Originally posted by Renee For the record: I don't read most people's post. My energy goes towards venting about what I think about an issue, not about what you think. I mean this in the nicest possible way: I don't care what your opinions are. Now, you might think that's a hostile attitude but it really isn't. I will use a personal anecdote to illustrate. When I was dating my current husband (#2), he told me early on that it wouldn't work between us because I wouldn't like his political opinions or beliefs. I replied: What makes you think your opinions are important to me? They matter only to you. I don't care what you think and I don't expect you to care about my opinions; they matter to no one but me and often they aren't important even to me. It didn't take him too long to accept that I didn't care in the nicest way possible. Call it benign indifference. Or call it whatever you want - I don't care! In summary, if you think my views are about you or directed at you, you are mistakenly assuming that I care. And that hurts.