Subject: RE: I'm a retrosexual! hangloose - 2006-05-26 1:26 PM
devotchkatata - 2006-05-26 12:17 PM That's a funny thread! I agree on most of it. But what is up with all the guns and shooting and killing? How does owning a gun makes you feel more manly? It doesn't. Knowing how to and being capable of protecting the people I love in case of an emergency is part of what makes a man. It doesn't make you 'feel manly'. edit: I'm only claiming to speak for myself.
Also, he does say that a gun is a TOOL, and a Retrosexual man recognizes that fact.
I think some people are missing the point of some of these. It is NOT saying the Retrosexual is a knuckle-dragging Neanderthal. It is saying he's the sort of guy who doesn't sit around crying "Whoa is me!", "Life is out to get me", or "I can't...."
There is a vast difference between being some dumbf* (& gorilla, and being a man. It means TAKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR LIFE. |