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2021-05-11 6:42 AM

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Subject: Joe killed Political Joe!
Evidently nobody wants to talk politics any more.

WH spokeswoman say they tell Joe not to take questions from the press. We all know why but no one wants to talk about it. Lots of issues to discuss but not much interest. I read CNN and MSNBC ratings for prime time are down by 2/3rds since January. I think part of that is they lost their demon Trump and part of that is covid fatigue.

Trump swung the proverbial pendulum hard to the right and now Biden is swinging for the left fence. Guess we’ll find out in the mid terms how Americans feel about the direction of the country.

2021-05-11 12:54 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Joe killed Political Joe!

Competence isn't sexy, so there's not much to talk about.  As for 2022, with Republicans in the midst of eating each other the gerrymandering and voter suppression efforts won't be enough to overcome the slow destruction of that party.

2021-05-12 6:54 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Subject: RE: Joe killed Political Joe!
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Competence isn't sexy, so there's not much to talk about.  As for 2022, with Republicans in the midst of eating each other the gerrymandering and voter suppression efforts won't be enough to overcome the slow destruction of that party.

“If you’ve been reading the coverage lately, or listened to gloating Democrats, it’s easy to believe the Republican Party is eating itself alive.”

From the liberal Political. Article goes on to say, it’s BS and not happening.

The latest jobs numbers indicate Biden killed the v-snapped economic recovery.

Total CF at the border!

Utter confusion from the CDC over masks.

Extremely radical socialist ideas coming from Dems everyday. I saw where some on the left want to abolish the police and prisons. Had to chuckle at the thought of the cop who was convicted of murder if we had no cops to arrest him and no prison to send him to. Cities are beginning to wake up to the defund the police fantasy.

People refusing to work because they make as much or more taking the enhanced unemployment benefits.

Biden appearing increasingly senile every time he tries to read a teleprompter.

In other news....I signed a contract to buy a DIY log cabin package and will be building a log cabin on the Elk River lot we bought recently!

2021-05-12 8:40 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Joe killed Political Joe!

Originally posted by Rogillio
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Competence isn't sexy, so there's not much to talk about.  As for 2022, with Republicans in the midst of eating each other the gerrymandering and voter suppression efforts won't be enough to overcome the slow destruction of that party.

“If you’ve been reading the coverage lately, or listened to gloating Democrats, it’s easy to believe the Republican Party is eating itself alive.” From the liberal Political. Article goes on to say, it’s BS and not happening. The latest jobs numbers indicate Biden killed the v-snapped economic recovery. Total CF at the border! Utter confusion from the CDC over masks. Extremely radical socialist ideas coming from Dems everyday. I saw where some on the left want to abolish the police and prisons. Had to chuckle at the thought of the cop who was convicted of murder if we had no cops to arrest him and no prison to send him to. Cities are beginning to wake up to the defund the police fantasy. People refusing to work because they make as much or more taking the enhanced unemployment benefits. Biden appearing increasingly senile every time he tries to read a teleprompter. In other news....I signed a contract to buy a DIY log cabin package and will be building a log cabin on the Elk River lot we bought recently!

OK - one point at a time:

  • when your party line message is "worship Trump or else", your party's in trouble; and the Wall Street Journal is hardly gloating Democrats
  • jobs:  pretty much everyone that wants one can get one, and I agree the UI bonuses need to end soon as that was an overshoot
  • masks:  all I can say is "ugh" at this point...what a CF
  • border:  broken under Biden, broken under Trump, broken under Obama, broken under Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, etc.; this is a bipartisan Congress problem because no one wants to confront the real problems where Americans don't want to do hard labor anymore and we like our low prices on vegetables afforded by illegal labor
  • defund the police:  really becoming a strawman argument at this point, was a stupid name to begin with but hey it fit on a picket sign and bumper sticker; underlying goals ARE worthwhile - examination of how police interacts with citizens, particularly minorities and how we deal with the awful situations police are put into, and then a realigning of funding to achieve those goals
  • Biden has been a terrible public speaker for decades, not a senility issue
  • you forgot gas prices in your list of grievances

Very cool on the DIY project, be sure to share some pictures along the way.  I just finished a DIY-ish project:

2021-05-12 2:23 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Subject: RE: Joe killed Political Joe!

Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Competence isn't sexy, so there's not much to talk about.  As for 2022, with Republicans in the midst of eating each other the gerrymandering and voter suppression efforts won't be enough to overcome the slow destruction of that party.



2021-05-12 3:42 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Subject: RE: Joe killed Political Joe!
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Originally posted by Rogillio
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Competence isn't sexy, so there's not much to talk about.  As for 2022, with Republicans in the midst of eating each other the gerrymandering and voter suppression efforts won't be enough to overcome the slow destruction of that party.

“If you’ve been reading the coverage lately, or listened to gloating Democrats, it’s easy to believe the Republican Party is eating itself alive.” From the liberal Political. Article goes on to say, it’s BS and not happening. The latest jobs numbers indicate Biden killed the v-snapped economic recovery. Total CF at the border! Utter confusion from the CDC over masks. Extremely radical socialist ideas coming from Dems everyday. I saw where some on the left want to abolish the police and prisons. Had to chuckle at the thought of the cop who was convicted of murder if we had no cops to arrest him and no prison to send him to. Cities are beginning to wake up to the defund the police fantasy. People refusing to work because they make as much or more taking the enhanced unemployment benefits. Biden appearing increasingly senile every time he tries to read a teleprompter. In other news....I signed a contract to buy a DIY log cabin package and will be building a log cabin on the Elk River lot we bought recently!

OK - one point at a time:

  • when your party line message is "worship Trump or else", your party's in trouble; and the Wall Street Journal is hardly gloating Democrats
  • jobs:  pretty much everyone that wants one can get one, and I agree the UI bonuses need to end soon as that was an overshoot
  • masks:  all I can say is "ugh" at this point...what a CF
  • border:  broken under Biden, broken under Trump, broken under Obama, broken under Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, etc.; this is a bipartisan Congress problem because no one wants to confront the real problems where Americans don't want to do hard labor anymore and we like our low prices on vegetables afforded by illegal labor
  • defund the police:  really becoming a strawman argument at this point, was a stupid name to begin with but hey it fit on a picket sign and bumper sticker; underlying goals ARE worthwhile - examination of how police interacts with citizens, particularly minorities and how we deal with the awful situations police are put into, and then a realigning of funding to achieve those goals
  • Biden has been a terrible public speaker for decades, not a senility issue
  • you forgot gas prices in your list of grievances

Very cool on the DIY project, be sure to share some pictures along the way.  I just finished a DIY-ish project:

Your seat is too high! ;-)

2021-05-13 12:03 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Joe killed Political Joe!

Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Competence isn't sexy, so there's not much to talk about.  As for 2022, with Republicans in the midst of eating each other the gerrymandering and voter suppression efforts won't be enough to overcome the slow destruction of that party.


  LB's back!! 

2021-05-13 12:05 PM
in reply to: 0

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Joe killed Political Joe!

Originally posted by Rogillio
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Originally posted by Rogillio
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Competence isn't sexy, so there's not much to talk about.  As for 2022, with Republicans in the midst of eating each other the gerrymandering and voter suppression efforts won't be enough to overcome the slow destruction of that party.

“If you’ve been reading the coverage lately, or listened to gloating Democrats, it’s easy to believe the Republican Party is eating itself alive.” From the liberal Political. Article goes on to say, it’s BS and not happening. The latest jobs numbers indicate Biden killed the v-snapped economic recovery. Total CF at the border! Utter confusion from the CDC over masks. Extremely radical socialist ideas coming from Dems everyday. I saw where some on the left want to abolish the police and prisons. Had to chuckle at the thought of the cop who was convicted of murder if we had no cops to arrest him and no prison to send him to. Cities are beginning to wake up to the defund the police fantasy. People refusing to work because they make as much or more taking the enhanced unemployment benefits. Biden appearing increasingly senile every time he tries to read a teleprompter. In other news....I signed a contract to buy a DIY log cabin package and will be building a log cabin on the Elk River lot we bought recently!

OK - one point at a time:

  • when your party line message is "worship Trump or else", your party's in trouble; and the Wall Street Journal is hardly gloating Democrats
  • jobs:  pretty much everyone that wants one can get one, and I agree the UI bonuses need to end soon as that was an overshoot
  • masks:  all I can say is "ugh" at this point...what a CF
  • border:  broken under Biden, broken under Trump, broken under Obama, broken under Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, etc.; this is a bipartisan Congress problem because no one wants to confront the real problems where Americans don't want to do hard labor anymore and we like our low prices on vegetables afforded by illegal labor
  • defund the police:  really becoming a strawman argument at this point, was a stupid name to begin with but hey it fit on a picket sign and bumper sticker; underlying goals ARE worthwhile - examination of how police interacts with citizens, particularly minorities and how we deal with the awful situations police are put into, and then a realigning of funding to achieve those goals
  • Biden has been a terrible public speaker for decades, not a senility issue
  • you forgot gas prices in your list of grievances

Very cool on the DIY project, be sure to share some pictures along the way.  I just finished a DIY-ish project:


Your seat is too high! ;-)

You should see my road bike.  I have praying mantis legs and alligator arms so my bike recommendations from my fitter are "they don't make bikes like that". 

Edited by jmhpsu93 2021-05-13 12:06 PM
2021-05-14 4:05 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Subject: RE: Joe killed Political Joe!
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Originally posted by Rogillio
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Originally posted by Rogillio
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Competence isn't sexy, so there's not much to talk about.  As for 2022, with Republicans in the midst of eating each other the gerrymandering and voter suppression efforts won't be enough to overcome the slow destruction of that party.

“If you’ve been reading the coverage lately, or listened to gloating Democrats, it’s easy to believe the Republican Party is eating itself alive.” From the liberal Political. Article goes on to say, it’s BS and not happening. The latest jobs numbers indicate Biden killed the v-snapped economic recovery. Total CF at the border! Utter confusion from the CDC over masks. Extremely radical socialist ideas coming from Dems everyday. I saw where some on the left want to abolish the police and prisons. Had to chuckle at the thought of the cop who was convicted of murder if we had no cops to arrest him and no prison to send him to. Cities are beginning to wake up to the defund the police fantasy. People refusing to work because they make as much or more taking the enhanced unemployment benefits. Biden appearing increasingly senile every time he tries to read a teleprompter. In other news....I signed a contract to buy a DIY log cabin package and will be building a log cabin on the Elk River lot we bought recently!

OK - one point at a time:

  • when your party line message is "worship Trump or else", your party's in trouble; and the Wall Street Journal is hardly gloating Democrats
  • jobs:  pretty much everyone that wants one can get one, and I agree the UI bonuses need to end soon as that was an overshoot
  • masks:  all I can say is "ugh" at this point...what a CF
  • border:  broken under Biden, broken under Trump, broken under Obama, broken under Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, etc.; this is a bipartisan Congress problem because no one wants to confront the real problems where Americans don't want to do hard labor anymore and we like our low prices on vegetables afforded by illegal labor
  • defund the police:  really becoming a strawman argument at this point, was a stupid name to begin with but hey it fit on a picket sign and bumper sticker; underlying goals ARE worthwhile - examination of how police interacts with citizens, particularly minorities and how we deal with the awful situations police are put into, and then a realigning of funding to achieve those goals
  • Biden has been a terrible public speaker for decades, not a senility issue
  • you forgot gas prices in your list of grievances

Very cool on the DIY project, be sure to share some pictures along the way.  I just finished a DIY-ish project:


Your seat is too high! ;-)

You should see my road bike.  I have praying mantis legs and alligator arms so my bike recommendations from my fitter are "they don't make bikes like that". 

Yeah, I was just razzing ya. Kind of a standing joke on BT - post a picture of your bike and some ‘expert’ will invariably post that your seat is too high.

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