General Discussion Triathlon Talk » A TIP FROM EMILIO:  Swimming in Cold Water?  Try Emilio's Neoprene Swim Cap Sandwich Rss Feed  
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2010-04-27 3:44 PM

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Sunny San Diego
Subject: A TIP FROM EMILIO:  Swimming in Cold Water?  Try Emilio's Neoprene Swim Cap Sandwich
There are two types of people in the world...those who are always cold, and those who know that keeping your head warm will keep your body warm.  It has been said that 80% of your body heat is lost through your head.

Emilio's Neoprene Cap Sandwich

Ingredients: 1 Neoprene Swim Cap, 2 latex (or silicone) swim caps.

1.  Put on the first latex swim cap.  Make sure it covers your temples and forehead.
2.  Put on the Neoprene Swim cap over the first latex swim cap.  Again and more importantly, make sure it covers your temples and forehead and that it sits just above your eyebrows as shown in the photo.  This will eliminate "Brain Freeze", or "Ice Cream Headache."
3.  Finally put on the last latex cap.  Make sure it covers the front and back of the Neoprene Cap.

If done properly, your hair will most likely be dry when you exit the water, but more importantly, your head, and your body will stay warm...and your fingers will actually work!

I have done Alcatraz over a dozen times (twice without a wetsuit).  I have raced in the Puget Sound, the English Bay in Vancouver, and in the Milford Sound on the New Zealand's South Island.  All are races where the water temperature was between 48 -54 degrees F (9 - 12 degrees C). Believe me it works!

2010-04-27 8:40 PM
in reply to: #2820692

Subject: RE: A TIP FROM EMILIO:  Swimming in Cold Water?  Try Emilio's Neoprene Swim Cap Sandwich
A cap can keep body heat in and allow a swimmer to swim in cold water sans wetsuit.

There are many options for cold water swim caps

see dry hair or feathers is the greatest insulator as well,

ask any duck!
2010-04-28 8:30 AM
in reply to: #2821323

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Sunny San Diego
Subject: RE: A TIP FROM EMILIO:  Swimming in Cold Water?  Try Emilio's Neoprene Swim Cap Sandwich
Yes, but the purpose of my TIP is to take the rubber swim cap to another level in terms of additional warmth.
2010-04-28 9:55 AM
in reply to: #2822029

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Chenequa WI
Subject: RE: A TIP FROM EMILIO:  Swimming in Cold Water?  Try Emilio's Neoprene Swim Cap Sandwich
This is great stuff, Emilio.  One race this summer is in Lake Michigan again this year and I've been looking for some solutions.
2010-04-28 10:21 AM
in reply to: #2820692

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: A TIP FROM EMILIO:  Swimming in Cold Water?  Try Emilio's Neoprene Swim Cap Sandwich
Emilio - 2010-04-27 3:44 PM

2.  Put on the Neoprene Swim cap over the first latex swim cap.  Again and more importantly, make sure it covers your temples and forehead and that it sits just above your eyebrows as shown in the photo.  This will eliminate "Brain Freeze", or "Ice Cream Headache."

Am I missing something?  The only photo I see is you wearing a bike helmet, and I'm NOT wearing that in the water!  Cool

2010-04-28 10:35 AM
in reply to: #2820692

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Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: A TIP FROM EMILIO:  Swimming in Cold Water?  Try Emilio's Neoprene Swim Cap Sandwich
I like your tip, but I have always hated that 80% of heat is lost through your head comment.

If you and I are naked and need to go out into a blizzard and there is one hat and one full body snowsuit, I will gladly make the sacrifice of only saving 20% of my body heat by taking the suit while I graciously give you the hat to protect your 80%.

My guess is that when you are bundled up to stay warm, if you don't also wear a hat then 80% of your heat is lost from your head.  In this case, wearing a wetsuit means you'll be in good shape for the majority of your body heat.

Will a neoprene cap or neoprene cap sammich help?? No doubt!  Like I said, not against your tip at all... but I hate that 80% thing!


2010-04-28 11:55 AM
in reply to: #2820692

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Calgary, AB
Silver member
Subject: RE: A TIP FROM EMILIO:  Swimming in Cold Water?  Try Emilio's Neoprene Swim Cap Sandwich
The "more heat lost through your head" is a wives tale. It's the square footage of exposed skin. However, the head still has a lot of surface area and keeping it warm is a good idea.

I often wear the latex then the neoprene hood overtop and that works well in 15C water. Fingers still get bloody cold though.
2012-06-06 11:10 AM
in reply to: #2820692

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Sunny San Diego
Subject: RE: A TIP FROM EMILIO:  Swimming in Cold Water?  Try Emilio's Neoprene Swim Cap Sandwich
With Alcatraz coming up soon, I thought I would rebump this tip. It works for all brands of caps.
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General Discussion Triathlon Talk » A TIP FROM EMILIO:  Swimming in Cold Water?  Try Emilio's Neoprene Swim Cap Sandwich Rss Feed