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2011-12-13 9:37 AM
in reply to: #3936343

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Philadelphia, south of New York and north of DC
Subject: RE: What do you believe, or not? Another religion thread ...

ride_like_u_stole_it - The root of my question lies in "Is what we believe all there is, or is it all we humans can handle at our current stage of development?" In saying this I am not in any way trying to denigrate anyone's current beliefs, just asking the question.

If that is true,
then the claims of Christianity are false.

Jesus is the final revelation.
All of the true "revelations" since then have been about illuminating
the final revelation, not in being given a totally new one.
Any claim otherwise is false and is merely heresy. 

If Jesus is not the final revelation,
then again he was either a liar or lunatic
and the entire system of Christian belief falls apart.

To add on here to what I believe,
I believe that the Eucharist (communion that begins as bread and wine)
is the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Christ.
Not a symbol or metaphor, but the actual physical presence of God.
If not, then again the entire system will fall apart.
It's what the early Church believed, it's what I believe.

As far as how I got here,
it's been a journey of faith and reason,
like two wings on the same bird flying toward truth.
Reason has informed my faith
and faith has illuminated my reason.

If not for the Church, we might well still be stuck in the dead end
the rationalists found themselves in back in the 12th and 13th centuries.
It was the Church that baptized Aristotle and in doing so
unleashed the explosion of scientific inquiry and understanding in the West.

The Church, the Body of Christ, has contributed the greatest good to humanity
of any single institution in history.
Nothing else even comes close. 

Edited by dontracy 2011-12-13 9:42 AM

2011-12-13 9:40 AM
in reply to: #3936272

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: What do you believe, or not? Another religion thread ...
mrbbrad - 2011-12-13 8:44 AM

elcaminobill - 2011-12-13 9:14 AM

"Everyone, get together and start jumping on me and telling me I am stupid, it doesn't bother me, I have read the book and I know who wins and how it ends."

This statement was intended to be tongue in cheek, didn't come off very well, I apologize for that.

On the other hand, when someone comments on a topic such as "What do you believe, or not", as a Christian, that person is often times singled out and treated poorly in the conversation, and I am aware often times they deserve the treatment, but not always.  I stated in my original post that there are really good people of every faith and that they, in my opinion are assets to society and to me as friends.  My post was not trying to attract zings at myself, or other Christians, and realize that my comment above might have made some think that was the purpose.  It was simply to state what I believe or not.  And what I believe is that your spiritual choice, Christian, Hindu, Buddhists, whatever, if followed make you a really good person.  The only problem ( I believe) is that being a "really good person" isn't enough.

Merry Christmas



Ever since I was a small child I could never wrap my head around the notion of a loving creator who would sentence his beloved creations to an eternity of suffering simply because they didn't accept Jesus as their savior. Surely there must be people who live their lives just as Jesus taught, but they just never heard of him. Millions of humans lived before the time of Christ or were never exposed to Christianity. Some very good people. People who live lives better than some Christians. Maybe it's my Catholic upbringing and the idea that one can repent and be forgiven at the last minute. A sinner can get Last Rites and be absolved of a life lived way off the path of righteousness, but a Buddhist monk who lived a simple life of peace and prayer will be left to an eternity of hell, or purgatory at the very least? I don't buy it.

I have this crazy thought... so I can't get into Heaven, because I don't believe in God and Heaven. Right? Well what if I don't believe in the Devil and hell? Hhhhuuummmmmm.

2011-12-13 9:45 AM
in reply to: #3936215

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Subject: RE: What do you believe, or not? Another religion thread ...
elcaminobill - 2011-12-13 9:14 AM

On the other hand, when someone comments on a topic such as "What do you believe, or not", as a Christian, that person is often times singled out and treated poorly in the conversation,

Let me disavow you of that distrust of tolerance, acceptance and respect for Christians on BT. I have never seen a thread where Christians were singled out or treated poorly. In fact, the vast majority of BT users are Christians. Fear not, nobody on BT is going to victimize you for your beliefs.

But I somewhat understand your trepidation. I read an article just a few days ago that cited a study that says that atheists are the least trusted people in the US, even on the same level as rapists. Still, I don't let other people's misgivings about my beliefs, or lack thereof, to silence my voice.

I do believe and expect that, at least within BT, respect for others is the rule of law. You should feel safe in assuming the same, even more so since I've never seen any user get offended when someone says "I am a believer in Christ."  It doesn't seem like the opposite is always true.

2011-12-13 9:52 AM
in reply to: #3936215

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: What do you believe, or not? Another religion thread ...
elcaminobill - 2011-12-13 9:14 AM

"Everyone, get together and start jumping on me and telling me I am stupid, it doesn't bother me, I have read the book and I know who wins and how it ends."

This statement was intended to be tongue in cheek, didn't come off very well, I apologize for that.

On the other hand, when someone comments on a topic such as "What do you believe, or not", as a Christian, that person is often times singled out and treated poorly in the conversation, and I am aware often times they deserve the treatment, but not always.  I stated in my original post that there are really good people of every faith and that they, in my opinion are assets to society and to me as friends.  My post was not trying to attract zings at myself, or other Christians, and realize that my comment above might have made some think that was the purpose.  It was simply to state what I believe or not.  And what I believe is that your spiritual choice, Christian, Hindu, Buddhists, whatever, if followed make you a really good person.  The only problem ( I believe) is that being a "really good person" isn't enough.

Merry Christmas


The awesome thing in all of this is that you DON'T need to be a really good person. All you have to do is accept Jesus into your heart before you die and you can be saved. At least this is true according to my extended family of "born again" Chrisitians.

I have a real problem with this. I have been told, by said relatives, that Jeffrey Dahmer was born again in prison and therefore he was saved and will go to heaven. Let me get this straight....a guy who raped boys and then ate them will go to heaven because in the end he accepted Jesus as his saviour? On the other hand a regular good guy, who lives right, treats others well and tries to be a credit to humanity is sentenced to eternity in hell if he doesn't accept Jesus. Strange way of thinking.

I am not a believer but I don't mind if others do. My back door plan is to be nice, do right and treat others as I would want to be treated. If I am wrong and there is a God, I suspect he would give me some credit for my actions. I may be wrong...... I probably should have just stayed out of this.
2011-12-13 10:00 AM
in reply to: #3936367

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Philly 'burbs
Subject: RE: What do you believe, or not? Another religion thread ...
dontracy - 2011-12-13 10:21 AM
mrbbrad - 2011-12-13 9:59 AM
Goosedog - 2011-12-13 9:56 AM

Lewis makes a decent point.  However, if you do not believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, your opinion of him is not constrained by His intentions.



Or you believe that we are all sons of God, made in His image and likeness. Did Jesus himself ever claim to be the only Son of God?


My opinion might not be constrained by his intentions, but I'm too old to any longer suffer fools, lunatics, or liars.
Life is short, and the stakes are high.

Yes, Jesus said that he was the way, the truth, and the life.
Not some teaching of his, but he himself.
That was understood to mean that he was the new covenant.
He was claiming to be what the Torah was held to be up until his claim.

That's also what the nascent Church believed was his claim.
And remember before there was a Bible, there was a Church.
All of this can be confirmed by scripture,
but what is perhaps more important is that this is what the Church proclaimed from the beginning.
And as we know from Paul's first letter to Timothy 3:15
it is the Church that is the pillar and foundation of truth.

By the way, it is consistent with Catholic doctrine that the Buddhist monk of yours
might enter heaven without ever even hearing the name of Jesus.
Same is true of other types of atheists.
It still takes place through the ministry of the Church
which is the Body of Christ.

It's even possible according to doctrine for those who hear the Good News of Christ
and still reject it for some reason.
There is a principle known as invincible ignorance
that may cause a person to hear the truth and still not recognize it.

Of course, I don't get to judge who gets to heaven and who doesn't.
Nor does a priest, a bishop, or the Pope.
That's up to Jesus.
We human persons do however have the capacity to judge acts and actions.


I tend to build on what Jesus himself supposedly said, and has to be taken with some poetic license due to language usage and translation. Most Bibles have him saying something to the effect of "I am the way, the truth, and the life". That is different from I am the only Son of God. Seems to me Jesus was a pretty smart guy and chose his words carefully. Too bad I wasn't there to hear what he actually said. I have a bit of trouble with other men's interpretations of what they've read. I also have trouble with various editors of the book over the centuries.


But, that's why they call it faith

Edited by mrbbrad 2011-12-13 10:01 AM
2011-12-13 10:02 AM
in reply to: #3936364

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Philly 'burbs
Subject: RE: What do you believe, or not? Another religion thread ...
bhc - 2011-12-13 10:20 AM

Or you believe that we are all sons of God, made in His image and likeness. Did Jesus himself ever claim to be the only Son of God?

Man has been somewhat egotistical at times when he/she attempted to explain creation and develope religions.  The idea that humans are in any way "god-like" doesn't say much for God does it?


Or it doesn't say much for man. Maybe we've gone way off from our creators intention for us. What with free will and all that silliness.

2011-12-13 10:12 AM
in reply to: #3935103

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: What do you believe, or not? Another religion thread ...

I fully confess in posting this thread that I was hoping to draw Don out of the woodwork. You have been my lamp and my teacher. I agree with everything he has posted so far, with two exceptions: I'm not sure about transsubstantiation, nor am I convinced that the Church (because I know by this he means the Catholic Church) is the authority of Christ in the world today.

I grew up believing in some sort of God or gods, the existence thereof. From the age of 8-13 I was a committed atheist, to the point of really coming down on and hashing it out with believers. God bless them for putting up with me. At 13, God, and by this I mean God as expressed through the Judeo-Christian traditions and canon, appeared to me.

Since then, there have been many tides and turns, although I've never recanted the Christian faith. At times, the best I could do was believe there was some kind of flow and direction in the universe. I have never ceased spiritual practices--prayer, meditation, reading, reflection--no matter what state of belief or unbelief.

I do believe Scripture is authoritative, although the history of construction of the Jewish and Christian canons (and the very plural) means to me some writings may have been omitted and some that are there perhaps should not be. Translations, ex post facto reporting and hand-copying present further difficulty. I am not certain which parts of the Bible are to be taken literally, allegorically, metaphorically, etc., but I continue to seek and pray for wisdom, discernment and direction every day.

If I had to boil my belief down simply, it is this: to love.

I have no idea where anyone else is going in this life or after; it's not my call and BOY AM I GLAD IT'S NOT. I would have already sent everyone to all the wrong places. Anyone who remotely knows me knows that I am completely incapable of understanding or following extremely basic instructions that a five-year-old couldn't possibly mistake, so it's a very good thing I'm not the judge of anything.

What you do and where you go is your problem. My problem, or responsibility if you will, is to bear witness of what I perceive to be the truth by SHOWING, DOING, and BEING ... love.

Do I suck at it? Sure. Often. I'm not who I ought to be, but I sure ain't who I was, either, and all I can do is try.

"Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." James 1:27

2011-12-13 10:13 AM
in reply to: #3936494

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Subject: RE: What do you believe, or not? Another religion thread ...
mrbbrad - 2011-12-13 11:02 AM 

Or it doesn't say much for man. Maybe we've gone way off from our creators intention for us. What with free will and all that silliness.

Calvin & Hobbes:

C: Do you believe in the devil? You know, a supreme evil being dedicated to the temptation, corruption, and destruction of man?

H: I'm not sure that man needs the help.

2011-12-13 10:15 AM
in reply to: #3936488

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Philadelphia, south of New York and north of DC
Subject: RE: What do you believe, or not? Another religion thread ...
mrbbrad -  

I tend to build on what Jesus himself supposedly said, and has to be taken with some poetic license due to language usage and translation. Most Bibles have him saying something to the effect of "I am the way, the truth, and the life". That is different from I am the only Son of God. 

Well, that was just one example.
Plenty more.

Take for instance Jesus' claim that he could forgive sin.
It was understood that only God can do that.

As far as being comfortable with the historical accuracy of scripture,
remember that the New Testament is a cross reference from various communities.
You have the three synoptic gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke,
each being written in a different community.
Then you have the gospel of John coming out of another unique community.
Then of course you have the letters of Paul.

Throw in the writing of the early Church Fathers  many of whom knew the Apostles,
and then for good measure add the Jewish/Roman historian Flavius Josephus
who lived at the time and independently confirms several historical facts about Jesus
and you have probably the most complete historical record of any person in ancient history
and of the early Church community that he established.

Of course, you still might not believe Jesus' claims.
That's different though then believing that the early believers didn't believe Jesus' claims.

Edited by dontracy 2011-12-13 10:17 AM
2011-12-13 10:16 AM
in reply to: #3936458

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Oliver, BC, "Wine Capital of Canada"
Subject: RE: What do you believe, or not? Another religion thread ...

wannabefaster - 2011-12-13 7:52 AM

The awesome thing in all of this is that you DON'T need to be a really good person. All you have to do is accept Jesus into your heart before you die and you can be saved. At least this is true according to my extended family of "born again" Chrisitians. I have a real problem with this. I have been told, by said relatives, that Jeffrey Dahmer was born again in prison and therefore he was saved and will go to heaven. Let me get this straight....a guy who raped boys and then ate them will go to heaven because in the end he accepted Jesus as his saviour? On the other hand a regular good guy, who lives right, treats others well and tries to be a credit to humanity is sentenced to eternity in hell if he doesn't accept Jesus. Strange way of thinking.

Yes, this has always confused me as well.

2011-12-13 10:26 AM
in reply to: #3936525

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Philadelphia, south of New York and north of DC
Subject: RE: What do you believe, or not? Another religion thread ...

TriAya - I'm not sure about transsubstantiation...

A good place to start is to read John 6.

Ask yourself why many of Jesus' disciples could not accept this teaching and left him.

Read the history of the Early Church Fathers regarding the Eucharist.

Find a Catholic church, chapel, or monastery, and sit in front of the Tabernacle,
or in front of the exposed host in Eucharistic Adoration,
for an hour or so and preferably alone.

Rinse and repeat.

2011-12-13 10:27 AM
in reply to: #3936540

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Lake Norman, NC
Subject: RE: What do you believe, or not? Another religion thread ...
peby - 2011-12-13 11:16 AM

wannabefaster - 2011-12-13 7:52 AM

The awesome thing in all of this is that you DON'T need to be a really good person. All you have to do is accept Jesus into your heart before you die and you can be saved. At least this is true according to my extended family of "born again" Chrisitians. I have a real problem with this. I have been told, by said relatives, that Jeffrey Dahmer was born again in prison and therefore he was saved and will go to heaven. Let me get this straight....a guy who raped boys and then ate them will go to heaven because in the end he accepted Jesus as his saviour? On the other hand a regular good guy, who lives right, treats others well and tries to be a credit to humanity is sentenced to eternity in hell if he doesn't accept Jesus. Strange way of thinking.

Yes, this has always confused me as well.

If "Heaven" and "Hell" are just labels...  Then I'll gladly go to the place that has Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Jonas Salk, my friends & relatives and many others are, instead of the place that has Jeffrey Dahmer and other "saved" rapists/murderers.  If that place is called "Hell"...  OK by me.

I'll have no religious regrets in life and I doubt I'll have any in death as well.


2011-12-13 10:39 AM
in reply to: #3936563

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: What do you believe, or not? Another religion thread ...
dontracy - 2011-12-14 12:26 AM

TriAya - I'm not sure about transsubstantiation...

A good place to start is to read John 6.

Ask yourself why many of Jesus' disciples could not accept this teaching and left him.

Read the history of the Early Church Fathers regarding the Eucharist.

Find a Catholic church, chapel, or monastery, and sit in front of the Tabernacle,
or in front of the exposed host in Eucharistic Adoration,
for an hour or so and preferably alone.

Rinse and repeat.

Thank you, as always, for the guidance and suggestions.

I would bet a box of Pop Tarts none of that will change my mind, but I remain, as always, teachable and open to conviction.

2011-12-13 10:46 AM
in reply to: #3936587

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Philadelphia, south of New York and north of DC
Subject: RE: What do you believe, or not? Another religion thread ...
TriAya - 

I would bet a box of Pop Tarts none of that will change my mind...


I like strawberry ones.

2011-12-13 10:50 AM
in reply to: #3936606

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: What do you believe, or not? Another religion thread ...
dontracy - 2011-12-14 12:46 AM
TriAya - 

I would bet a box of Pop Tarts none of that will change my mind...


I like strawberry ones.

Can't. Stop. Raffing.

2011-12-13 11:25 AM
in reply to: #3935103

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San Jose, CA
Subject: RE: What do you believe, or not? Another religion thread ...

Such a great thread!  So many different ideas.  I use to be Lutheran.  I did some soul searching in my mid twenties because I was looking so hard for something that was missing and in all honesty, I was hiding behind religion, hoping it would change me or protect me from what I feared I was.  Once I accepted myself, I found I did not believe in the religion (notice I didn't say God) anymore, and the more I looked and listened to other people, the more I believed religion was man made.  I do believe in Gods, as an abstract, more of a force of nature.  I worship the Earth and earth bound energies.  I believe we are all interconnected and we are all part of the whole.  Very similar to what Renee put in her original post.   I call my self Wiccan / Shamanism...but I also see some truths in eastern thought.  

2011-12-13 11:37 AM
in reply to: #3936686

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: What do you believe, or not? Another religion thread ...
runningwoof - 2011-12-14 1:25 AM

Such a great thread!  So many different ideas.   

I have loved reading everything (including yours) and am most of all impressed (though not at all surprised) by the grace and politeness shown on this thread.

Now, I'm not writing this just because you showed up , but ...

I cannot be part of a faith (or really any other) community that discriminates in service to others (leadership and teaching I consider service) on the basis of gender, orientation, ethnic origin, etc. Unfortunately, this tends to exclude most of the communities who otherwise believe, observe, and worship exactly as I do.

This comes from a place of deep conviction, not PC, cultural trendiness, or anything else.

2011-12-13 11:39 AM
in reply to: #3936535

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Philly 'burbs
Subject: RE: What do you believe, or not? Another religion thread ...
dontracy - 2011-12-13 11:15 AM
mrbbrad -  

I tend to build on what Jesus himself supposedly said, and has to be taken with some poetic license due to language usage and translation. Most Bibles have him saying something to the effect of "I am the way, the truth, and the life". That is different from I am the only Son of God. 

Well, that was just one example.
Plenty more.

Take for instance Jesus' claim that he could forgive sin.
It was understood that only God can do that.

As far as being comfortable with the historical accuracy of scripture,
remember that the New Testament is a cross reference from various communities.
You have the three synoptic gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke,
each being written in a different community.
Then you have the gospel of John coming out of another unique community.
Then of course you have the letters of Paul.

Throw in the writing of the early Church Fathers  many of whom knew the Apostles,
and then for good measure add the Jewish/Roman historian Flavius Josephus
who lived at the time and independently confirms several historical facts about Jesus
and you have probably the most complete historical record of any person in ancient history
and of the early Church community that he established.

Of course, you still might not believe Jesus' claims.
That's different though then believing that the early believers didn't believe Jesus' claims.

Even some of the 12 didn't always get what Jesus was saying, and they were there.

2011-12-13 11:45 AM
in reply to: #3936714

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: What do you believe, or not? Another religion thread ...
mrbbrad - 2011-12-14 1:39 AM
dontracy - 2011-12-13 11:15 AM
mrbbrad -  

I tend to build on what Jesus himself supposedly said, and has to be taken with some poetic license due to language usage and translation. Most Bibles have him saying something to the effect of "I am the way, the truth, and the life". That is different from I am the only Son of God. 

Well, that was just one example.
Plenty more.

Take for instance Jesus' claim that he could forgive sin.
It was understood that only God can do that.

As far as being comfortable with the historical accuracy of scripture,
remember that the New Testament is a cross reference from various communities.
You have the three synoptic gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke,
each being written in a different community.
Then you have the gospel of John coming out of another unique community.
Then of course you have the letters of Paul.

Throw in the writing of the early Church Fathers  many of whom knew the Apostles,
and then for good measure add the Jewish/Roman historian Flavius Josephus
who lived at the time and independently confirms several historical facts about Jesus
and you have probably the most complete historical record of any person in ancient history
and of the early Church community that he established.

Of course, you still might not believe Jesus' claims.
That's different though then believing that the early believers didn't believe Jesus' claims.

Even some of the 12 didn't always get what Jesus was saying, and they were there.

Many of my LOL moments in reading the Gospels have come from what the apostles supposedly said or did in response to Christ's teachings and miracles. Generally, it boils down to, "Duh! Eh ... what?"

2011-12-13 11:46 AM
in reply to: #3935103

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: What do you believe, or not? Another religion thread ...

I believe that God sent his only son Jesus Christ to Earth to die for all the sins of mankind. I also believe that the only way into Heaven is to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. I believe there is a hell. I believe that we all have the "free will" or choice to choose what we believe or we don't believe. I believe in an afterlife and I also believe that there has to be more than the life on this Earth.  I believe the Bible.

I am not the poster child for Christianity, no one is, but that is what I believe.

and yes, I say Merry Christmas to all!

2011-12-13 11:58 AM
in reply to: #3935103

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2011-12-13 12:00 PM
in reply to: #3935103

Payson, AZ
Subject: RE: What do you believe, or not? Another religion thread ...
So basically I am the only one that believes in the power of cookies?  Well, more for me I guess, but this does surprise me.
2011-12-13 12:02 PM
in reply to: #3936764

San Jose, CA
Subject: RE: What do you believe, or not? Another religion thread ...

bzgl40 - 2011-12-13 10:00 AM So basically I am the only one that believes in the power of cookies?  Well, more for me I guess, but this does surprise me.



Cookies are God!  believe me, I am at the altar now, and am gearing up (by eating them by the dozen...and bakers dozen at that) for the cookie fast that starts in January, when I start training again.  

2011-12-13 12:03 PM
in reply to: #3936764

Melon Presser
Subject: RE: What do you believe, or not? Another religion thread ...

bzgl40 - 2011-12-14 2:00 AM So basically I am the only one that believes in the power of cookies?  Well, more for me I guess, but this does surprise me.

I have been thinking much about what you posted, but it all keeps coming back to Pop Tarts. In fact, I just bet the body and blood of Christ against a box of Pop Tarts in this thread.

2011-12-13 12:05 PM
in reply to: #3935103

Subject: RE: What do you believe, or not? Another religion thread ...


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