Condoms and Art - Over the line? (Page 2)
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Moderators: k9car363, the bear, DerekL, alicefoeller | Reply |
2006-01-13 1:42 PM in reply to: #323553 |
Philadelphia, south of New York and north of DC | Subject: RE: Condoms and Art - Over the line? ChrisM - 2006-01-13 1:17 PM Art from this period, like the Mona Lisa, is in the public domain. That's why you've seen it on mugs, t shirts, etc. Painting itself is owned by someone, but its reproduction is not copyright protected. Hey Chris - I've been spending some of my lunch time googling the copyright issue. You may be right about these images being in the public domain. I'm not sure. I did find a reference to a cease and desist sent to an artist who produced a piece called The Sistine Bowl-Off. Anyway, until I can find something more substantial to back up my claim, I concede your point. There are many lines here. Is it because it's Da Vinci? Is it because it is a religious painting? Is it because you are against contraception? Is it because you are against the messenger? Would Mona Lisa holding a Coke be bad? Is it becuase it's god in the painting (which, in itself, isn't that presumptuous to paint the face of god?)? Is it because there may be some gay message? My objections: 1. Yes, partly it is because it is Michelangelo. Again, I think appropriated art is valid, but not when it is this cheesy attempt at promoting a commercial product. 2. Yes, partly it is because it is a religious painting. I've written here before about my own attempts to be respectful of other people's religions and practices. I want to be called on it when I fail to do so, as I most assuradely will. I'm holding them to the same standard. 3. Maybe. I am against contraception, but I recognize that PP has the legal right to sell condoms and the legal right to promote their use. I'm assuming that they did not intend to attack the Catholic Church. I hope that it is more a lack of sensitivity. 4. Maybe. I use to be a supporter and was very involved in PP. I've seen it from the inside, and considered it from both sides of the aisle. I've concluded that they have an agenda that is not good for our culture in the long term. 5. Yes. Would Coke do that in the first place? I believe in the free market, but it cannot run amok over our culture which is built up and inspired by art, among other things. 6. No, not so much because it is an analogous image of God. I worship God, not the images of God. 7. No. I didn't think of that until someone else mentioned it on this thread. If anything, I think of that image as being an icon of the creative and generative power of God infusing life into humans. I did have an image of God wearing the condom on his finger, which would have blocked this creative power and left Adam SOL. Not to judge your response, Don, since I am not in your shoes, but these days, you can find someone to be offended by just about anything. I would bet there's a PP person somewhere right now offended that religion is being used to convey their message.... Well, again I think there is a place for serious art that is a critique on something. For example, I think Andres Serrano's Piss Christ is a legitimate work. That's the one where he put a crucifix into a jar of urine. It can be read on several levels. One level is the critique of commercialization of Christ. By taking it to such an extreme he points out how crass so much religious imagery really is. The PPofCT keychains themselves are crass. Maybe Serrano should do a piece with them. Edited by dontracy 2006-01-13 1:47 PM |
2006-01-13 1:56 PM in reply to: #323386 |
Veteran 171 Decatur GA | Subject: RE: Condoms and Art - Over the line? What I don't understand is how you see this as commercial promotion. If that condom had a label on it I would agree that they are trying to sell condoms. However, it doesn't and I don't believe they are. PP is not trying to sell products they are selling the idea that people should practice safe sex, and they are doing it in an ironic way. |
2006-01-13 2:12 PM in reply to: #323386 |
Subject: RE: Condoms and Art - Over the line? Re: copyright. Unless you sell the exclusive rights, you own and control the use and reporduction of your photos for a period until 70 years after you die. After that, it's over, they're public. Not by any stretch of the imagination could a painting painted in Italy (by Michaelangelo,,,, duh) in the 1500s be protected by any copyright protection. Someone might OWN the painting, like someone (say, an heir) might OWN one of your photographs, but they cannot restrict the reproduction of them. I'm familiar with Piss Christ, I think the brouhaha over that was wheter federal NEA funds should have been used for such a project. PS, by the time I got to the freaking Sistine Chapel, I was so exhausted and worn out that it was frankly underwhelming, then the overcharged me for lunch at the restaurant across the way :^ |
2006-01-13 2:15 PM in reply to: #323702 |
Philadelphia, south of New York and north of DC | Subject: RE: Condoms and Art - Over the line? Tyler, PP is a not-for-profit. They get their money from donations, grants, fees for services, and charges for products. This keychain is in their online store. It costs $3 a pop. It's a commercial item. Edited by dontracy 2006-01-13 2:16 PM |
2006-01-13 2:19 PM in reply to: #323386 |
Subject: RE: Condoms and Art - Over the line? One last point: You write "Yes, partly it is because it is a religious painting. I've written here before about my own attempts to be respectful of other people's religions and practices. I want to be called on it when I fail to do so, as I most assuradely will. I'm holding them to the same standard." This is something I have never really understood. I watched a new show called the Book of Daniel. I understand some Christians are less than thrilled about the portrayal of Jesus in that show. For television, I thought it was quite good (I lean toward the irreverent). I guess I've never understood how some Christians are so defensive about any representation of their god that does not comport with their religion's official view. (In fact, I thought the show should have made Jesus black or more Persian, since most historians agree that Jesus of Nazareth was unlikely to be white, blond haired and blue eyed). Is that "disrespect" even if it doesn't portray the figure n a bad light? Is their belief system so fragile that they cannot stand to view a representation that is anything but perfect in their eyes? And yes, I know it is not limited to Christians. Muslims, as well, are known to react (sometimes quite violently) when Mohammed is represented to their disliking. Although I have to say I never heard of Jews rioting after Mel Brooks History of the World Part I |
2006-01-13 2:31 PM in reply to: #323730 |
Philadelphia, south of New York and north of DC | Subject: RE: Condoms and Art - Over the line? ChrisM - PS, by the time I got to the freaking Sistine Chapel, I was so exhausted and worn out that it was frankly underwhelming, then the overcharged me for lunch at the restaurant across the way :^ Yea, the food is way overpriced for what it is. I made the point of stepping out from the crowds that move quickly through the Chapel. Found a seat on first one side, and then another. Spent a total of about two hours sitting there. That room is the grandest work of art I've ever encountered. It's not just the ceiling. The Last Judgement is beyond words that I have. Also, the biblical scenes along the north and south walls by Botticelli, Perugino, and others was a surprise. I really had never looked at them before. I walked out of there changed. (sistine.jpg) (lstjudge.jpg) Attachments ---------------- sistine.jpg (21KB - 11 downloads) lstjudge.jpg (8KB - 13 downloads) |
2006-01-13 2:35 PM in reply to: #323386 |
Subject: RE: Condoms and Art - Over the line? I was stunned by David and St. Peter's Basilica. I just found the Chapel to be hot, crowded, stuffy, and the staff rude. Maybe next time.... |
2006-01-13 2:53 PM in reply to: #323757 |
Philadelphia, south of New York and north of DC | Subject: RE: Condoms and Art - Over the line? ChrisM - 2006-01-13 3:35 PMI was stunned by David and St. Peter's Basilica. I just found the Chapel to be hot, crowded, stuffy, and the staff rude. Maybe next time.... I didn't get to Florence on my trip, and didn't see David. If we're there at the same time, I'll buy you lunch. Just to speak from the heart rather than from the head... 'Cmon guys... there really are Wonders of the World... the Sistine Capel is one of them... and I don't care if it's the Chapel or The Cave of Lascaux, there are some human acheivements that should be beyond sophomoric jokes... i mean, 'cmon... aren't we better than that... it's art, man... it took the guy seven years to paint it... the cave painters breathed out the paint onto the walls like they were breathing out their souls... just leave some things undefiled... there are plenty of other images to use to get your point across... i guess, I'm mostly po'd as an artist... it's time to put post-modern skepticism behind us and move on already... BUILD US UP, DON'T DRAG US DOWN... (caveoflascaux.jpg) Attachments ---------------- caveoflascaux.jpg (31KB - 9 downloads) |
2006-01-13 4:01 PM in reply to: #323386 |
Master 2052 Colorado | Subject: RE: Condoms and Art - Over the line? slight hijack: You should totally read "Michelangelo and the Pope's Ceiling". I found it to be a fascinating account of how the work of art came to be, most notably (I thought) was that Michelangelo didn't want to paint it, but couldn't get out of doing it. On topic? I come down on the side of condoms, I think they're a good thing, and the idea that God is handing them over to mankind? I hadn't really thought about it like that, but the more I do, the more I think I like the idea of a Supreme Being finding yet another way to save us from ourselves. But then, I'm a former PP employee, so it's possible I'm biased. (for the record, I'm also Catholic, so... I'm still kinda working on that juxtaposition). That, and I tend to dig tacky key chains. |
2006-01-13 5:28 PM in reply to: #323460 |
Expert 666 St. Thomas, ON | Subject: RE: Condoms and Art - Over the line? Renee - 2006-01-13 12:21 PM It seems to me the purpose is to encourage people to be responsible with their reproductive system. It's not like the Condom Industry is selling the keychains. Planned Parenthood is bashed when they perform abortions and bashed when they encourage humans to prevent abortions by using condoms. If more people used condoms, there would be fewer abortions. There would also be fewer cases of HIV infection. And if more people exercised self-control, there would be less abortions and HIV as well. |
2006-01-13 5:36 PM in reply to: #323927 |
Master 2052 Colorado | Subject: RE: Condoms and Art - Over the line? Well.... yes, but that's not so much the point, is it? When I was growing up, we lived near a pond. My parents didn't want me to go in it, but they made sure I could swim anyway. Dig? People's actions rarely follow best case scenerio; doesn't make the safety measures (knowing how to swim, condoms) bad things. Rennick - 2006-01-13 6:28 PM Renee - 2006-01-13 12:21 PM It seems to me the purpose is to encourage people to be responsible with their reproductive system. It's not like the Condom Industry is selling the keychains. Planned Parenthood is bashed when they perform abortions and bashed when they encourage humans to prevent abortions by using condoms. If more people used condoms, there would be fewer abortions. There would also be fewer cases of HIV infection. And if more people exercised self-control, there would be less abortions and HIV as well. |
2006-01-13 5:40 PM in reply to: #323930 |
Queen BTich 12411 , | Subject: RE: Condoms and Art - Over the line? word. ChipmunkHeart - 2006-01-13 6:36 PM Well.... yes, but that's not so much the point, is it? When I was growing up, we lived near a pond. My parents didn't want me to go in it, but they made sure I could swim anyway. Dig? People's actions rarely follow best case scenerio; doesn't make the safety measures (knowing how to swim, condoms) bad things. Rennick - 2006-01-13 6:28 PM Renee - 2006-01-13 12:21 PM It seems to me the purpose is to encourage people to be responsible with their reproductive system. It's not like the Condom Industry is selling the keychains.
2006-01-13 5:41 PM in reply to: #323386 |
Elite 3972 Reno | Subject: RE: Condoms and Art - Over the line? I was so overwealmed by the whole place that by the time I climbed up to the cupula, and gazed out over Rome, I absent mindedly dropped my guide book over the side...... It slid down until it caught on a (insert proper archetectural term here) little window on the dome. Funny how many other books were there. |
2006-01-13 5:55 PM in reply to: #323386 |
molto veloce mama 9311 | Subject: RE: Condoms and Art - Over the line? i think its funny. as for disrespecting religious art - much of religious art is such because it was paid for by the church. many of the world's masters were not big fans of the church (even if they were christians) and would have been painting other things if they hadn't had the need to eat. |
2006-01-13 6:42 PM in reply to: #323783 |
Master 1249 Lexington, Kentucky | Subject: RE: Condoms and Art - Over the line? dontracy - 2006-01-13 2:53 PM 'Cmon guys... there really are Wonders of the World... the Sistine Capel is one of them... and I don't care if it's the Chapel or The Cave of Lascaux, there are some human acheivements that should be beyond sophomoric jokes... But, if it were not an iconic, instantly recognizable, well known piece of art, there would be no irony in the parody, right? I agree that it is a provocative juxtaposition, but if it were not, it would not make a Statement. Edited by tim_edwards 2006-01-13 6:43 PM |
2006-01-13 7:07 PM in reply to: #323930 |
Expert 666 St. Thomas, ON | Subject: RE: Condoms and Art - Over the line? ChipmunkHeart - 2006-01-13 6:36 PM Well.... yes, but that's not so much the point, is it? When I was growing up, we lived near a pond. My parents didn't want me to go in it, but they made sure I could swim anyway. Dig? People's actions rarely follow best case scenerio; doesn't make the safety measures (knowing how to swim, condoms) bad things. Rennick - 2006-01-13 6:28 PM Renee - 2006-01-13 12:21 PM It seems to me the purpose is to encourage people to be responsible with their reproductive system. It's not like the Condom Industry is selling the keychains. Planned Parenthood is bashed when they perform abortions and bashed when they encourage humans to prevent abortions by using condoms. If more people used condoms, there would be fewer abortions. There would also be fewer cases of HIV infection. And if more people exercised self-control, there would be less abortions and HIV as well. I don't disagree. I am just not a fan of the agenda of Planned Parenthood. And while I hope that my sons enjoy sex for the first time with their wives, we'll be having discussions about condoms, etc. with them. I just hate it when people talk about a woman's "right to choose", but never seem to include the fact that she had the choice not to have sex in the first place. (I'm only talking about so-called nuisance pregnancies here!!) I'm not trying to get flamed, I just wish they'd pump abstinence as much as they pump condoms. I know my son may never be an A student, but shouldn't I encourage him to study anyway? Edited by Rennick 2006-01-13 7:08 PM |
2006-01-13 9:15 PM in reply to: #323927 |
Buttercup 14334 | Subject: RE: Condoms and Art - Over the line? Rennick - 2006-01-13 5:28 PM Renee - 2006-01-13 12:21 PM It seems to me the purpose is to encourage people to be responsible with their reproductive system. It's not like the Condom Industry is selling the keychains. Planned Parenthood is bashed when they perform abortions and bashed when they encourage humans to prevent abortions by using condoms. If more people used condoms, there would be fewer abortions. There would also be fewer cases of HIV infection. And if more people exercised self-control, there would be less abortions and HIV as well. Certainly, that would be the case, Jean. If people exercised more self-control we, also, would not have the obesity problem we have. Do we simply say, "Abstain from overeating?" or do we teach them how to eat responsibly, how to count calories, how to limit portion size, how to read the nutrition information on foods? Promoting safe sex is a good, simple and practical thing that will/can/does lower the abortion and STD transmission rates. There is no down-side to encouraging safe sex. |
2006-01-16 8:59 AM in reply to: #323981 |
Master 2052 Colorado | Subject: RE: Condoms and Art - Over the line? First off: Heh. You said "pump". (sorry. Couldn't help myself) Oh, no, I'm not trying to flame you at all .... obviously we are coming at this from very different angles; I think a safe and healthy sex life is an integral part of an adult's life, married or no, so it it is logical to me to teach and promote how to have safe sex. I think Planned Parenthood has a good mission and the work they do is necessary. But, I see your point: abstinence is a choice, and shouldn't be ignored ... I just don't think it's the only choice, and the ignoring the other ones? Leads to badness quickly. Anyway, I'm viturally shaking your hand on this one, and reminding myself that ideals are good things. Rennick - 2006-01-13 8:07 PM ChipmunkHeart - 2006-01-13 6:36 PM Well.... yes, but that's not so much the point, is it? When I was growing up, we lived near a pond. My parents didn't want me to go in it, but they made sure I could swim anyway. Dig? People's actions rarely follow best case scenerio; doesn't make the safety measures (knowing how to swim, condoms) bad things. Rennick - 2006-01-13 6:28 PM Renee - 2006-01-13 12:21 PM It seems to me the purpose is to encourage people to be responsible with their reproductive system. It's not like the Condom Industry is selling the keychains. Planned Parenthood is bashed when they perform abortions and bashed when they encourage humans to prevent abortions by using condoms. If more people used condoms, there would be fewer abortions. There would also be fewer cases of HIV infection. And if more people exercised self-control, there would be less abortions and HIV as well. I don't disagree. I am just not a fan of the agenda of Planned Parenthood. And while I hope that my sons enjoy sex for the first time with their wives, we'll be having discussions about condoms, etc. with them. I just hate it when people talk about a woman's "right to choose", but never seem to include the fact that she had the choice not to have sex in the first place. (I'm only talking about so-called nuisance pregnancies here!!) I'm not trying to get flamed, I just wish they'd pump abstinence as much as they pump condoms. I know my son may never be an A student, but shouldn't I encourage him to study anyway? |