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Shamrock Sportsfest 1/2 Marathon - Run

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Virginia Beach, Virginia
United States
Shamrock Sportsfest
36F / 2C
Total Time = 1h 27m 16s
Overall Rank = 97/5000
Age Group = M30 - 34
Age Group Rank = 16/268
Pre-race routine:

Woke up at 4:30, walked the dog and got ready.
Had my standard Bagel, Glass of OJ and cup of Coffee
Got to the race a bit later than I wanted and ended up heading right to the start line. Ducked under the fencing in the 1st corral less than 1 minute before the gun went off at 0700.
Event warmup:

Jogged to find a "natural" bathroon. Jogged to the start line while taking clothes off and handing them to my wife.
  • 1h 27m 16s
  • 13.1 miles
  • 06m 40s  min/mile

Ran surprisingly consistent. Normally I am a jackrabbit and can only tell my pace when I check my watch at the mile markers. I 'felt' my pace and I could even tell when I increased my pace. This is a great thing for the upcoming season! Mentally, I lost focus between mile 11 & 12 because I though I was between miles 12 & 13. It cost me about 15 seconds (ran a 6:43), but I quickly refocused.
What would you do differently?:

I would use this as a nutritional focus race. Again, I didn't take any gels during the race. I need to work on that for my longer tri's. It didn't affect me here because it was "only" a road race, but I have to think of the bigger picture.
Post race
Warm down:

Had a bit of broth and some water. Then after about 30 minutes, I joined my Training Partner at mile 12 of the marathon. I paced him from mile 12 - 16 into a stiff headwind and then picked him back up at mile 22 till the finish. Problem was that I still didn't EAT anything before I picked him up. Things started to get fuzzy around mile 15, but I held it together until I "dropped him off" at mile 16. I had 2 gel packs and 4 orange slices waiting for him to make it back around. Then I was fine.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Desire. This was a fast tempo run for me. I didn't want to "race" it because of Boston next month. I stayed at my upper comfort level and that's exactly what I wanted to do. I did surprise myself though. I think if I would have raced it, I could have run a PR. That's a huge motivator for the season!

Event comments:

VERY Well put together race! Other than the "issue" I had at packet pickup with them not having me on the list, it went well. My recommendation, if you send in a paper application, print out your participant list name off the web and a copy of your cancelled check. I felt like I was "being judged" and they were doing me a favor letting me race. I was not a happy camper! But the race as a whole...very well done. Kudos.

Last updated: 2006-03-20 12:00 AM
01:27:16 | 13.1 miles | 06m 40s  min/mile
Age Group: 16/268
Overall: 97/5000
Performance: Good
1)6:46 2)6:44 3)6:49 4)6:38 5)6:44 6)6:43 7)6:44 8)6:35 9)6:36 10)6:36 11)6:36 12)6:43 13)6:33 .1).25
Course: Mile 1 - 4 Head wind of about 10 - 12 mph Mile 5 - 10 Cross wind but nothing bad Mile 11 - 13 Slight tail wind Flat, Flat, Flat
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5] 2
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 5

2006-03-20 8:25 AM

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: Shamrock Sportsfest 1/2 Marathon

2006-03-20 8:59 AM
in reply to: #374034

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Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: Shamrock Sportsfest 1/2 Marathon
Smokin' "tempo" run! Nice work!
2006-03-20 4:04 PM
in reply to: #374034

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Extreme Veteran
Lufkin (East Texas)
Subject: RE: Shamrock Sportsfest 1/2 Marathon
Yeah, nice "workout" and by the way, you had an excellent race! Seriously, nice day for you. That should give you a boost heading into Boston.
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General Discussion Race Reports! » Shamrock Sportsfest 1/2 Marathon Rss Feed