General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Wife said she would leave me if I shave my legs!!!!! Rss Feed  
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2010-02-26 10:24 PM
in reply to: #2696257

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over a barrier
Subject: RE: Wife said she would leave me if I shave my legs!!!!!
Its easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.....

2010-02-26 10:48 PM
in reply to: #2696257

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Twin Cities
Subject: RE: Wife said she would leave me if I shave my legs!!!!!
Yay for Mrs. jndlpr!

My husband toyed with the idea for about five minutes one year. I told him he would be very lonely until his legs returned to their normal hirsute state. 
2010-02-27 7:08 AM
in reply to: #2696257

Subject: RE: Wife said she would leave me if I shave my legs!!!!!

So, how quickly did you shave?!

2010-02-27 7:08 AM
in reply to: #2696552

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Subject: RE: Wife said she would leave me if I shave my legs!!!!!

tcovert - 2010-02-26 10:20 PM
TriMyBest - 2010-02-26 7:10 PM

Why do you want to shave your legs?  Because you think it'll make you faster?  Because you don't want hair scraps in your road rash?  Because you think you'll like the way it feels?  Smile

Despite all the arguments everyone makes for shaving, the only slightly marginally practical reason for triathletes and cyclists to do it is because road rash is supposed to heal a little better if you're shaved (And I have to ask myself, just how often are these people crashing?!).  The real reason people do it is just because it's part of the triathlon/cycling culture.  In other words, "But, Mom!  All the other kids are doing it!"  Laughing

^^^  FTW.

Never shaved.  No interest in doing so.  Probably have more podium finishes than a lot of guys who do.

And apparently I must crash a lot less...

That being said, though, if it was something I actually felt strongly about doing--as opposed to something to do cuz the all the cool kids are doing it--and my wife played that card, it wouldn't go over very well with me, to say the least.


I agree 100% X 1,000,000
Somewhat suprised at the amount of people who are telling you to do it anyway.... It is your marriage do what you want and while her saying she would leave at something silly apparently it is important to her and that should make it important to you; no matter if everyone else thinks it is silly.

I think I shaved my legs the first year because I thought "all the cool kids" are doing it... THen I realized, you can podium with hairy legs and I have not wrecked in forever so really what is the point....

and BTW Andy Potts does not shave his legs... He thinks it is silly and said he had enough of that in college swimming.

That is fine that everyone else wants to do it but I dont think it is a reason to your wife off over...

you know what they say, if momma aint happy, no one is happy...

2010-02-27 8:39 AM
in reply to: #2696257

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Wife said she would leave me if I shave my legs!!!!!
I don't think I'm going to be joining the shaved legs crew.  This year I've bought and aero helmet, will have race wheels before my season starts (both things I didn't think I'd have), but I don't think shaving the legs is the cards.  My girlfriend is totally against it, but mainly I just don't feel the need to.  However, for those who do, more power to you!
2010-02-27 8:42 AM
in reply to: #2696779

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NOVA - Ironic for an Endurance Athlete
Subject: RE: Wife said she would leave me if I shave my legs!!!!!
There is no scientific or logical reason to shave your legs.  Look it up.

One word against it .... stubble.

Edited by pga_mike 2010-02-27 8:53 AM

2010-02-27 8:47 AM
in reply to: #2696257

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Subject: RE: Wife said she would leave me if I shave my legs!!!!!
I wouldn't leave my husband as I am sure your wife wouldn't leave you.  However, I would be VERY unhappy and my husband knows this.

As a happily married couple we do our best not to each other off on purpose and he is a smart man so he won't be shaving his legs anytime soon.

2010-02-27 8:54 AM
in reply to: #2696257

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: Wife said she would leave me if I shave my legs!!!!!
If you want to shave your legs...tell her that you will miss her.
2010-02-27 9:34 AM
in reply to: #2696257

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Wife said she would leave me if I shave my legs!!!!!
Regardless of what anyone says, the real reason men shave their legs is to show the muscular definition, to be more attractive. If the person you are trying to attract hates it, there is really no point, is there?
2010-02-27 9:36 AM
in reply to: #2696257

Subject: RE: Wife said she would leave me if I shave my legs!!!!!
have a hard time believing your wife is serious. seems like you need to concentrate more on marriage counseling than shaving your legs.
2010-02-27 10:00 AM
in reply to: #2696470

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Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: Wife said she would leave me if I shave my legs!!!!!

TriMyBest - 2010-02-26 9:10 PM

Why do you want to shave your legs?  Because you think it'll make you faster?  Because you don't want hair scraps in your road rash?  Because you think you'll like the way it feels?  Smile

Despite all the arguments everyone makes for shaving, the only slightly marginally practical reason for triathletes and cyclists to do it is because road rash is supposed to heal a little better if you're shaved (And I have to ask myself, just how often are these people crashing?!).  The real reason people do it is just because it's part of the triathlon/cycling culture.  In other words, "But, Mom!  All the other kids are doing it!"  Laughing

Preach on shaggy legged brothers!  Its ridonkulous to me that folks see this as some kind of rite of passage as an endurance athlete.  Can you really give one valid reason why you want to do it that justifies your wifes ire about it?  I mean, in the end its your hair to manscape but i dont think too many women that arent familiar with the cycling and tri scene would think 'hey thats a great idea' vs 

2010-02-27 10:40 AM
in reply to: #2696257

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Wife said she would leave me if I shave my legs!!!!!
*shrug* I haven't shaved my legs since last year. Then again, I'm practically hairless.

I don't see what the big deal is about it, either for her to insist you don't, or for you to insist you do.

And if it really is that big a deal, someone's got a much bigger problem than leg hair.
2010-02-27 10:40 AM
in reply to: #2696257

Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Wife said she would leave me if I shave my legs!!!!!
Men shaving their legs, women smoking cigars and drinking beer on the hockey ice. Everything is upside down. Soon dogs and cats will get along. Wait they already do, at my house.
2010-02-27 11:03 AM
in reply to: #2696705

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Wife said she would leave me if I shave my legs!!!!!
trigods - 2010-02-27 7:08 AM

 if momma aint happy, no one is happy...

2010-02-27 11:58 AM
in reply to: #2696257

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Subject: RE: Wife said she would leave me if I shave my legs!!!!!
Sooo, how would you feel if your wife DIDN'T shave her legs?
2010-02-27 12:19 PM
in reply to: #2696257

Subject: RE: Wife said she would leave me if I shave my legs!!!!!

My husband said he'd leave me if I didn't START shaving (more often)!
Hey, it's winter and I shower at the gym every morning with a 30 min time frame from end of workout to having to be at work The weekends? IMO, weekends are no excuse to shower!


2010-02-27 1:44 PM
in reply to: #2696257

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Wife said she would leave me if I shave my legs!!!!!

What's her number? 

I'm kidding man, sounds like she's a little shallow, maybe jealous over how smooth yours might be vs hers.  Women are funny creatures, there is no way to ever figure them out and if you get close to doing so an alarm goes off at the Women's World HQ and they change the playbook.  Guess that's how they keep our interest!

Go ahead, shave em, use her razor also.  Should make for great make up s^*.


2010-02-27 2:37 PM
in reply to: #2696257

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Falls Church, VA
Subject: RE: Wife said she would leave me if I shave my legs!!!!!
You're a man... bask in your glory of hairy leggedness. 

and yes.. Happy wife = Happy life. 
2010-02-27 2:38 PM
in reply to: #2696257

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Subject: RE: Wife said she would leave me if I shave my legs!!!!!
jndlpr - 2010-02-26 7:04 PM Tell me thats not insane!!!!!! Anybody else ever have anything like this happen?

She knows what she wants.  What's the problem? 

FWIW, I don't shave my legs because I don't see the point in doing so.  I've read all the arguments from those in favor of doing it and determined that it's just not for me. 
2010-02-27 4:51 PM
in reply to: #2696257

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Wife said she would leave me if I shave my legs!!!!!
There IS actually a reason to do it.  I tape several areas on my legs.  Left knee and the inside of my right shin.  If you only shave certain parts to tape them, it is really scary looking, especially if you have dark hairy legs.

And may I ask why people have to constantly change what they want to do for someone else?  Compromise is different.  I would never be with someone that demands me to do things of such small significance.  No, I'm not trying to make this arguement about large life decisions.  If I want to wear my red hat, then goddamnit, I'm going to do it.  Nor would I tell my girlfriend that if she didn't want to shave her legs that I would leave her.  Yeah, I may think it's not as attractive, but it's her body, not mine.
2010-02-27 7:25 PM
in reply to: #2696257

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Subject: RE: Wife said she would leave me if I shave my legs!!!!!
Tell her that Seinfeld episode just isn't true...

I bet she'll change her mind the first time she sees your hairless calf muscles. Yum... And if she doesn't, then who cares? It's just hair and (un)fortunately grows back.

2010-02-28 8:57 AM
in reply to: #2696257

Subject: RE: Wife said she would leave me if I shave my legs!!!!!
I am just curious. Has anyone who was somewhat hairy shaved for awhile and then later let it grow back. I am wondering how long you itched before it stopped. :-)
2010-02-28 1:23 PM
in reply to: #2696257

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Ardmore, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Wife said she would leave me if I shave my legs!!!!!
i never thought i'd date a guy who shaved his legs- ick!
but my lover now steals my expensive razor blades - he's never had hair on his legs as long as I've known him.  sometimes i get jealous of his silky smooth legs! 
and I still can't keep up with him on the bike, he's way tougher than I am so I've got no business complaining about anything!

i find that becoming a triathlete forces really good relationship changes in a lot of us!  out with the old, in with the smooooooooooooth

2010-02-28 1:41 PM
in reply to: #2696257

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Subject: RE: Wife said she would leave me if I shave my legs!!!!!
Just take it off
I had some weird looks from the rest of my clan, but that was 2 years ago, now its just the way dad does it.
make sure you buy her BRIGHT hair dye....she will get over it
2010-03-01 3:12 AM
in reply to: #2696257

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The Whites, New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Wife said she would leave me if I shave my legs!!!!!
As someone who has had *ahem* up close contact with women with shaved legs, I gotta say, it's niiiiiiice. Seriously, your wife may just find out that she really likes it, especially when you are both freshly shaved.

That said, I would say this warrants a convo. First question would be to ask what the real issue is here. Is she worried about you going in way to deep with the tri thing and is threatened by the time and energy it takes? That happens with a new hobby, you both need to work to make it okay. Is she worried about you getting "feminized" and not being "manly" because you aren't doing a contact sport or something more traditional and now you want to start messing with the basics of masculine hygiene? Again, that can happen with something new. Is she just worried about you doing something new, was it a knee-jerk reaction without much thought, did she actually mean it or was she a bit worried and meant to pull off a joke but came across a little too seriously? Honestly, get to the bottom of the comment.

Second thing would be to point out that hair does, in fact, grow back. I can see her getting pretty rip- over, say, a tattoo (though, again, what are the reasons behind being mad) because it is permanent. Shaved legs? Seriously, she'd only have to deal with it at most for three weeks-ish, depending on your hair-growing speed. If that is TRULY worth laying down such a statement, then yes, you need to either have some seriously tough discussions or see this as her way of getting out and understand it had nothing to do with leg hair.

But really, I'm serious. Physical contact takes on whole new worlds of yum with mutual shaved-ness. Innocent

I had hair down to my waist for my entire adult life. My mother once told me that I could cut it, that was fine, I didn't need to come home again. My spouse told me that she would be very upset if I cut it. I adored my super long hair, and it was a big part of my look and my personality. In a lot of ways, it defined me physically. People don't forget the 5'11" chick with 3' long red hair. I always kinda chafed under the idea that other people cared enough about my hair to have strong feelings, but since I liked it, I went with it. About a year ago, I chopped it off, way short, and I adore it. Love it, love it, love it. I don't intend to go back to long hair for a VERY long time. I shocked some of those same people, but then they realized that a) I was really happy with it short and wore it well, and b) I'm still me. They got over it, and now most of them like it, too. Who knows what'll happen with your wife, but eventually, this stuff passes. Ultimatums, not as much.
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