Subject: 01.27.2020 - Post your Monday training Good morning BT! 5:30 AM this morning was a 70-minute session on the indoor bike trainer. I have been doing 5 x 10 second surges at the end of my warm-up for the last few weeks before I started my main sets. This morning was 5 x 30 seconds and I thought I was taking them easier than the 10-second surges, but way overdid them. You won't think that a few 30-second surges could do you in, but it took me about 20 minutes following the surgest before I felt I felt like I could keep up with the workout. If I am not swamped with work (which is very possible today) I will leave the office at lunchtime and get in a 4-5 mile run. I get to start swimming again this week so I look forward to that tomorrow. Have a great day out there. |