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2011-04-12 9:36 AM

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: tib/fib fracture w/IM rod
Well, I got hardware, but not the post-race kind Cool

Back in early June (2010) I was at roller derby practice and the bottom part of my right leg just decided to fall off.  Hah!  I was in the middle of a 180 degree turn and looked down to see my leg bow out like it had turned to rubber.  Totally a freak thing, I hadn't taken a hit or a fall, it just "went."  Anyway, the result was a spiral butterfly fracture of the tibia (distal 1/4) and a shattered fibula.  My ortho put Humpty Dumpty (that's me) back together again with an IM nail and 4 screws (2 at the top on the inside, below the knee, and 2 that interlock from the inside and the front down by the ankle).  I still have a pretty nice bone splinter near the bottom of the belly of the calf muscle, but according to my ortho, it's no big deal and if it's not causing pain (it's not), then it's probably surrounded by scar tissue and there's not much to be done with it.  I did have a bone stimulator for a little while for one of the fracture gaps (it wasn't healing after 3 months post-op, while the other areas were doing well) and it seemed to do the trick wrt healing time.  I have been cleared to do "whatever training (my) little heart desires" by my ortho.  So I'm registered for MCM in October, and I'm up to a nice SLOW (12 m/m) 5 mile "long" run with quicker (10:30 - 11 m/m *lol*) short runs through the week.  We'll see how training goes, I have a lot of time still and if I have to, I can always defer.

So does anyone else have a tib rod, and what's been your experience with it?  Healing time, training, etc.  Did you keep your hardware in?  My actual fracture site still feels bruised to touch it.  Which, I guess, is within the "normal" realm for this kind of break.  And man, do I HATE the front bottom screw! I can get it out in early June at the 1-year mark, if I want. 

And yeah, I'm retired from derby.  For now.  Innocent

2011-04-12 12:22 PM
in reply to: #3441992

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Falls Church, VA
Subject: RE: tib/fib fracture w/IM rod
Oh my goodness!  

 I have no advise to offer, just want to say good luck, and happy healing.

2011-04-12 8:02 PM
in reply to: #3441992

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: tib/fib fracture w/IM rod
Thank you!  Cool I'll take all the well-wishes I can get!
2011-04-13 8:46 AM
in reply to: #3441992

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: tib/fib fracture w/IM rod
Nobody else is in the Titanium Tibia Club with me?  Daaaang.  I guess I'll have to go play with the rodded femur kids.  (I hear they walk funny.) Wink

Even if I show you my cool x-ray?

busted tib
2011-04-13 8:53 AM
in reply to: #3441992

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: tib/fib fracture w/IM rod

(and I double-posted in my own thread.  Strong work, Max!)

Edited by maxpixie 2011-04-13 8:55 AM
2011-04-13 10:46 AM
in reply to: #3441992

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: tib/fib fracture w/IM rod
Sounds like pretty normal healing time.  The hardware can stay in if its not bothering you.  Sounds like one screw is.  get that out when you can.  Leave the rest alone because its a MUCH bigger surgery to get the whole thing out than one screw.  One screw is no biggie.  Go ahead and start training.  Ease into it.  Most likely it will not be 100% pain free but will improve over time.  The tibia is the second biggest bone in your body and it just takes a long tome to heal in an adult.  Goodluck

2011-04-13 3:34 PM
in reply to: #3441992

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Twin Cities
Subject: RE: tib/fib fracture w/IM rod

Can't help ya on the advice--I am a femur kid (although I have 7 inches of plate, but no rod...that sounds so dirty :p). But I can wish you well in your continued recovery!

(And I can totally emphasize with the hardware annoyance. I REALLY dislike my plate and screws. I mean, I like them for fixing the leg...YAY! hardware...but I DISLIKE the pain and irritation. BOO! annoyance from metal :p)

2011-04-14 12:55 AM
in reply to: #3441992

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: tib/fib fracture w/IM rod

I'm one of them rodded femur guys lol


Almost 6 months before I was walking without a cane and allowed to ease into work again now.

I hear you about those screws.  I have 2 screws just above my knee that are bugging the heck outta me!  They can't come out til MINIMUM a solid 2 years has passed. 

I can't run until 2 years has passed.  Break was in a bad spot so Avascular Necorsis ( bone death ) is quite a possibility, and if it starts to die and I"m running on it, bad news :p

Big chunk of the break on mine was taking it's sweet time healing too.  Doctor finally allowed be to full weight bear on the leg.  Took 3 weeks to finally ditch the cane, but it sure helped stimulate the bone growth, now there is a nice thick chunk of bone growth visible on the x-ray


You've had longer since your accident, but mine doesn't feel bruised, though sometimes sharp pain twisting etc.  The tightness o nthe side of the leg is probably the worst part of it all here.


Sounds like you're healing up well.  Good luck and keep us updated on your progress


2011-04-14 11:46 AM
in reply to: #3441992

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: tib/fib fracture w/IM rod
Hay y'all!  Thanks for stopping in!  Somehow I thought there'd be more of me, but I guess I need to go ski or cyclocross for tib/fib injuries right?  Actually, there are lots of us on the Injured Derby Girls forums, but nobody there is a runner!

That's cool, I'll take whatever Metal Friends I can get - maybe we should take turns predicting the weather with our enhanced bones?  Tongue out  People keep asking if it hurts more when the weather is rainy, and I honestly can't say because it's still achey and annoying *all the time*

I think I overdid it a little with my run Sunday, so I backed off a bit this week but I'm heading out now for a 3-miler.  I also have a little extra support using KT tape, which is suprisingly) pretty excellent.  I don't know how/if it would translate for you femur kids, but it pretty much rules to keep the swelling out of my ankle and for the fracture site soreness. 

dfquigley, 2 years until you can run, eh?  So are you growing gills for the pool in the meantime?? Cool

Keep on keepin' on, guys!!
2011-04-18 2:35 PM
in reply to: #3441992

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: tib/fib fracture w/IM rod
called the ortho's office today, chatted with his secretary-person for a while.  my file says screws can come out at 12-18 months, it's just over 10 months and I want them out NOW!!  Like, yesterday.  waiting to hear back.  please say yes please say yes please say yes Sealed
2011-04-18 3:24 PM
in reply to: #3453123

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Twin Cities
Subject: RE: tib/fib fracture w/IM rod

The irritation COULD get better in time--my ortho has been pretty adamant about giving mine the full time for that reason. And, truth be told, between say about 10 months and now, I HAVE had significant improvement in pain levels. The first few months when I started being active again, it was VERY painful.

I am at 15 months now, give or take, and while i still have pain and irritation, it's less than it was back in October or so. Enough that I am willing to wait until 24 months before deciding--whereas last fall/winter, I was SO not wanting to wait.

I don't know about yours, but for mine, a removal of all my hardware would be a lengthy recovery process another open surgery, weeks NWB/on crutches, and require cutting my IT band AGAIN, etc etc etc.  Six months or so ago, I would have said okay, but I'm starting to rethink it. :-)

So...just in CASE he says no, I'm just letting you know that it could very well get better in time. Really, seriously. Hang in there, either way!

2011-04-18 5:35 PM
in reply to: #3441992

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: tib/fib fracture w/IM rod
Thank you for the encouragement!  It is nice to hear "it gets better" and not even in the current-events context   I am kind of thinking he's going to say no (and he didn't call me back today, *whine*, ok, I'm over it!) since the 12-18 month milestone was indicated in my file and all, and he knows I'm a runner and he predicted that I would want them out.  Oh, those smarty-pants docs  

The screw removal *should* be easy, since it's just the two interlocking ones at the ankle.  There's very little soft tissue around either one, and he can go through the original incision sites which will give me two stitches apiece.  As long as the screws back out easily (i.e., no need to chip bony bits away, the screw head isn't stripped etc), I should only be off it for about 24 hours and back to running in a week.  The rod in the bone and the top 2 screws can stay right where they are.

I think it's much less of an ordeal than HWR when plates are involved.  Of course, being the Optimist that I am (Ha! Ha! Right!) I'm sure something will be "unusual" about my surgery, which is why I'd rather do it sooner than later - if I have to be off my feet for some wacky reason for longer than what he's quoting me, I want a nice buffer for it so my training for MCM doesn't totally fall apart. Sealed

So many "ifs"!

Edited by maxpixie 2011-04-18 5:37 PM
2011-04-30 6:22 PM
in reply to: #3441992

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Extreme Veteran
Westchester, NY
Subject: RE: tib/fib fracture w/IM rod
I have this same exact tibial nail.
I was playing softball and some decided to slide into my leg. 5 breaks in the 2 bones. snapped like a twig.
the recovery was what got me into mutli-sports.
the only thing i've noticed - 9 years on now - is that my leg doesnt quite "bend" the way my "good leg" does when I run.
The number of muscle injuries I get on the "magic leg" are/were numerous. Calf pulls, knee issues, hamstring and groin pulls. Now, I have PF in the foot. Its been a calamity that was overcome with excessive amounts of stretching and ice. Lots of massage and more stretching and more ice.
I have come to the realization that I will never be a "normal" runner and the gnawing pain that those screws at my ankle are just a part of life.
2011-05-02 9:06 AM
in reply to: #3441992

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: tib/fib fracture w/IM rod
Thanks for sharing, lou!  It's good to hear from someone who's got the same deal.  I also forgot to come in and update - my ortho did call me back, and said that he wanted to see x-rays again before he'd consider the HWR (removing the two ankle screws), to make sure everything was healing properly.  So I went in and did that, and explained the ankle pain I was having, etc.  Turns out, everything is healing REALLY well still and my ankle pain is not being caused by anything that's obvious from the x-rays (ie., no additional fractures, no broken screws).  So they are coming out May 20th!  I also discovered what you've come to learn, lou - that I'm going to need a LOT of stretching, ice & massage.  Something my ortho said about the pain possibly being "mechanical" in origin led me back to my old Trigger Point therapy book - even though I've been foam rollering for tight calves & hams, I missed several AMAZING trigger points in my lower leg muscles.  oooooooh man, what a game-changer!  The night after my x-rays, I was able to rub out (TWSS! lol) about 60% of my ankle pain!  Of course, it's temporary, because the minute I get back from a run, they return, but I think if I hit 'em hard enough, I'll be able to keep training. 

Also he doesn't discount the idea that the screw ends (front or back) could be rubbing on fascia & muscles/tendons which would cause irritation and swelling.  So that's why the screws are still coming out. 

progress!! Cool
2011-05-02 9:49 AM
in reply to: #3477204

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Twin Cities
Subject: RE: tib/fib fracture w/IM rod
The screw ends are what kills me. I have a discomfort and loss of ROM where the IT band,muscle scars snap over the plate, but it never hurts, per se. But 4-5 (so half) of my screw ends poke through, and that's what actually hurts. It's not DAMAGING anything, but it is uncomfrtable. But since it's more than one or two, to remove them, they'd all have to go, along with the plate. Grr.
2011-05-03 10:34 AM
in reply to: #3441992

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: tib/fib fracture w/IM rod
Ugh.  Yeah, I can see how you'd be feeling those, right along your IT band and all.  What a PITA.  And I can totally understand why you wouldn't want to go under the knife AGAIN to ge the hardware out.  Although they do say that HWR is an easier surgery than when they put it in... yours is just in a tough place.  I'm not looking forward to being on crutches for a week, I was really hoping I'd never have to see them again!! (well, except when I do laundry, because they're stashed behind the dryer) Cool

I forgot how annoying trigger point therapy is.  Nothing like giving yourself bruises!  But it feels soooooo good to run!!  I also got 'Rx'ed' (in air quotes because anyone can buy one and insurance doesn't cover it so what's the point of an Rx?) for a cold therapy unit, so I'm stalking them like mad on eBay.  Oh haaaaaalz no, I'm not paying $150 for an igloo lunch cooler with a tube and a pump!!  Used is just fine! 

2011-05-04 3:39 PM
in reply to: #3479655

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: tib/fib fracture w/IM rod
maxpixie - 2011-05-03 11:34 AM Ugh.  Yeah, I can see how you'd be feeling those, right along your IT band and all.  What a PITA.  And I can totally understand why you wouldn't want to go under the knife AGAIN to ge the hardware out.  Although they do say that HWR is an easier surgery than when they put it in... yours is just in a tough place.  I'm not looking forward to being on crutches for a week, I was really hoping I'd never have to see them again!! (well, except when I do laundry, because they're stashed behind the dryer) Cool

I forgot how annoying trigger point therapy is.  Nothing like giving yourself bruises!  But it feels soooooo good to run!!  I also got 'Rx'ed' (in air quotes because anyone can buy one and insurance doesn't cover it so what's the point of an Rx?) for a cold therapy unit, so I'm stalking them like mad on eBay.  Oh haaaaaalz no, I'm not paying $150 for an igloo lunch cooler with a tube and a pump!!  Used is just fine! 
  those things are the best things since sliced bread.  Seriously you will love it.  If you can get one on ebay more power to you!!
2011-05-04 3:49 PM
in reply to: #3479655

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Twin Cities
Subject: RE: tib/fib fracture w/IM rod
Yeah, the NWB thing is what is hanging me up. Since mine would be 9 screws and the plate that would have to come out (b/c if he takes out all the ones rubbing, there wouldn't be enough left to hold it up), they'd have to treat it like a re-fracture. He said it would probably be 4-6 weeks on stix again. BARFY.
2011-05-04 5:01 PM
in reply to: #3441992

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: tib/fib fracture w/IM rod
Socks - She shoots, she scores (on eBay!)  I got a used PolarCare 500 with the multi-use pad and velcro straps for $62 shipped.  *happy dance*  Should be here by monday, which is plenty of time.  And I can see using it for training-related recovery too Innocent

Rocker, wow, yeah, 4-6 weeks.  No good.  I wouldn't do it either.  Crutches are Teh Suck.
2011-05-23 12:33 PM
in reply to: #3441992

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: tib/fib fracture w/IM rod

The two evil screws are out!

Now, we wait. Cool

2011-05-25 2:38 PM
in reply to: #3513981

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Twin Cities
Subject: RE: tib/fib fracture w/IM rod


2013-03-29 1:42 PM
in reply to: #3441992


Subject: RE: tib/fib fracture w/IM rod

Bringing back an old thread... 

I had a tib-fib fracture from a rock climbing accident in early 2010, tried running the year after and could never do more than a mile or two and could never do two days in a row because of the pain in my shin every time my foot struck the ground. I gave up on running and picked up swimming until I moved to an apartment that had a tiny pool that I couldn't do laps in... Now I'm trying to run again 3.5 years later and the pain is still there. I've been running through this pain that feels like an ice pick through my shin with every step and have been doing about 2-3 miles/day a few times a week. All four of my screws have been removed but I kept the IM rod since that would have been a bigger surgery. I did a few months of physical therapy during the year after my injury and it may have helped a little with me being more aware of my running form and with my proprioception, but the pain won't go away. 

Does this ever get better?? Has anyone had their IM rod removed and can share the results? 


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