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2014-04-25 2:36 PM
in reply to: ajusf16

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Subject: RE: Quit or stay - another WWCOJD

It may be beyond this now, but do you give the moms positive feedback on the good things their kids have done- like the autistic twins you mentioned?  That can go a long way to shaping parent perceptions and behavior...

2014-04-25 3:21 PM
in reply to: momandmd

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Subject: RE: Quit or stay - another WWCOJD

Originally posted by momandmd

It may be beyond this now, but do you give the moms positive feedback on the good things their kids have done- like the autistic twins you mentioned?  That can go a long way to shaping parent perceptions and behavior...

Yes when I can. They all leave to go swimming while I am putting equipment away so often everyone is off to the locker room. If I see them I will make a point to say something. I have a little girl of my own who gets notes home when she is having a bad day but never if she is having a good day so I know how much that matters to a parent .

2014-04-26 4:50 PM
in reply to: trigal38

Subject: RE: Quit or stay - another WWCOJD
I agree with the others to stay, but at the same token, life's too short to be yelled at, etc...when you're trying to teach kids a good work ethic. Think you've really done quite well, considering the circumstances. I don't think that some parents realize that coddling kids only sets them up for failure when they get out into the world, as adults, and come to the startling revelation that life is tough, and they will have to deal with tough situations, bosses, etc...and crying to mom/dad won't help them, then.
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