It may not be pretty, but I'll finish!"  Nothing like a looming date to keep you on your training plan!!!  So I'm curious what everyone else is doing or feeling?  Is everyone else still on their training plan?  Mary P.  I'm curious about your weight training plan.  I don't have one?
2010-01-27 2:03 PM
in reply to: #2572886

New user

Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED

Sorry about all the spelling errors? Yikes! probably should have proof read that before I sent it.  Multi-tasking will get us in trouble every time Laughing.
2010-01-27 5:28 PM
in reply to: #2572886

New user
Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED
He has me working different areas at least three days a week with a day 4 option.  He has me started with A LOT of reps and little weight.  He wants to focus on getting in the reps most of all, especially for toning and then begin to add the weight little by little to increase my strength.  Here is my agenda:

Chest and Back:
Pec Deck or cable flys - 3 x 20
Incline chest press with dumbbells - 3 x 20
Flat bench press (bar / dumbbell) - 3 x 20
Cable Crossovers - 3 x 20
Barbell dead lifts - 4 x 12
Lat pulldowns - 4 x 15
Seated cable rows - 3 x 20

Arms & Shoulders:
Side laterals (cable / dumbbell) - 3 x 20
Seated military press (bar / dumbbell) - 4 x 15
Upright rows - 3 x 15
Shoulder Shrugs - 3 x 15
Barbell curls - 3 x 15
Alternate incline dumbbell curls - 3 x 12
Concentration curls (cable/dumbbell) - 3 x 20
Tricep pushdowns V-bar/rope - 3 x 15
Dips - 3 x 12
Tricep kickbacks (cable / dumbbell) - 3 x 20

Leg extensions - 3 x 20
Bar squat / back squat - 3 x 15
Leg press feet high or on platform - 3 x 20
Walking Lunges holding dumbbells - 3 x 15 steps
Lying leg curls - 3 x 15
Stiff Leg dead lifts - 3 x 15

Every Other Day:  Abs and Calves:
Hanging leg raises - 3 x as many as possible
Side crunches or roman chair - 3 x 15-20
Rope crunches - 3 x 15
Legs on Bench crunches - 3 x 20
Standing calf raise - 3 x 25
Calf raise on Leg Press - 3 x 25
Seated calf raise - 3 x 25

WHEW!!!  There you have it!

2010-01-27 5:30 PM
in reply to: #2572886

New user
Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED
Goal for January Totals: 

50 miles run
6000 yards swim
300 miles bike

Only 4 more days!!!
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