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2011-06-17 10:14 AM

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Subject: Chicago Marathon Question
Anyone out there do the Chicago Marathon before?  I am wondering if they have gels on the course, and if so, which brand?  I am helping a friend train for it and she's never done gels before, so I want her to train with what will be on the course.

Thanks all!


2011-06-17 12:35 PM
in reply to: #3554086

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Southwest Chicago 'burbs
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Chicago Marathon Question

As best as I can recall, the gels they had were GU when I did it in 2009.  I could be wrong, though -- I had my own nutrition so I wasn't paying too much attention to it.

According to the marathon website, there's only one aid station that offers gels -- at the 17.8 mile mark.  So, unless you're doing mostly liquid calories, I think you'd still want to carry your own.

2011-06-17 1:15 PM
in reply to: #3554086

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Subject: RE: Chicago Marathon Question
Ahhh, good point! Thanks Laura! Foot in mouth
2011-06-17 1:31 PM
in reply to: #3554086

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Subject: RE: Chicago Marathon Question

last year (2010) I remember they gave out Accel Gel once on the course.

2011-06-18 9:35 AM
in reply to: #3554086

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Chicago Marathon Question

For me there were two Gel locations.

 officially there was one at mile 17 or so  and yes it was ACCEL brand. 

 Unofficially there was another gel location around mile 21

I needed a gel very badly...   I looked everywhere for one while I was running.  Wondering what I was going to do, I see a spectator hiding a gel in her hand standing next to the course.  

I didn't know if she was offering it to anyone, or if it was a rendezvous point for a runner she was supporting or what.  But when I saw it in her hand, I decided I had to make it mine.    As I ran past and snatched it out of her hand, laughing maniacally, fumbling to open the thing while running,  I turned back to see her reaction.   it was then I realized she was not offering it to me,  I STOLE it!     After ripping the thing open and pouring it down my gullet,  I started to gag on it  cause it was double espresso and I can't stand that flavor.    But that thing helped me for the next couple miles before  CRAMPZILLA came calling.

So don't know if that helps your friend at all,  but it does emphasize the point that you need to carry enough Gel on board so you don't have to steal any from spectators.   Not because its the wrong thing to do,  its because you don't know what flavor they will have.  


Edited by oriolepwr 2011-06-18 9:51 AM
2011-06-19 9:46 PM
in reply to: #3554086

Subject: RE: Chicago Marathon Question

throughout the race people are handing out some candy and fruit.  There are plenty of chances to get some nutrition throughout the course.


Talk with your support group and find an exact location where u can meet them throughout the course.  If they get there early enoughthey willbe int he front of the gates to give u your gel.


Many other people hand out other hydration as well. Miller lite is found at mile 8.  Bud light is found at mile 22 every year.

2011-06-20 9:04 PM
in reply to: #3554086

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Chicago Marathon Question

Aid Stations
20 Aid Stations are located along the course approximately one to two miles apart. Each Aid Station includes the following amenities in this order: Medical Tent with access to a runner drop-out vehicle, toilet facilities, Gatorade Endurance Formula (lemon-lime flavor) and water. Aid Station 13 (Mile 17.8) offers energy gel and Aid Stations 15-18 (Miles 20 – 23.5) offer bananas.

You could always email them if verify the brand.  I think the years I did it were always cliff shots but I could be wrong.  If she has a bib belt you can always attach some to the belt and then you can have what you like and not what is on the course.

Edited by chirunner134 2011-06-20 9:07 PM
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