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Cane Creek Sprint Triathlon - Triathlon

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Waxhaw, North Carolina
United States
Set Up Events
73F / 23C
Total Time = 1h 23m 3s
Overall Rank = 22/144
Age Group = 50-54
Age Group Rank = 2/15
Pre-race routine:

Woke up at 5:20 - ate a banana, almonds and some toast. Had a Gu gel right before heading down to the swim before the race start.

Wet drive to Cane Creek Park. Checked in and then retrieved my bike and stuff and set up. Found out the race was wetsuit legal, so I put it on and headed down to the water.

I wore sandals for the walk to the start and had to retrieve them after the race. Was glad I did.
Event warmup:

Not much of a warm-up. A few strokes.

I don't know if it was the wet, cold weather or the darkness, or something else, but I was not mentally "up" for this one.
  • 12m 40s
  • 820 yards
  • 01m 32s / 100 yards

Good swim, but I am still holding back quite a bit. With improvements to my swim, my times are much faster, but I am also able to get out of the water without feeling totally wrecked.

Navigation was good and not much crowding after the first 100 yards or so until I hit the slower swimmers from the prior wave.

What would you do differently?:

I probably need to push harder to see what I can withstand from a pace perspective. I am going faster, but I feel like I could definitely push a bit harder. I just don't want to blow up on the bike or run - I've done that before and it is not fun.

I was 2:56 faster than last year (19%). Very happy with swim improvements.
Transition 1
  • 01m 16s

Good transition. Could have moved faster, but the wetsuit came off quickly considering I haven't used it in two seasons.

Good flying mount. Only mistake was that I didn't open one of my shoes beforehand. Not too much of a problem.
What would you do differently?:

Move faster. Open both shoes.

Not too bad considering everything was wet.

I was 18 seconds slower than last year
  • 43m 10s
  • 14 miles
  • 19.46 mile/hr

Good ride. I was comfortable going fast than I thought I would be with the wet roads.

I took the turns with extreme caution, so that slowed me down a bit.

Was passed by only a few riders but passed quite a few.

My glasses were great. They helped with the spray and did not fog.
What would you do differently?:

Not much. Happy to get through it without going down. Very happy with the average speed considering the wet conditions.

I was 0:11 faster than 2014. Surprising with the wet roads...
Transition 2
  • 01m 10s

Good transition. Need to move faster, but I'm realizing as time goes by that T2 times are very related to my endurance. After I get off the bike, I am really beat and I tend to take my time in transition.

Got off the shoes at just the right time and did a measured, cautious dismount. Did not want to wipe out in the rain.
What would you do differently?:

Again, move faster. Overall the technique is there - I'm just dragging...
  • 24m 57s
  • 3.1 miles
  • 08m 03s  min/mile

Another painful run. Need to improve my endurance so I have more left at the end. Something to work on over the winter.

Another case of being passed with about a quarter mile left and sprinting at the finish to beat the person who passed me. I don't know where I find the energy in those situations.
What would you do differently?:

Better self talk - with the out and back straight course and two loops, there was not enough distraction to keep e from focusing on how uncomfortable I was. Need to be more disciplined.

Also - more endurance training overall.

I was 1:04 slower than last year. Disappointing, but I still averaged 8:03 miles which isn't bad for me.
Post race
Warm down:

A few bananas, Gatorade and water. Walked back to the swim to get my sandals

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Wet roads, endurance.

Event comments:

Overall a good race. The weather affected the turnout, and it seemed as if there was not a lot of energy surrounding the race.

I will do it again, hopefully with better weather.

Last updated: 2015-06-04 12:00 AM
00:12:40 | 820 yards | 01m 32s / 100yards
Age Group: 2/15
Overall: 19/144
Performance: Good
Garmin measured at 1:39/100yds
Suit: Xterra Volt
Course: Point to point swim. Left a sandy beach and swam out to a bouy, then a right turn and exit at a boat ramp.
Start type: Wade Plus: Waves
Water temp: 73F / 23C Current: Low
200M Perf. Good Remainder: Good
Breathing: Good Drafting: Below average
Waves: Navigation: Good
Rounding: Average
Time: 01:16
Performance: Average
Cap removal: Average Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? No Run with bike: Yes
Jump on bike: Yes
Getting up to speed: Below average
00:43:10 | 14 miles | 19.46 mile/hr
Age Group: 3/15
Overall: 22/144
Performance: Good
1st 5 miles - 19.1 mph 2nd 5 miles - 21.2 mph Last 4 miles - 20.4 mph
Wind: Some with gusts
Course: Clockwise loop with minimal turns and sharp curves (which was welcome in the rain).
Road: Rough Wet Cadence: 85
Turns: Below average Cornering: Average
Gear changes: Average Hills: Good
Race pace: Hard Drinks:
Time: 01:10
Overall: Average
Riding w/ feet on shoes Good
Jumping off bike Average
Running with bike Average
Racking bike Good
Shoe and helmet removal Good
00:24:57 | 03.1 miles | 08m 03s  min/mile
Age Group: 6/15
Overall: 52/144
Performance: Average
mile 1 - 7:47 mile 2 - 8:25 mile 3 - 8:16 last 0.1 - 5:47
Course: Two loops out and back on a road. Downhill going out and uphill coming back.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Average
Mental exertion [1-5] 2
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? No
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 3

2015-09-29 9:29 AM

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Pineville, North Carolina
Subject: Cane Creek Sprint Triathlon
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Cane Creek Sprint Triathlon

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date : November 9, 2009
author : TexasHeatRunner
comments : 5
At mile ten I heard a noise like I had gotten paper in my spokes or something. I looked but saw nothing but a few seconds later my rear tire blows out.
date : June 3, 2009
author : Amy Kuitse
comments : 0
Are these races too close together to give me any sort of recovery? Will I be spent and unhappy racing back to back weekends and then again two weeks after that?
date : September 8, 2008
author : pjwalzphd
comments : 2
When I told my husband that I planned to work toward completing a sprint triathlon, he smiled and was supportive, but a bit disbelieving.
date : April 1, 2008
author : trvw
comments : 0
The challenge? The accomplishment? I want to do this because it is an opportunity to live life. The event is an indoor sprint triathlon. I get to experience the challenge on a safer scale.
date : February 12, 2008
author : mikericci
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This plan is designed to make you go faster. 3 workouts per week in each sport, 2 days of strength training and core work. The maximum volume is around 10 hours toward the end of the 12 weeks.
date : September 3, 2006
author : acbadger
comments : 1
Since your “A” race is your marathon, which you stated in your question, this should be your main focus. I encourage you to taper a bit for the sprint distance triathlon.
date : August 30, 2004
author : Ron
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Couch-to-sprint triathlon training programs to get you over the finish-line of your first triathlon.
date : August 29, 2004
author : Ron
comments : 1
Program outline of the 16 and 20 week sprint triathlon training plan overviews.