General Discussion Introduce Yourself!!! » Re-Introducing myself (to the forum and triathlons) Rss Feed  
Moderators: IndoIronYanti, k9car363, alicefoeller Reply
2017-04-04 12:19 PM

Subject: Re-Introducing myself (to the forum and triathlons)


So, It's been a while since I was on this forum, and even longer since I completed my last Triathlon.  Syracuse 70.3 in 2014.

Well, I'm back.  Yay me! :-)

I stopped riding and swimming early 2015 and focused on running, completing a number of endurance running events including a few ultras.

Then in 2016: I DID NOTHING!

Well, not true - I bought a new house, spent a bunch more time with family, worked my butt off in the office and traveled for work a ridiculous amount, but on the important running or triathlon side, nothing.

Now I am itching to get back in the saddle and racing (note I didn't say itching to get back in the pool, that part still sucks!)

Sold my bike in 2015 so naturally had to replace it, that's done.  (still part of the Felt Mafia - now have a DA4)

So the plan this year is to hit a race towards the end of the year, few sprints/olys through the summer maybe, but at least a half, potentially a full in the October timeframe.  Early next year I already have an event scheduled for running that any training for a full this year will help towards.

I'm looking forward to getting back engaged in the tri community, not sure how active CoJ is but it was fun for a while :-)

I changed the username from dewybuck to TriDB which I use on tweeterverse and other social media.

cheers everyone, here's to a fun spring and summer of training hard and often :-)





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