Just under 90 minutes on the bike trainer this morning.
Nice to have the tri bike set up on there.
New bars on it, that I can't seem to get tight. Anyone have magic suggestions how to get those aero bars tightened down? Oval Concept on Oval Concept, shouldn't be a fit issue.
I was out running at 5:45 AM. I was going to do my 5K & 2.5K TT's yesterday but only got the 5K done. So I did the 2.5K TT this morning. I was a mile special in Track & Field in Highschool and my Freshman Year of College and figured I would destroy the 1.56 miles (2.5K) race. I was 30 over my goal time though. I felt better about things when my 2.5K run rank was 10 places higher than my 5K run rank in the virtual race. All I have left is a virtual 10K and I will be done with Virtual Races for a while.