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Sprint Triathlon at Vistancia - Triathlon

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Peoria, Arizona
United States
4 Peaks Racing
75F / 24C
Total Time = 1h 19m 13s
Overall Rank = 15/129
Age Group = M 45-49
Age Group Rank = 2/15
Pre-race routine:

I went to the site early to set up and check in. Jenna was going to bring Dad a little later. I looked for them after getting situated, and when they arrived, I had time to wheel Dad to a good vantage point with a view of the pool, transition, and the beginning/end of the run course. With Dad and Jenna there, riding the Valdora for the first time, and being on a familiar, fast course under good weather conditions I anticipated having a good race. In addition, the distances on the course (longer bike ride on relatively flat ground in comparison to the swim and run) also play to my strengths.
Event warmup:

I had taken the dogs running before leaving for the race, and between checking out the venue for best routes to get a wheelchair in and out, and wheeling my Dad up from the parking lot, I was pretty warm before the event started.
  • 07m 98s
  • 300 yards
  • 02m 53s / 100 yards

Thankfully, they decided to start the swim by gender and age, which meant I would be starting close to the front. Even though I am a dreadfully slow swimmer, it allows me to get out of the pool and on to the bike course before it gets too congested. The later you start the swim in this event, the more messy it is. For some reason, maybe due to the chaos of the swim, I get really winded in this pool. I just kept plodding along until I finished both times through. I gave Jenna and Dad a wave and headed into transition where the real race starts.
Transition 1
  • 01m 52s

I had a lot of trouble getting my gloves on, so I wasted some time here.
  • 43m 5s
  • 16.5 miles
  • 22.98 mile/hr

Being among the first out of the pool, I knew I would have a pretty clean bike course to work with, at least on the first loop. Since it is pretty short, I knew I could maintain a pretty hard effort throughout without running out of steam. While I was riding hard, I was very careful around the turns, since I had only taken the Valdora out once prior to the event, and only for a few miles. It will take some time before the handling is second nature and I am more comfortable with the cornering.

I checked my split on each lap, and was seeing around 14 minutes, which would put me in the ballpark of where I was last year, when I was carrying less weight. It seems like the bump in training has reasonably compensated for the increase in weight.

I went through all three loops without incident, and finished within seconds of the previous years’ time, which was good enough for 4th best in the entire field. I was looking forward to comparing when the results were released, but had to refocus on having a good run and finishing the race.

I was very pleased when I saw the results later in the day. I had turned in the 3rd best bike split in the field (out of 129) and the best in my age group (out of 15).

Transition 2
  • 01m 31s
  • 25m 35s
  • 5 kms
  • 05m 07s  min/km

I wasn’t sure what to expect on the run, since I had pushed the bike pretty hard. I tried to focus on running by feel rather than looking at the Garmin. I just tried to keep a quick cadence and effort and figured the pace would take care of itself.

I only saw about 5-10 people coming the other way on the way out, so that gave me a pretty good feeling about my overall standing. Even though I had started toward the front, it looked like I was at least holding my ground. At the turnaround, I checked my time and was encouraged. It was only about 12 minutes and change, and I only had 1.5 miles to go. I tried to put the discomfort out of my mind, maintain the pace, and finish it like I had started.

I came back through the short hills (it definitely feel like the way back is more uphill), and crossed the finish. I found Jenna and Dad, and was anxious to see the results. When they were posted, I was showing as second in my age group, but there were still plenty of people on the course. As they kept updating, the size of my group kept growing, but everyone was being added below my name. When all was said and done, I remained 2nd out of the 15 people in my group, so we were going to stay for the awards.

Post race
Warm down:

We found a spot in the shade and waited for the awards to be presented. I received a pint glass with the race logo, but more than any material thing, I was thrilled with the way that the morning had unfolded. While it is a low-key, small, local event, I wanted to perform well in front of Dad and Jenna, as well as have a good first event with the Valdora. The weather was beautiful, and we all got in and out safe and sound. It was everything that I wanted out of the day.

Event comments:

The event, as always, is well organized and fun. It’s a nice course in a convenient location.

Last updated: 2016-04-02 12:00 AM
00:07:98 | 300 yards | 02m 53s / 100yards
Age Group: 7/15
Overall: 70/129
Course: Two serpentine laps through 6 lane pool
Start type: Plus:
Water temp: 0F / 0C Current:
200M Perf. Remainder:
Breathing: Drafting:
Waves: Navigation:
Time: 01:52
Cap removal: Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Run with bike:
Jump on bike:
Getting up to speed:
00:43:05 | 16.5 miles | 22.98 mile/hr
Age Group: 1/15
Overall: 3/129
Course: Three loops of a 5.5 mile course
Road:   Cadence:
Turns: Cornering:
Gear changes: Hills:
Race pace: Drinks:
Time: 01:31
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike
Running with bike
Racking bike
Shoe and helmet removal
00:25:35 | 05 kms | 05m 07s  min/km
Age Group: 7/15
Overall: 48/129
Course: Out and back on Discovery Trail
Keeping cool Drinking
Post race
Weight change: %
Mental exertion [1-5]
Physical exertion [1-5]
Good race?
Course challenge
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers?
Plenty of drinks?
Post race activities:
Race evaluation [1-5]

2016-04-02 6:09 AM

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Surprise, Arizona
Subject: Sprint Triathlon at Vistancia

2016-04-02 4:26 PM
in reply to: #5175020

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the desert
Subject: RE: Sprint Triathlon at Vistancia

 Nice job and congrats  on the podium finish. Out of curiosity, why the gloves? Your bike is still your strength, but your run seems to be coming around very nicely. 

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General Discussion Race Reports! » Sprint Triathlon at Vistancia Rss Feed  

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At mile ten I heard a noise like I had gotten paper in my spokes or something. I looked but saw nothing but a few seconds later my rear tire blows out.
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When I told my husband that I planned to work toward completing a sprint triathlon, he smiled and was supportive, but a bit disbelieving.
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The challenge? The accomplishment? I want to do this because it is an opportunity to live life. The event is an indoor sprint triathlon. I get to experience the challenge on a safer scale.
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This plan is designed to make you go faster. 3 workouts per week in each sport, 2 days of strength training and core work. The maximum volume is around 10 hours toward the end of the 12 weeks.
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Since your “A” race is your marathon, which you stated in your question, this should be your main focus. I encourage you to taper a bit for the sprint distance triathlon.
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Couch-to-sprint triathlon training programs to get you over the finish-line of your first triathlon.
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Program outline of the 16 and 20 week sprint triathlon training plan overviews.