General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 10.25.2019 Happy Friday Rss Feed  
Moderators: k9car363, alicefoeller Reply
2019-10-25 12:06 PM

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: 10.25.2019 Happy Friday

5:45 AM - 6.5 mile run. 

Strava got me at a 2nd best 10K of 42:42.  The cool weather and three light weeks following my last race have resulted in my running pace to drop by about 20-30 sec/mile.  I used to think every fall and winter that my running was really improving only to see the pace drop to where they were the previous summer ever spring when the temperatures heat back up.  This morning it was 48 deg F when I started running. When you are used to running in 70-75 deg F in the morning you fly on mornings like this.

Have a great day BT!

2019-10-25 2:31 PM
in reply to: #5263617

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Subject: RE: 10.25.2019 Happy Friday
30 minute run for me this afternoon. Had to cut it short due to a headache. I get ocular migraines every few months. Most of the time I won’t have an actual headache afterwards, today I was unlucky.

The cooler weather is so refreshing when it’s been 95+ all summer and you have been intentionally running at the hottest part of the day for heat training.
2019-10-25 5:47 PM
in reply to: #5263624

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, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: 10.25.2019 Happy Friday
19 mile trail run. We call it ‘the deuce’. It’s two laps around a predominantly single track trail.

It kicked my ass. I didn’t have the prep today, not enough food and hydration. Ran at 1:00 after only a 1/2 bagel early and a cliff bar mid morning.

The key on a tough run, for me, is quit when you’re done, not when you’re tired. I did that today.

Had a fun spill at mile 18.25. Hit the deck off a rock, I would have preferred to stay on the ground. Hahhaa. But I got up.

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