Subject: 07.29.2019 Monday Morning Training Good Morning BT! 5:30 AM: 6 mile run. I was running this by heart rate again this morning with the target between 137-144 BPM. The pace and distance went a little wanky. I hit two of the mile marker with the GPM saying that I was only at 0.95 miles and the paces looked like they were about 5% slow too. It may have been due to the Thunderstorms we had moving through the area. I got rained on the last half of this run and 30 minutes later while I was out in the barn milking goats we got a total down pout with lots of lightning. I stayed in the barn until the storm blew through. It was only really hard for about 10-15 minutes. I will get a 25-minute swim in later today. Have a great day! Edited by BlueBoy26 2019-07-29 9:13 AM