Other Resources My Cup of Joe » Are Security Cameras Going to End Really Good April Fool's Pranks Rss Feed  
Moderators: k9car363, the bear, DerekL, alicefoeller Reply
2014-04-01 10:57 AM

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Subject: Are Security Cameras Going to End Really Good April Fool's Pranks

In the long tradition of pranks at Georgia Tech, the most hallowed tradition of the history of pranking was stealing the T off the Tech Tower.  It has been accomplished many times.  The latest was accomplished on March 18.

Tech Tower

The associated story suggests that security camera tapes are being reviewed to identify the culprit.  

The best Georgia Tech prank was executed by a group of Nuclear Engineering Students in 1976.  A particular professor was known to go in is office after lunch when he was supposed to have office hours and lock the door and not answer if someone knocked.  In the dark of night, the original solid hardwood door was replaced with an exact replica made of ceramic.   When he finished teaching returned to his office, he slammed his door and for that one day he had an open door policy.  It was an outstanding team effort that brought together technical and management skills far greater that the lessons of the classroom.  I fear such traditions like this may be lost with the proliferation of security cameras.  Does this signal the end of April Fool's as we know it?




2014-04-01 11:22 AM
in reply to: tech_geezer

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Subject: RE: Are Security Cameras Going to End Really Good April Fool's Pranks
Nope, they'll just get sneakier.

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Other Resources My Cup of Joe » Are Security Cameras Going to End Really Good April Fool's Pranks Rss Feed  

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