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2009-12-22 11:07 AM


Subject: starting up my training again, need advice.
ok so I havn't been able to train for lets say... less then 3 weeks... maybe like 2 and a half. I have been feeling 100% good for 4 solid days.

Time to get back into the game!! Now I don't want to go to hard... but I have trouble telling what is to hard! Before I was normally running for a n hour outdoors and occasionally on the tredmill with weights... so... would the tremil be ok  for lets say half an hour or should i do more or less than that?

For swimming I had been usually doing things for streching and lesiure, no real back to back laps that I kept track of but was planning on starting working my way up to 1km without stopping at a easy speed.

The swimming and running I usually do in the same day along with resistance training but sometimes leaving resistance training out. 

and the cycle fit class I have not gotten into (damn getting sick) I planned before to hit it 3X a week so I may do once a week to start off with... what do you guys think?

Would it be too much if I did like 30min on the tread easy swim at 1k and some mild intensity resistance training to start?

2009-12-22 11:23 AM
in reply to: #2573201

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: starting up my training again, need advice.
WOW. That was hard to understand... sorry.

With regards to your running questions... it's not about where you run (outside/treadmill) it's how MUCH you are running. You should only increase your overall weekly mileage by 10% per week. This is so you can stay injury free. So think about that and see how your running workouts/distances fit into that.

What are your goals for 2010?

Base you training on those goals. This is the off season... is there is a weak area you want to focus on? Or just focus on all of it?

I would suggest that you sit down and look at some goals or races for 2010 and work on it from there with a training plan.

I know for me, in the off season, I am focusing on running half marathons and weight training. I have a half mary training plan I am following and I do weights on my days off from running. I throw swimming and cycling in where it fits. If it does at all.

2009-12-22 11:29 AM
in reply to: #2573201


Subject: RE: starting up my training again, need advice.
Tomboy - 2009-12-22 11:07 AMWould it be too much if I did like 30min on the tread easy swim at 1k and some mild intensity resistance training to start?
is my main question. To help everyone answer I told them what I was doing before.My goal is to get back to my old level asap and to improve more from there on. I already have a few marathons in mind and am registered for The ride to conquer cancer.
2009-12-22 11:37 AM
in reply to: #2573284

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: starting up my training again, need advice.

I'm not an expert, but I think that starting out with the half hour on the treadmill in addition to swimming is a good idea.  Keep it in mind to go "easy", and while you running that means able to hold a conversation without gasping.  

Just as importantly, see how you feel after your workout.  If you aren't too wiped out, then you did the right thing.  Maybe try something every other day until you see how you feel?  I don't think it would hurt to try the cycling class too - just not everything in one day   Good luck!

2009-12-23 10:41 AM
in reply to: #2573201


Subject: RE: starting up my training again, need advice.
thanks for the great advice although I may have to wait again...because OF COURSE last night my throat started to tighten up a bit with a dull ache... it's gone again... and I booked another appointment. I'm debating weather I should just get my tonsils removed!! ARRRG.
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