Other Resources My Cup of Joe » Apple's IOS 8 Rss Feed  
Moderators: k9car363, the bear, DerekL, alicefoeller Reply
2014-09-18 8:09 AM

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Subject: Apple's IOS 8

Cool, time to upgrade:

The key is the encryption that Apple mobile devices automatically put in place when a user selects a passcode, making it difficult for anyone who lacks that passcode to access the information within, including photos, e-mails and recordings. Apple once maintained the ability to unlock some content on devices for legally binding police requests but will no longer do so for iOS 8, it said in the new privacy policy.

2014-09-22 9:44 PM
in reply to: DanielG

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North edge of nowhere
Subject: RE: Apple's IOS 8
I'm sure someone sufficiently skilled can still access the data on the device, but this move makes a heck of a statement. Our warrants don't mean much unless we have someone who is able to hack the device.
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