General Discussion Introduce Yourself!!! » Where is the Love? Rss Feed  
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2004-04-14 9:42 AM

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New user

Boston, MA
Subject: Where is the Love?
Lets start over....


My name is Andrew. I am new to this site. I first posted yesterday, but got zero, that's right, zero responses. It has left me a little hurt....haha.

Right now I set my goal at completing a 1/2 Ironman by the end of the season. I was wondering if anyone could tell me if this is at all possible. I can do the swim. The bike and run are where i need work.

This is where I am at right now. I can bike about 20 miles easily at a decent pace. I just bought a road bike, so, as it gets warmer here in Boston I will get out more.

My major problem is that I am only running about 3-4 miles twice a week right now. If i start to train now, will it be possible/sane to consider getting to be at the miles for the 1/2 Ironman??

Let me know if this is a bad Idea and I should wait for next year to get to this goal and stick with Sprints and Olympics this year...but, I THINK I CAN DO THIS!!

2004-04-14 9:46 AM
in reply to: #18334

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Elite Veteran
northern Illinois
Subject: RE: Where is the Love?
Can you do it? I don't know. I'm still training for my first tri. But there are people here who DO know, and I'm sure they will be very helpful. It seems to me, though, that if your mind is convinced that you can -and it seems like it is- then your body will come along for the ride.

In the meantime, welcome to the site. You'll have fun here,I'm sure.

2004-04-14 9:58 AM
in reply to: #18334

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Resident Matriarch
N 43° 32.927 W 071° 24.431
Subject: RE: Where is the Love?
hi Andrew, welcome to the site.  It's nothing personal that no one responded yesterday, it sounded more like a post about the team than it was about you.  There are already quite a few teams in your area, but I bet there's room for even more.  I'm on the Cape so none of them work for me. 

Which 1/2 IM are you thinking of doing?
2004-04-14 10:34 AM
in reply to: #18334

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: Where is the Love?

To build endurance on the run, you will need to do a "long run" once a week. That means long and SLOW! Maybe check out runner's world website for 1/2 marathon training to get an idea.

Good luck!
2004-04-14 11:47 AM
in reply to: #18334

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Gold member
Subject: RE: Where is the Love?

sure its doable...u can build up the run to about 120 minutes by july/august by just doing the 10%+ per week and a rest week a month....i think u even have time to hold your distances for a month.  although i have no 1/2 marathon experience...i am up to about 7 miles myself.  like u, i was planning on a 1/2 end of this year but in the conservative stance that i usually take and also to build a solid, deep base to finally stay injury free (a big goal of mine) for the rest of my carreer, i am just concentrating on getting a full season of olympics to develope an awesome base for 1/2's in 2005.

just a consideration though...u know u better than me.  i am sure plenty of people will do exactly what u are setting out to do with no problems.


2004-04-14 11:54 AM
in reply to: #18334

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New user

Boston, MA
Subject: Thanks for the welcome
Thanks for all the advice...I will take all of it into consideration and let you all know what I decide I want to do. Regardless, I know i have some people to turn to when I need answers.

Thanks for the Love...haha.

I'll be back to get some work done...all this talk about training is creating a lack of focus, at least on my job!!

2004-04-14 11:59 AM
in reply to: #18334

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Edited by Lara_SD 2004-04-14 12:00 PM
2004-04-14 12:21 PM
in reply to: #18334

Berkeley, CA
Subject: RE: Where is the Love?
Welcome Andrew--

Haven't been on the t-spot since sunday night (shocking!!!) so let me officially give you the love now...


As to the 1/2 IM, I'm training for one the first week of August.

Here's my base:

Swim--no problem
Bike--regularly bike 25-35 mile distances at race pace (have several Olys under my belt), frequently do longer rides for enjoyment... so slower pace, stop for short snack breaks, etc.
Run--Will do a 10 k if forced to against my will--but I'm sssssllllllooooooowwwww.

I have supreme confidence that I'll be set for August. I probably (oh, really??) won't qualify for Kona, but hey!! it'll be my personal best!

I figure that if I can do it, you can--as I'm carting around plenty of extra poundage (although perhaps some of it will shake loose by then!!).

Keep us posted.

love, love, love, love

2004-04-14 12:44 PM
in reply to: #18334

Subject: RE: Where is the Love?
I'll be doing my first 1/2 Iron at the Timberman in August in New Hampshire. I'll be 56 at the time of the event. This is my first season. If I can do it, you can do it! All it takes is dedication, training, and focusing on your goal. Welcome to the site.

2004-04-14 2:38 PM
in reply to: #18334

New user

Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Where is the Love?
I never realized the potential this website could have!!! Thanks again for all your words of encouragement and advice.

Till next time...

2004-04-14 5:10 PM
in reply to: #18334

Subject: RE: Where is the Love?
It is absolutely doable, but you will need to be consisent, persistent and flexible (and I don't mean limber, but that will help) Find a program, buy a book - buy two - and build a training schedule that you will and can stick to. By going slow and building endurance, you can definitely be race ready. Just don't push the training or you could injury yourself and dash all hope. Leave the pushing for a couple of speed workouts and the race. Good Luck!!!

2004-04-14 9:34 PM
in reply to: #18334

Elite Veteran
Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Where is the Love?
Sorry, and Welcome!!
2004-04-15 1:16 AM
in reply to: #18334

Central Louisiana
Subject: RE: Where is the Love?
Welcome to the T-Spot and it is within reach!
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