General Discussion Introduce Yourself!!! » Toddlers and Tri Training Rss Feed  
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2019-02-22 2:23 PM


Subject: Toddlers and Tri Training
After my baby turned one I decided it was time to get my body back, do something for myself after being pregnant or breastfeeding for the past five years. So like any insane person I signed up for an Olympic triathlon (in June), and here I am!

I'm about to wrap up the Couch to 10k program, which has taken me from not being able to run for longer than a minute to going 50 minutes without walking! I just acquired a trainer so my goal will be to add in cycling twice a week. I've been swimming on Saturdays during kid's nap, and also do yoga once a week. I know my training isn't anywhere near the volume or intensity of some others, but I'm really damn proud of myself for fitting in 4-6 workouts a week between a full-time job, two little kids, and a husband who'd occasionally like to see me.

My core is feeling super strong, which surprised me- I thought running would tone my butt & legs, I didn't think abs would start peeking through. A less enjoyable side effect is that my pedicures get ruined after like a week. Do runners just live with ugly toes?

2019-02-23 8:24 AM
in reply to: PDXmom

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Subject: RE: Toddlers and Tri Training
I can't speak to ugly toes, but I think I have pretty nice toes for a guy. =)

Awesome! Sounds like you have a good start on your tri goals. Training with little kids is a challenge, I didn't find triathlon until my son was 3, so I missed the toddler years. If you have a safe place to ride, a bike trailer is awesome, we had one for my son & he loved going for rides. I never tried stroller running, but same idea.

Kids, work, training, can put a lot of stress on a relationship too. Make sure you leave some time for your husband. Keep him informed on your goals & accomplishments, make sure he's on the same page.

Finally life always gets in the way, especially with little kids. Don't beat yourself up when you miss workouts. Remember consistency is key, following a 20-30 min YouTube workout video instead of a 2 hour ride, is better than nothing.

Welcome & good luck!
2019-03-03 4:51 PM
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Subject: RE: Toddlers and Tri Training
This is my first post and I felt that it had to be here. I'm a cyclist, a tester, I don't want to simply go back to time trialling. We've all herd it before.. time. I'm frankly stunned at how you can find the time to do any sport. I find it difficult to shoe-horn in 4 hrs cycling including commuting a week. I mentioned the other day to my wife that I want to see if my body can handle running (previous injury issue) and the response was of and incredulous, are you mad you can't do that, the children are too young. Ours are five and 16 months. We have no family back up and We both work (she part time). We work out that in a week we have Sunday Afternoon together. that's it.

I hear a lot about people getting a sleep whilst the baby sleeps and getting exercise when the children nap but we find that the only option is get chores done. Mornings, I'm expected to help with child care, commuting I'm expected to come straight home (15 min) to help out. my so called days off... child care. I probably sound like i'm moaning.

I just can't see any time to exercise. My wife makes a continual point that she gets none.

Edited by Mgalex 2019-03-03 4:53 PM
2019-03-03 8:18 PM
in reply to: Mgalex

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Columbus, Ohio
Coaching member
Subject: RE: Toddlers and Tri Training
Depending how big the kids are, a jogging stroller can be a godsend. I trained for a marathon when my kids were 3 and 4 (maybe it was 2 and 3) and did all of my weekdays runs on the streets around my home. The only runs I did alone were my one long run each week, which I did either early in the morning or after I put them to bed.
2019-03-10 10:29 AM
in reply to: PDXmom

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Subject: RE: Toddlers and Tri Training
Welcome and that's a great goal! Best of luck on your journey to the Olympic tri in june! I have a drag behind on my bike and my 2 year old loves riding in it and reminding me to "go fast" up the hills.
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