Subject: Android tablet help needed Hoping someone here can provide some info
background - my teens surprised me with an inexpensive tablet to replace the (cheap ) tablet I dropped on the concrete
we are a family with very modest means ... So an answer of "buy a better tablet" will not be helpful
one of the primary reasons I was given the tablet is to be able to use Skype with my daughter who has gone overseas for the next 7 months. After finding Skype would not run, I found that Skype requires an Android version more recent than the 2.2.3 the iRola uses.
The tablet is an iRola DX 752 . Google has provided some fairly negative reviews, but returning it is not a possibility, so in the spirit of making lemonade from lemons, I would like to know if it is possible to update the Android version 2.2.3 installed to something that will allow Skype to run.
I see terms such as Root, ROM, and flash.... ????
kelly |