General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 08.20.2019 Tuesday Training Rss Feed  
Moderators: k9car363, alicefoeller Reply
2019-08-20 9:15 AM

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: 08.20.2019 Tuesday Training

Good morning. 

I started off the day at 5:15 AM with 60 minutes on the bike trainer.   This consisted of 6 x 3' @ 120% FTP.  I haven't done any intervals this intense for about two months.  The legs felt a little sluggish but once they got up to speed holding the power wasn't a  problem.  At the end of the 120% FTP intervals, I had a 12-minute ramp down for the cool down.  That cool down was the interval that took the most focus and discipline to stay on power.  


Have a great day.


2019-08-20 2:07 PM
in reply to: BlueBoy26

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, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: 08.20.2019 Tuesday Training
Hello Life,

60 on the trainer this morning as well. I am dragging, but the calf feels much better today. All 60 in aero.

Rest of the day has been lovely.

Hope you are all good.
2019-08-20 8:48 PM
in reply to: #5261917

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Subject: RE: 08.20.2019 Tuesday Training
Called it a cut back week, was so cool this evening that I couldn’t help myself. Went out for a 4 mile run with the last mile in between 5k and 10k pace.

Ran a full minute per mile faster than my last run and had a lower average HR for the run. It was a fun workout and definitely got my motivation back up some.

This is about the same time last year that I was just ready to do the race and get it over with. Training starts getting monotonous and consuming. Tonight made me feel re-energized.

Happy training!
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General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 08.20.2019 Tuesday Training Rss Feed  

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