Subject: 9.10.17 Sunny Sunday Good morning BT! 9:00am: 60 minute trail run with the dog squad. Felt so good to get out there again with my buddies! So happy to be falling back into my long run Sunday ritual! Next up--bike ride with my daughter Liv, going to cruise the town and stop at a few places for treats! Oh Karen...definitely sounds like more drama than you needed/deserved before your race! Ugh! I'm hoping you write up a full race report! Safe travels back home! We did get Joan Jett tickets last night--front and center on the floor three rows back--it was awesome! Daughter Liv is a huge 70s/80s rock fan (I taught her well) so we got her a tshirt and ended up catching Joan's guitar pick which we gave to Liv--she was so excited she cried, lol! It was a great concert. Have a great day BT! |