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2017-10-11 12:58 PM

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Subject: Boy Scouts to allow girls
Anyone not see this coming?

When my son was about 6 or 7 we attended a Boy Scout meeting at his school. The needed parent volunteers desperately. So I volunteered to be a den leader. I had no scouting experience.

Once a month we would have a den meeting at our house. Parents would drop their kids off at 7 and were to pick them up at 9. I had all kinds of fun stuff for the kids to do. We made bird houses in the shop and taught them about various tool. Each was taught how to hammer and use a drill.

I soon realized that I was being used as a baby sitter! Moms would drop their boy off, sometimes not even getting out of the car. I tried to get parents involved but only one other parent got involved. Finally the light went on....scouting was good for boys with no father! Or for boys whose father was more comfortable in Dillard's than in Cabalas.

After 2 years I grew frustrated at the lack of participation from parents and gave the den to the Pack and retired. My son did not continue in scouting.

I don't have problem with girls joining the scouts. Lots of girls would rather fish than sew.....shoot a bow and arrow rather than do ceramics.

2017-10-11 6:35 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Evergreen, Colorado
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Boy Scouts to allow girls

Man, I did Girl Scouts as a kid and it was the WORST!! Sewing, crafts... I was like, "wait, do we go camping eventually?!" I would have preferred to be a Boy Scout, not gonna lie.

2017-10-11 6:46 PM
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Subject: RE: Boy Scouts to allow girls

My girls wanted NOTHING to do with Girl Scouts.....but they never asked to  join the Boy Scouts either.  But I bet they would have loved to join the "Scouts" with boys and girls who liked to camp, canoe, fish, cookout, build fires, learn orienteering, etc.  Why not just change the name and let like minded kids enjoy being with each other?

The skills and values taught in Scouting aren't just for boys, ya know?

Edited by Left Brain 2017-10-11 6:52 PM
2017-10-12 8:27 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Boy Scouts to allow girls
Originally posted by Left Brain

My girls wanted NOTHING to do with Girl Scouts.....but they never asked to  join the Boy Scouts either.  But I bet they would have loved to join the "Scouts" with boys and girls who liked to camp, canoe, fish, cookout, build fires, learn orienteering, etc.  Why not just change the name and let like minded kids enjoy being with each other?

The skills and values taught in Scouting aren't just for boys, ya know?

My guess is they grew up doing most of that stuff with Dad.

Scouting is great for kids whose parents are in-door type of people but most southern/country boys grew up doing these things.

Jerry Clower tells the story about how the southern boys went to the national Boy Scout convention that included kids from the north. He said the southern boys brought sweet gum balls from home and sold them to the Yankee boys as porcupine eggs.
2017-10-12 8:47 AM
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Subject: RE: Boy Scouts to allow girls

About a month ago I bought my twins a jeep.  It's built up with 35 inch tires, aftermarket front bumper with a winch, KC light system, blah,blah,blah.  They've been after me for awhile to get them one and we needed another vehicle with 4 of us driving and their brother taking a car to college, so what the hell.  It took about a day for them to start laughing about all the boys at school wanting to drive it after they took it down to the river for a bonfire the first weekend they had it.  (and brought it back covered in that damn river mud that's still stuck to it in places)  Last week I went out to get the mail and saw they had a new sticker on the back......"NO BOYS". 


Edited by Left Brain 2017-10-12 8:48 AM


jeep.jpg (97KB - 17 downloads)
2017-10-12 9:32 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Boy Scouts to allow girls
That sticker sums it up. The kids will take care of this issue on their own. They will establish their own boundaries and all will be fine. A girl shows up for Boy Scouts... after a little hem and haw session, she'll be their friend in Scouts. There'll be some awkward "pee in the woods" situations, but nothing that can't be fixed by hiding behind a tree. I think most of us as adults remember Scouting and think of all the stupid shiite we did, that would have embarrassed us if a girl were there. The kids will sort this out amongst themselves and be fine as long as we adults don't politicize it.

My girls hated Girl Scouts. I remember hearing them discuss this years back and saying how much cooler the Boy Scout program was and that they wished they could join. We never pushed it since they were active in enough stuff already. If one of them had really really wanted in, I'd probably have tried to get them in. Truth is, most troops at a local level would probably allow a girl to join if it was presented to them in a respectful manner.

2017-10-14 8:42 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Boy Scouts to allow girls
We're pretty lucky in that we have solid Cub Scout and Boy Scout programs. I have two in Cub Scouts and one just crossed to Boy Scouts. Our Cub Scout pack is very different from what I did as a kid. The vast majority of the leaders in both groups are men, which I think is helpful. We do all of the normal outdoor stuff, like camping, hiking, boating, fishing, etc.

My daughter has always done stuff with the Cub Scouts and has always wanted to be one. She started first grade, so I was looking for a group for her to join. I was at a Cub Scout camp this summer where 50% of the leaders were female Venturer scouts. I talked to them about a good group for girls to join, that was similar to Cub Scouts, as far as doing outdoor activities. They were adamant that Girls Scouts was not a good option, and that there were groups like American Heritage Girls which were close but not as good.

I think the BSA just did a really poor job of explaining what this is. Cub Scout Packs are now going to be able to start dens that are all female. Meaning the group they meet with regularly will be single gender. The only co-ed events will be pack meetings, which is where they get awards, and bigger events like camp outs. Our pack already has girls at camp outs, because the boys have sisters. Once they hit 11 and cross to Boy Scouts, it will be single gender again. The current troops will continue to be boys, while they start a new group of girls that will also be able to work towards Eagle Scout rank.

In reality this isn't a big change. Girls from 6-10 will be able to join a den of all girls in Cub Scouts. 11 year old girls will now have a group that has the ability to work towards the Eagle Scout Rank. As long as BSA doesn't start changing things to attract stereo typical girls, this won't have a negative impact on the boys that are involved. As soon as we get a fashion design badge, then people can start complaining.
2017-10-14 9:58 PM
in reply to: jmcconne

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Subject: RE: Boy Scouts to allow girls

Why do you hate fashion?

2017-10-15 7:40 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Boy Scouts to allow girls
Originally posted by Left Brain

Why do you hate fashion?

Haters gonna hate....
2017-10-16 11:18 AM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Boy Scouts to allow girls

Originally posted by mdg2003 That sticker sums it up. The kids will take care of this issue on their own. They will establish their own boundaries and all will be fine. A girl shows up for Boy Scouts... after a little hem and haw session, she'll be their friend in Scouts. There'll be some awkward "pee in the woods" situations, but nothing that can't be fixed by hiding behind a tree. I think most of us as adults remember Scouting and think of all the stupid shiite we did, that would have embarrassed us if a girl were there. The kids will sort this out amongst themselves and be fine as long as we adults don't politicize it. My girls hated Girl Scouts. I remember hearing them discuss this years back and saying how much cooler the Boy Scout program was and that they wished they could join. We never pushed it since they were active in enough stuff already. If one of them had really really wanted in, I'd probably have tried to get them in. Truth is, most troops at a local level would probably allow a girl to join if it was presented to them in a respectful manner.


I've been a scout (Eagle Scout 6 days before I turned 18) and scouter for years.  

I was at an Eagle Court of Honor and many of the scouts had worked as camp staff.  They were lamenting the "Guide to Safe Scouting" and all the restrictions around doing various activities (very few absolute DO NOT's, mostly what is required to do an activity).  I grinned at them and said they could thank me for probably half of those entries...there weren't nearly as many when I was a scout...

Girls could be part of Explorers 40 years ago, and have been part of the Venturing program for 15-20.  

I've known some girls who had great experiences with Girl Scouts and some with American Heritage Girls.  I've also known many who couldn't wait until they were 14 and could join BSA Venturing.  

2017-10-16 11:51 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Elmira, ON
Subject: RE: Boy Scouts to allow girls
Unfortunately....the downloading onto a single or small group of volunteers isn't new...and it isn't unique to the Scouts. I dont know how many food banks, fund raisers, PTA groups, church groups, Sunday Schools, etc. are always run by a small few individuals while everyone else reaps the benefits. Even in Freemasonry...it was of interest to always see the same group of names who always volunteered and got involved. So I tip my hat to you for undertaking Scouts for a couple years. Thats no small feat.

My son was a Cub Scout...and here in Canada, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, etc. are all boys/girls. i'm happy to say the world has kept turning and has not adversely affected the movement in that aspect. (Anecdotally..from my perspective)

The Girld Guides...who prior had more "girly" badges have stepped up their game realizing that the modern women is interested in other things besides the older conventional skills. Losing members to scouts I believe they have gone through a bit of an evolution....and its a win/win for young girls. They now have both these organizations to choose from.

2017-10-17 11:00 AM
in reply to: McFuzz

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Boy Scouts to allow girls

I was in boyscouts for a couple years and had some of the best memories of my childhood there.  First time I ever shot a gun, used a bow and arrow, built a campfire, you name it.  I was just felling a bunch of trees over the weekend and smiling as I used several knots I learned all the way back in scouts.

As for allowing girls in boy scouts?  I thought gender was just a social construct and there really aren't boys and girls.   haha, sorry couldn't resist.

I definitely have no issues with it, and encourage girls to learn about the stuff they teach in the Boy Scouts.

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