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2018-11-08 8:47 AM

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Subject: Ginsburg retires!
Just kidding. Gotcha! :-) But I am looking forward to the meltdown when she does announce.

Ironically I was thinking about this last night....then I forgot about it till today when I saw this headline:

Ginsburg, 85, hospitalized after fracturing 3 ribs in fall


Being a prognosticator of prognosticators I will prognosticate. Ginsburg does not want to retire and be replaced with a conservative. My guess is she was hoping the dems could flip the Senate in the mid-terms so she could retire. Now that it did not happen and she continues to have health issues, she will retire soon. I hope she recovers but she is 85, has had two prior bouts with cancer, had a stent implanted to open a blocked artery and now has 3 broken ribs, she might want to consider retiring. My advice to her is to retire. Spend time with the grandkids, write your memoirs, relax at your cabin or condo, take the grandkids to Disney World or a Disney Cruise....

2018-11-08 9:00 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Evergreen, Colorado
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ginsburg retires!

Man, I love RBG. I will be super bummed when she retires. Read a few books about her early years and she is a smart smart woman. I know the Dems love her so you guys probably hate her, lol, but she's pretty cool. 

Broken ribs hurt like a MOFO, hope she heals up soon. No sneezing! 

2018-11-08 9:39 AM
in reply to: Stacers

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Subject: RE: Ginsburg retires!
Originally posted by Stacers

Man, I love RBG. I will be super bummed when she retires. Read a few books about her early years and she is a smart smart woman. I know the Dems love her so you guys probably hate her, lol, but she's pretty cool. 

Broken ribs hurt like a MOFO, hope she heals up soon. No sneezing! 

Amen to that. I've had several broken/cracked ribs over the year. Worst feeling for me was laughing while in pain.

I don't hate RBG. I don't agree with her paradigm of world or her interpretation of the Constitution. The SCOTUS is always characterized as having conservative and liberals. But really what it boils down to is two different opinions on the US Constitution. Conservatives believe the Constitution means exactly what it says and interpret the law based on what the Constitution says. Liberals believe the Constitution is living document and must be interpreted within the light of where society is.

Personally I am Constitutionalist and believe if society 'evolves' there is a mechanism to change the Constitution so it also evolves. It is not the job of the courts to decided how to evolve the constitution. It is the job of society to do this via legislation and/or amendments to the Constitution.

So the big push back on Kavanaugh was about abortion. Everything else was smoke and mirrors and political theater. I will wade into the fray....

Clearly the US Constitution does not address abortion. In this case, it should be addressed by the States. Or the Constitution could be amended to make abortion federal right. All the hoopla over Kavanaugh was going to take away abortion right was total BS. At worst case (for abortion rights advocates) he would be 1 of 5 justices that would have to say Roe v Wade was wrongly decided. If that happened, the decision would go back to the states and the issue would be decided by individual states.

I think the federal government has taken away way too many states rights. They have abused the interstate commerce clause to regulate things that should be under state control. They also use purse strings to manipulate state law. For instance the drinking age. This is clearly a state decision and in most states the age was 18. In come big brother saying it should be 21 everywhere. But it is states call. So what does Big Bro do? He tells the states, "Raise your state's drinking age to 21 or we will cut your highway funds". As in, "If we can't win over your hearts and minds, we'll burn your gd village down."

Ramble over. :-)

2018-11-08 9:54 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Ginsburg retires!

I absolutely don't hate RBG....she has served with great distinction and I doubt she is going out on broken ribs from a fall.....that's not her way.

2018-11-08 10:05 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ginsburg retires!

I'll take a stab at prognostication.  

Likely scenario if she doesn't die unexpectedly is that she retires in early 2020 where the political calculus makes nominating and confirming another justice unlikely with the presidential election (ala Garland).  This gives the Dem's a huge rallying cry to elect a Dem prez and Dem senators.  If they're successful, they get their judge seated.  If they're not successful, it's unlikely RBG would have hung on another 4 years.  

2018-11-08 10:25 AM
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Subject: RE: Ginsburg retires!

And I bet that if she goes in early 2020 the Republicans, with a good advantage in the Senate, ignores what they did to Garland and seats a Justice before the 2020 election.  That's politics.  If you don't like it, win some elections.  Hell, I'll trade Trump as President for another conservative judge on the Supreme Court.

Edited by Left Brain 2018-11-08 10:26 AM

2018-11-08 10:40 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Ginsburg retires!
Originally posted by Left Brain

I absolutely don't hate RBG....she has served with great distinction and I doubt she is going out on broken ribs from a fall.....that's not her way.

But are you willing to donate your ribs and organs to keep her well?

"People concerned about Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s fall are offering their ribs and organs"


2018-11-08 10:48 AM
in reply to: McFuzz

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Subject: RE: Ginsburg retires!
Originally posted by McFuzz

I'll take a stab at prognostication.  

Likely scenario if she doesn't die unexpectedly is that she retires in early 2020 where the political calculus makes nominating and confirming another justice unlikely with the presidential election (ala Garland).  This gives the Dem's a huge rallying cry to elect a Dem prez and Dem senators.  If they're successful, they get their judge seated.  If they're not successful, it's unlikely RBG would have hung on another 4 years.  

I can't find the article but read that they way things worked out in the Senate the republican control of the Senate was secure until 2022. I don't know the math behind the analysis or who's terms are up in 2020 vs 2022.

The "not in an election year" only worked because the republicans controlled the Senate! In 2020 the dems will not have the power to stop it like the reps has in 2016.

Besides, the 'not in an election year' is old school. We are in bare-knuckle politics now. Reid started it.... and then the gloves came off and now it's Katie-bar-the-door.
2018-11-08 10:57 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Ginsburg retires!

Originally posted by Rogillio
Originally posted by Left Brain

I absolutely don't hate RBG....she has served with great distinction and I doubt she is going out on broken ribs from a fall.....that's not her way.

But are you willing to donate your ribs and organs to keep her well? "People concerned about Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s fall are offering their ribs and organs" https://www.kansascity.com/news/nation-world/article221343550.html


If some of those quotes from "young people" are for real then we have failed that generation miserably.

2018-11-08 11:04 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Ginsburg retires!
Just heard a talking head doctor on the news. Said he didn't know why she fell....did she trip or was it the result of a medical condition. Said that when you get older your bones are more prone to break. No chit Sherlock. Maybe I could play a doctor on TV?

I don't wish health issues on anyone.....but I am looking forward to the day she announces she is going to retire. I conflicted.....kinda like when your mother-in-law drive off a cliff in your new Lamborghini.

I did hear she got up from the fall and went home. Later she was feeling discomfort and went to the hospital. For an 85 yo gal to pick herself up and go home with 3 broken ribs mean she is one tough old broad.
2018-11-11 5:48 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Ginsburg retires!
The alt left would lose their collective minds and march in the streets!

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2018-06-28 9:10 AM Left Brain