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CRC 5k - Run

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Ithaca, New York
United States
Cancer Resource Center
43F / 6C
Total Time = 27m 3s
Overall Rank = 97/318
Age Group = F60-69
Age Group Rank = 1/11
Pre-race routine:

Woke up at 3:00 AM & couldn't get back to sleep, so I was a little tired. Had 4 cups of half-caff, and since I don't take caffeine except on race days, I was buzzing and no longer tired. Had time to do a little tai chi to settle down.
For breakfast, the usual oatmeal/yogurt/raisins. At 8:15, 1/2 Hammer bar & cup of beet juice/V8 Purple mix. Also had a caffeinated gel before starting my warm up.
I left the house at 7:45 and rode with Gail. Got to the race site with enough time to walk the race route a bit before warm-up
Event warmup:

Started at 9:10 for a 10:00 start. Did SR standard dynamic stretching warmup. Then ran easy about 10 minutes, followed by 4 x (30" accelerations, 30" walk, 60" jog easy.)
It was a nasty, raw, windy, cold day; the 15 minute wait at the start line was pretty uncomfortable stripped down to slightly sweaty race clothing.
  • 27m 3s
  • 3.1 miles
  • 08m 44s  min/mile

Since this is the only flat race I run, I wanted to try targeting a pace rather than a HR zone. My difficulty was I didn't really know what pace to target. My last previous 5k was this one a year ago, when my time was 27:18, a pace of 8:48. I've been doing no speed work this fall, just balanced triathlon base training geared towards next year, plus the two cross-country races. I wanted to break 27:00, (8:43) but that was kind of an arbitrary goal based on a nice round number. I decided to shoot for an 8:45 pace with the option of reevaluating it mid-race, depending on how I felt.
I didn't even look at my Garmin for the first 2 minutes, carried away away as I typically am by the early flow of effortless speed. Then I began to rein myself in to something near my target pace, but for the entire first mile I was unfatigued and fast--probably too fast. I was surprised at the mile marker to find that my time was only 8:24. I thought I should reduce my target pace, but wasn't sure by how much; and anyway, the Garmin was annoying because the real-time pace showing had a much wider variability than my actual pace. I had set it to also show average pace, so I kept my eye on that, and it was soon holding steady at 8:38.
The second mile was harder than the first, partly because we were now running directly into a 10 mph headwind (cold and raw off the inlet); and also the fatique was accumulating. By the start of the third mile I could see that my pace had slowed, but my average was still looking good. At mile 2.5, where I like to accelerate again, I found myself working hard just to maintain the pace I had, but my Garmin was still showing an average to give me a sub-27:00. I was really disappointed when the finish came into view and the race clock showed I was not quite going to make that goal, although I managed a hard sprint the last 30 seconds or so.
Even though my overall effort level was high, if I could compare it with other races I would say that the degree to which I was trashed, measured by how long I had to walk around afterwards just breathing, was not quite as high as at my most recent cross-country effort.
What would you do differently?:

Learn how to quit relying on the Garmin so much because its accuracy is limited. I really need to dig into RPE and learn to read that better. I think for my next cross-country race this upcoming Sunday I'll wear the Garmin but won't look at it at all except to identify my acceleration point. This will be especially interesting because it's 6k not 5.
Post race
Warm down:

Walked around just a bit, just to go put on warm clothes. Had my Recoverite drink & half a recovery bar, plus an apple. Rolled & stretched on the grass. Went home & took a long walk in the woods.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Inexperience at pacing & at RPE. I think I probably went out too fast. I forgot to call on all the mental imagery I had prepared.

Event comments:

This is a big community event benefiting locally-based cancer support services. There's a walkathon as well as the 5k, zumba dancing, and a pancake breakfast afterwards. There are musicians playing all along the race route. The musicians have to suffer the most on a cold nasty day like this because they're out in the weather for a long time without gloves. I made sure to yell a thank you to each group as I ran by.

Last updated: 2015-10-25 12:00 AM
00:27:03 | 03.1 miles | 08m 44s  min/mile
Age Group: 1/11
Overall: 97/318
Performance: Good
1st mile: 8:24, average HR 143. 2nd mile 8:46, average HR 144. 3rd mile 8:45, average HR 145. fraction average pace 8:08,HR 149.
Course: It's a flat, paved exercise path in Cass Park, a double out & back along Cayuga Inlet.
Keeping cool Drinking
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 5

2015-10-25 7:01 PM

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Spencer, New York
Subject: CRC 5k
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First, with your upcoming 5K, I strongly advise you to check out the “Couch to 5K” training schedule. This training schedule is a GREAT way to get back into running safely and wisely.
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This couch to 5k program will get your running in seven months and can be the lead-up to any of the sprint programs.
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