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2011-12-27 10:38 AM

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: esc's Goonies Never Say Die mentor group - closed


Emily (username: esc)

STORY: I am 34 years old and just completed my fourth year of triathlon.  I was heavily involved in athletics in my youth – basketball, softball, volleyball, swimming – but by the time I had graduated from college I had become mostly a drinker and a smoker.  My 30th year was approaching and my waistline was increasing.  I mentioned to a co-worker that I was looking for a way to get back in shape and she tricked me into joining her in training for a triathlon.  Although I spent most of my first race vowing that I would never do anything so ridiculous ever again, within minutes of crossing the finish line I was ready to sign up for my next race. 

FAMILY STATUS: Married to a very understanding man who brings me chocolate when I need it and never makes fun of me when I’m dressed all in lycra.  (At least not where I can hear him.)

CURRENT TRAINING: I’m currently having a lot of fun with just running.  It’s been a nice break to only worry over one sport but I’ll be adding the swimming and biking back in soon enough.  I’m not a huge volume person (8-10 hours a week seems to be my comfort zone) but I have found that I do OK if I maintain some consistency.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: In 2011 I ran the Indy Mini (half-mary) and completed triathlons at sprint, oly, and half-iron distances.  I PR’d in all but the oly.

2012 RACES:  Jan - nighttime trail half-mary (goal: don’t break anything when I fall).  May – Indy Mini Half-mary (goal: sub-1:45). Jun and July – DINO Xterra tri series (goal: don’t break anything when I fall).  Aug – Tri Indy Oly (goal: better than last year). Dec – Tecumseh Trail Marathon (goal: It’s my first marathon so I’ll be happy to just finish.  Secondary goal: don’t break anything when I fall.)

WEIGHTLOSS: I don’t have any specific weight loss goals but it you’re looking to lose weight I will do my best to point you in the right direction.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: In the past few years I have devoured a ton of information about triathlon.  I would love to be able to share my knowledge with folks that are just starting out in the sport or folks that are looking to get a little more serious about their training.  There is a plethora of great information that makes its way onto the BT forums every day.  Let’s talk about how to put all that information to work to achieve the goals that we set for ourselves for 2012.

Edited by esc 2012-01-15 4:13 PM

2012-01-05 9:42 AM
in reply to: #3955221


Subject: RE: esc's Goonies Never Say Die mentor group - open

Hi Emily, would you mind if I joined your mentor group?

NAME: Clyde

STORY: 43 years old with a very distant athletic past and a very present waistline battle. I used to do a lot of running and have done some cycling recently as a hobby but nothing too serious. Got tricked into signing up for a tri last year but pulled out as I could not get my swimming act together. new year, new enthusiasm however so I am looking to do two sprints this year. One in June and One in August.

FAMILY STATUS: married with a fantastic 4yr old.

CURRENT TRAINING: None - Itching to start once the possible hurricane thats been blowing all week calms down (N. Ireland weather!)

HOPES & FEARS: That this will help give me the drive to push forward and complete the first Tri - and that I don't drown in the attempt.

2012-01-05 2:24 PM
in reply to: #3955221

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: esc's Goonies Never Say Die mentor group - open

Hi, Clyde!  Glad to have you!

It sounds like you've already picked out some goal races for the upcoming year.  And it sounds like, currently, your biggest hurdle is the swim.  Do you have someone in your area that might be able to give you a little one-on-one swimming help?  Learning proper technique makes such a difference.

As for the bike and run it's a matter of picking out a plan and sticking to it.  If you've been away from running for awhile you might take a look at the couch to 5K programs on BT:

Consevative plan:
Aggressive plan:

You have quite a while until your first sprint.  I'm sure we can get you all trained up and to the start line!

2012-01-06 8:52 AM
in reply to: #3973175


Subject: RE: esc's Goonies Never Say Die mentor group - open

A perfect summary.

I have been focusing on technique already as my upper body strength is not going to win me any medals. Breathing in particular was a problem (fairly important right?) but I have made some progress thankfully.

I have been looking around locally and found the town has a local tri-group who have swimming training during the week so I might give that a go.

2012-01-06 11:47 AM
in reply to: #3974571

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: esc's Goonies Never Say Die mentor group - open

Joining a tri club is a great way to meet experienced triathletes and make new friends.  They also know where to get all the best deal on gear and the best local shops for bike service. 

But be careful.  Hang around with too many triathletes and you'll find yourself signing up for crazy races!  Case in point, I'm signed up for a winter trail half-mary.  I actually said, "That sounds like fun!" when other club folks were talking about it.  Did I mention it's at night?  I'm going to wear lots of glow sticks so when I'm lying, broken, on the ground I'll be easy to spot.

2012-01-07 2:14 PM
in reply to: #3955221

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: esc's Goonies Never Say Die mentor group - open

Ability is something you have. Potential is something someone thinks you have. Display your ability.  Don’t let others decide what you can do.

This popped up on my twitter stream today.  It fit well with an essay by Susan Lacke that I had read just a few days ago.

The Only Thing Stopping You Is You

January is goal setting time.  What big dreams are you dreaming this year?


2012-01-07 11:02 PM
in reply to: #3955221


Subject: RE: esc's Goonies Never Say Die mentor group - open

I would be interested in joining your group also.  Just before my 38th birthday while sitting at a bar with my friend I asked him if he would be doing something that doesn't make a damn bit of sense and do Tough Mudder.  He said it sounded great and we continued our evening.  The next day I remembered somewhere in that haze asking him about it and told him he had committed to doing it with me and now we had no choice but to finish.  This is coming from the 2+ pack a day smoker + average 5 drinks a day guy who lived on a convenience store diet.  We set up a few things to prepare but didn't know much of what we were doing, I had ran cross country in high school and been in the military...other than that not much in the last 17 years or so.  I quit smoking and have taken it as seriously as I can, people keep wanting to join us on this and we are now up to a group of about 30 that join us in workouts and follow what we do.  I current focus is Tough Mudder next month, a 50 mile relay in March then...well...we're not sure.  One of the people that joined us wants to do an Ironman and I would love to try.  I don't own a bike, can barely swim and can't run a marathon so I think it sounds great!  I have somehow become the inspirational force behind much of this and I want to continue to push this, I want to learn about bikes ( I have many friends that are riders), I have a friend who was a swim coach to help me and the running is to the point I'm pretty damn close to where I know I could finish a marathon.  You seemed like a good match, I apparently work well when I know others count on me and I think this would be a good motivator for me.  Goals for this year are 2 Tough Mudders, 50 mile relay, 1/2 Ironman in September and whatever assorted things that sound interesting and fit in my schedule.  I'd love to be along for the ride to learn and ask questions!


2012-01-07 11:53 PM
in reply to: #3955221

Fairfax, VA
Subject: RE: esc's Goonies Never Say Die mentor group - open
Hi Emily!

Do you have room for another? I'd like to join your group too!

I'm 35, have done 2 sprints back in '08 & '09 but have been out due to injury for the last couple of years. I had hip surgery in late 2010, and now I'm back & ready for more!

I've signed up for a sprint in May and my goal is to do an oly in the fall. I will definitely need some advice for how to train for that.


Edited by endurance4777 2012-01-08 12:04 AM
2012-01-08 12:06 AM
in reply to: #3955221

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Subject: RE: esc's Goonies Never Say Die mentor group - open
I am already part of a group, but just wanted to say that the name of your group is AWESOME.  Hope you all have a great season.
2012-01-08 5:37 AM
in reply to: #3955221

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: esc's Goonies Never Say Die mentor group - open

Welcome, Nicole and csbenson!

I'm working all day today but when I get home I'll read through your posts and take a look at your logs.  In the meantime, I think a great way to get started with the group is to think about goals for the upcoming season.  Mike Ricci wrote a good article about goal setting - and it's right here on BT

It sounds like everyone has some goal races but I've found it helpful to have some more specific goals to help get me to race day.  When I get a chance this evening I'll post my goals.  If you've already got something specific that you're working towards, post it to the thead.  If you need some help coming up with goals just let me know and we'll work through it.

Have a great day everyone!  And if you're lucky enough to be enjoying some football this afternoon - have a beer for me, would ya?!  I could use a drink.

2012-01-08 9:22 AM
in reply to: #3955221

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Subject: RE: esc's Goonies Never Say Die mentor group - open

Hello Emily-


I would be interested in joining your group...if there is still room.  Not gonna name drew me in.  Love it.  Of course, then I read your profile info and I think I'll fit right in...

About Me: I am 34 years old, married to a super guy and do not have any children.  I was a team sport athlete through undergrad and then after working in the "real world" I began running.  I completed many 5Ks, 10Ks, and 1/2s.  I competed for about 10 years (post-undergrad).  After quitting my job to head back to for my Master's and currently my PhD - I've found I have completely given up a regular exercising and training schedule.  It's now been almost 6 years.  Occasionally I would get a "running" spurt only to get bored after about 3 weeks.  Of course, the weight started to come on - as I still liked my red wine and pasta.  I now live in a place that is extremely bike friendly and abundant with freshwater lakes.  A close friend of mine tried out "triathlons" and seems fairly addicted.  She completed the Cozumel Ford Ironman in November.  My husband and I joined she and her husband for the trip as a vacation - little did I know I'd become mesmerized by the sport of triathlon.  Now, here I am.  I started a "couch to sprint" training program Dec. 15th and so far - I'm loving it.  However, I find I have lots of little technical that's why I'm here!

I completed Tri the Lake in Heber Springs, AR in October.  It was really just to see if I could still bike and run after such a hiatus.  I didn't really train (I was not a swimmer, but my tri-friend convinced me that since many people didn't swim the whole 500 yds that I could breaststroke my way through it.  Since I really didn't know how to freestyle, I did hit the pool about a dozen times, so I wouldn't drown).  Anyway, I completed horrible time, but I was just so thrilled to be doing it, I really didn't care.  My tri-friend was horrified at my long, slow transitions.  I was just trying to finish and figure it all out!  So, I have a very beginner's knowledge of the "triathlon".

My goals this year:  In late May I would like to COMPLETE the Memphis in May Oly.  Then, I'd like to shoot for a half tri mid-to-late summer.  I'd like to complete a 1/2 ironman race before the year is over.  I do have a long term goal of completing a full ironman...I'm thinking its a late 2013 goal.  Maybe return to least I know the island routes!

I am a swimming novice, but have been following a beginner swimmer program and had two sessions with a swim coach to teach me "how to swim".  I'm up to 1200 yds per training session right now.  I'm biking about 15-19 miles on my training sessions (and just purchased an indoor trainer).  Most interesting to running is terrible - I can barely run 3 miles.  I'm not sure if its because I just got so bored with it or if its because of the weight I've gained.  Guessing its a little of both.  Think a running partner may help with this...I find I'm not willing to push myself in the run training.  No problem to bike an extra 5 miles or swim another 300 yds...but ask me to tack on 1/2 mile more and I'm like - yeah, whatever...not doing that today. 

So, there you have it.  I'm ready to be committed and accountable!

Thanks for mentoring!






2012-01-08 6:20 PM
in reply to: #3977652

Fairfax, VA
Subject: RE: esc's Goonies Never Say Die mentor group - open
Got it!

So I've registered for a sprint in May, and am planning on another sprint in June. In the fall, my goal is to do an oly.

My sprint goals are to achieve PRs. My last race results were:

Swim - 00:28:30
Bike - 00:49:56
Run - 00:33:27

I know I have lots of room to improve there. For my first post-injury sprint, if I can best those times, I think that would be a great start.

For the 2nd sprint, I'd like to continue reaching for PRs.

The second sprint is 6 weeks from the first, so I wanted to ask how to train/taper during those weeks? Is 6 weeks too close or aggressive?

As for the oly, I really don't know what to shoot for since it will be my first. I can only assume I will have a better gauge after I start training for the longer distances? This is where I can use lots of guidance!


2012-01-08 8:54 PM
in reply to: #3977825

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: esc's Goonies Never Say Die mentor group - open
Welcome to the group, Tammy! You've got some big goals this year! Nothing like watching an ironman to get you pumped about triathlon.

It sounds like you're on track with the swim and bike but struggling with the run. I know it might seem counter intuitive but my first suggestion is to slow down. Even though you have a running history it will take more time to adjust to running than the other two sports. Running at an easy pace is hard at first. I still struggle with it from time to time. I try to go out at a pace that I call "if I was going any slower I'd be moving backwards." It makes 30 minutes much more.enjoyable and there is much less of a recovery cost. The saying you'll see thrown out a lot on BT is: run lots. Mostly easy sometimes hard.
2012-01-08 9:09 PM
in reply to: #3978531

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: esc's Goonies Never Say Die mentor group - open
endurance4777 - 2012-01-08 7:20 PM

Got it!

So I've registered for a sprint in May, and am planning on another sprint in June. In the fall, my goal is to do an oly.

My sprint goals are to achieve PRs. My last race results were:

Swim - 00:28:30
Bike - 00:49:56
Run - 00:33:27

I know I have lots of room to improve there. For my first post-injury sprint, if I can best those times, I think that would be a great start.

For the 2nd sprint, I'd like to continue reaching for PRs.

The second sprint is 6 weeks from the first, so I wanted to ask how to train/taper during those weeks? Is 6 weeks too close or aggressive?

As for the oly, I really don't know what to shoot for since it will be my first. I can only assume I will have a better gauge after I start training for the longer distances? This is where I can use lots of guidance!


6 weeks is plenty of time between the 2 sprints. Your approach will depend on how quickly you can recover from the first effort. My post-race soreness is directly related to how well prepared I am for the distance. I've had races where I was back to regular training right away and I'he had times where I couldn't walk down the stairs for days afterwards. A good initial plan is to schedule an easy week following the race with a transition week to ease you back into regular training. Then you can just repeat the final 4 weeks of the sprint plan.

You've got some solid goals for your sprint. You'll get a much better idea of your fitness after a race or two.
2012-01-08 9:13 PM
in reply to: #3955221

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: esc's Goonies Never Say Die mentor group - open
Alright, goonies (heh. that auto corrected to bookies) I've got to get to bed. I'll look at logs tomorrow. I'm excited to get to know everyone! Sweet dreams!
2012-01-09 6:34 AM
in reply to: #3955221


St. Louis
Subject: RE: esc's Goonies Never Say Die mentor group - open

Hello Emily,

My name is Jamie and I will be 39 in 2 days. I became interested in triathlons last July after watching the race in Kuna on TV last July. I was so smitten by the whole thing I begin my training the 2 days later.  I have a somewhat athletic background to include 4 years in the Marines which not only showed how to get in be in shape but also taught me that whatever you think your physical limits are, you are probably wrong. Anyway at present I am about 20 lbs over the weight I would like to be but I still exercise fairly regularly and am pretty well consumed by the idea of completing 2 Sprints and 2 Olys this year and shooting for a couple of 70.3 next year. This site helped me tremendously last year but all I did last year was train, or at least what I call training.

I am married (to avoid any confusion I was the groom) and have a 2 and 4 year old.

I am starting the 20 week Olympic 3x balanced TODAY. Mostly need work on the swim.

I don't have any specific races planned yet as I am still hesitating for fear I will not be able to complete the swim because I struggle so much. Ideally I would like to do my first race in April. And also weigh around 165 at that time too.

I hope I have included all the information you need. Hope to hear from you soon. Looking forward to some guidance from a real person instead of just browing this site everyday, great as it is.

2012-01-09 7:27 AM
in reply to: #3979126

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: esc's Goonies Never Say Die mentor group - open
Hi, Jamie! Glad to have you as part of the group. I have a friend named Jamie who married a Jamie. We resorted to calling them James and Jamie so everyone knows who we're talking to/about.

My first advice - find someone to help you with the swim. One on one instruction can work wonders. Check for a local masters program or see if there is a swim instructor at your gym. Is there a tri club in your area? That's another great place to look for resources. Explain that you're training for a triathlon and are looking for a swim coach for a few lessons.

I'm a former high school swimmer so I can offer a little advice as well. What specifically are you struggling with on the swim?
2012-01-09 5:15 PM
in reply to: #3955221


Subject: RE: esc's Goonies Never Say Die mentor group - open


My Name is Steve.  I am a 48 year old male (aka Steve) in Southern California.  I have never attempted a tri but want that to be my goal in 2012.  2011 was to become a DiveMaster(did that)

Part of the divemaster program is a complete Stress test on the ole ticker.. heart and lungs are good to train. 

Needless to say, I am looking for anyone to train with, mentor me in training and in some way I can help others as we (newbies) train.

I currently Run a few nights a week (4 miles) so I know I need to grow there.  I ride to work a few days a week, but no where near the miles I need.  Swimming is just my scuba. 

So I need help, regiment and people to share my training with.  I am looking forward to this.  No goals (races) set yet but would like to do a sprint by late spring/early summer.


Nice to meet you all, hope to talk with you all more.



Aliso Viejo, CA

2012-01-09 8:07 PM
in reply to: #3980619

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: esc's Goonies Never Say Die mentor group - open
Hey, Steve! Welcome to the group! You've come to the right place to talk about triathlon. BT is full of info and.lots of free training plans that can help you get on track with your training. I'd suggest you start by taking a look at one of the sprint plans and see where your abilities lie in relation to where the plan starts off. Pop back in here and let me know if you find a plan that you like, if you need help finding a plan that's righ t for you, or if you have questions about how to get from your current fitness to the start of a plan.

It sounds like you've been doing quite a bit of running. Have you done any running races recently?
2012-01-09 8:23 PM
in reply to: #3955221

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: esc's Goonies Never Say Die mentor group - open
This is a quiet group! I'll get us started off with a little chatter...

We're enjoying some freakishly warm weather here in Indiana - nearly 50 degrees in January. I got out in the sunshine today and checked out one of the local trails. It was a tough route with lots of ups and downs and lots of mud. I got dirty and had a blast. And I didn't even fall down one single time! Tomorrow I plan to get out for a short run in the morning and then hit the trainer in the evening for a bike workout. What are you all getting up to?
2012-01-09 8:47 PM
in reply to: #3978815

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Subject: RE: esc's Goonies Never Say Die mentor group - open
Thanks, Em! You may be right...I thought I should be running at the speed I would for a regular running race...sounds like that isn't the case. So, I really should follow the time listed to be running...not as much how far I can go and how fast that far...guess that's something from my running days. I was just telling my husband that I didnt understand why there wasn't more instruction on how to train for running a TRI.Had a great swim this morning-was able to catch the pool for the long rec swim!! It's so much different to swim 50 instead of 25!Thanks, Tammy

2012-01-09 9:34 PM
in reply to: #3980985

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: esc's Goonies Never Say Die mentor group - open
Tambo1221 - 2012-01-09 9:47 PM

Thanks, Em! You may be right...I thought I should be running at the speed I would for a regular running race...sounds like that isn't the case. So, I really should follow the time listed to be running...not as much how far I can go and how fast that far...guess that's something from my running days. I was just telling my husband that I didnt understand why there wasn't more instruction on how to train for running a TRI.Had a great swim this morning-was able to catch the pool for the long rec swim!! It's so much different to swim 50 instead of 25!Thanks, Tammy

Yup. Just go out nice and relaxed...eventually you'll become more fit and your easy run will get faster all on it's own.
2012-01-10 11:03 AM
in reply to: #3955221

New user

Subject: RE: esc's Goonies Never Say Die mentor group - open

Wondering if you have room for one more???

NAME: Annemarie (amm777)

STORY: I am 34 years old want to complete a tri.  I grew up a competitive swimmer untill I got into late high school/college.  I started smoking and parting, leading me away from the active lifestyle.  After college I got a job and settled down not doing much with my life. I had a life "moment" last year and began running in September.  In October I quit smoking. But now I am now finding running boring and need to try something new.  I love biking and swimming is natural for me so I thought a Tri would be a perfect fit for me.    

FAMILY STATUS: Married to my Husband for almost 12 years and we have two wonderful children (son 5, daughter 8) They all keep me busy! Plus working full time.

CURRENT TRAINING: I’m currently just running two/three times a week. Twice a week I run with a group. But lacking the motivation to get out there any more than that.  Winter weather doesn't help either.   

THIS YEAR'S RACES: In November 2011 I ran the Road2Hope 5km (35:10) not the time I wanted but okay with it.

2012 RACES:  In March I'm doing Race around the Bay 5km and plan on a tri sometime in the summer.  I may put a couple more 5km races in there somewhere.

WEIGHTLOSS: Wouldn't hurt to lose a few..........about 20 lbs. 

Edited by amm777 2012-01-10 11:06 AM
2012-01-10 4:12 PM
in reply to: #3955221

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: esc's Goonies Never Say Die mentor group - open

Good afternoon, Goonies.  And welcome to our newest member, Annemarie.

We've got lots of triathlon newcomers in the group and it looks like most everyone is new to the Beginner Triathlete (BT) website as well.  Let's get the group rolling with a few simple things:

1. Training logs - the training log feature is one of my favorite things about BT.  Even as a non-paying member the logs have lots of great features.  It's a simple way to record your workouts and any notes you want to make about what you did for the day.  There are some simple graphing functions that let you take a look at your training volume over the course of the year or month or week.  The training log also lets you set up a friends list so you can easily click to take a look at other users logs.  There are a few articles that deal with setting up your training log and logging workouts.  Clicky clicky.  Finally, keeping an accurate log lets me offer up better advice when you ask questions.  It's easier to see how to help someone get where the want to go when I can more accurately see where they're starting from.

2. The Friends list - like I mentioned above you can add links to other users logs in your training log.  The details of how to do so are in the link I gave.  So far, the user names for everyone in the group are as follows:


3. Inspires - when you look at your training log you'll see a little link that says "inspire me".  This allows you to leave a little message on someone else's training log - like a virtural high 5.  It's a great way to help build some accountability and comradery within the group.  Sometimes, knowing that someone else is out there looking at your log, can help give you a push to get out the door for a workout on a rough day.  If you have a little free time, head over to other group members training logs and take some time to leave an inspire or just say hi.

Alright...I'll stop babbling for now if you all promise to start using your logs!

Edited by esc 2012-01-10 4:16 PM
2012-01-10 4:49 PM
in reply to: #3955221

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: esc's Goonies Never Say Die mentor group - open

OK...i'm going to babble just a little bit more.

Being from Indiana and being a Purdue Boilermaker fan I can't help but be a John Wooden fan.  For those that don't know about him, he was a great basketball player for Purdue and went on to be a great basketball coach at UCLA.  You can google "John Wooden quotes" and come up with a huge list but this is one of my favorites.

If you're not making mistakes then you're not doing anything.  I'm positive that a doer makes mistakes.

Part of participating in triathlon is that sometimes you get it all wrong - you don't train properly for a race or you get to a race well trained but don't execute your race plan.  In the moment, it might be a bitter pill to swallow.  But in the long run, each failure teaches a valuable lesson.  You got out there and did something that most of the world will never even attempt.  Don't let failure drag you down.  Learn from it and move on to the next fight.

I'll wrap up with a non-inspirational quote from everyone's favorite chubbie Goonie, Chunk:

Everything. OK! I'll talk! In third grade, I cheated on my history exam. In fourth grade, I stole my uncle Max's toupee and I glued it on my face when I was Moses in my Hebrew School play. In fifth grade, I knocked my sister Edie down the stairs and I blamed it on the dog... When my mom sent me to the summer camp for fat kids and then they served lunch I got nuts and I pigged out and they kicked me out... But the worst thing I ever done - I mixed a pot of fake puke at home and then I went to this movie theater, hid the puke in my jacket, climbed up to the balcony and then, t-t-then, I made a noise like this: hua-hua-hua-huaaaaaaa - and then I dumped it over the side, all over the people in the audience. And then, this was horrible, all the people started getting sick and throwing up all over each other. I never felt so bad in my entire life.

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