Subject: Garmin Uploads via Garmin ConnectHi All - for all those with problems uploading their Garmin training data directly to BT, there is another option which seems to work better: LINKING your BT account to Garmin Connect. For those of you with a Garmin Connect account, simply edit try the following:
1. Go to "Edit" your BT Personal Profile. Hover mouse cursor over your user name in the upper corner of the page (where it says Hello, Username ), then go to My Profile. Once on the My Profile Page, click on the grey "Edit My Profile" menu button
2. Go to Training Log settings on the left hand side menu (bottom of the menu ) - click on and you should see "Device Upload" as a menu item.
3. Click on "Device Upload" and link your Garmin Connect account to your BT account.
If you don't have a Garmin Connect account - worth signing up for, depends on your personal preferences.
Worked for me like a charm today- linked my account yesterday. It only, as far as I can see, starts to uploadson the day AFTER you link the two accounts and does not import any previous data. Otherwise, seems the two are well connected and no more frustration with uploading.
In any case, has solve me beating the desk on Garmin Communicator not working (or stopping ).
Good luck and feel free to post any more tips or tricks!
"Anything is possible!" |