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2007-02-02 11:54 AM

Subject: Sprint to full or half Ironman
I am just wondering, I am going into my third season of sprint triathlons and have been really aiming long term to move to a Full or Half Iron distance.

Due to some things going on in my non-triathlon world next season I may not have much time for training. So what I am wondering is if you all think that this would be a realistic season for me and if you have any advice or suggestions.

June - Sprint Triathlon 1/4 mile swim, 13 mile bike, 3 mile run (already signed up)
July - Sprint Triathlon 1/4 mile swim, 18 mile bike, 3 mile run (already signed up)
August Olympic distance triathlon
September Olympic Distance Tri
November - either full or half Iron

Is this trying to take on more than is realistic for a one year progression?

Thank you

2007-02-02 12:02 PM
in reply to: #677005

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Sprint to full or half Ironman

After 3 years, why are you focusing so much on sprints still if your goal is IM?  I'm not a coach but if someone's goal is IM, I would tell them to not even bother with sprints anymore - use Olympics as part of training. 

You will always get someone to say that "you can do it".  I've stopped giving advice one way or the other.  The measure of whether you can do an IM or not shouldn't be what races you do leading up to it.  The measure should be, do you have sufficient time RIGHT NOW to start an IM build-up (with a more focused 20 or 24 week IM plan later on) with sufficient training hours and use shorter races as part of training?  Good luck

Edited by Birkierunner 2007-02-02 12:02 PM
2007-02-02 12:07 PM
in reply to: #677005

Subject: RE: Sprint to full or half Ironman
When I signed up for the two sprints I was thinking that I was going to add an Olympic later in the season and go for the full or half Iron next season.
The first sprint is just a fun local race to get the season going, the second one is a vacation my wife and I do every year where, lucky for me, they started doing a triathlon.

So the original plan was the two sprints for fun, then a couple Oly's then Iron next season but I may be moving and having a major job change next year so I was thinking about speeding up the schedule since I found a race that has both full and half Iron in late November

Basically I just wondered if anyone has advice for or experience with making a distance jump as big as sprint to Iron in one season.
I do have the time to train starting right now though

I know a lot of others say it but this place is great, without experienced people to bounce these ideas off of going for first times at bigger distances would be much more intimidating

Edited by allez 2007-02-02 12:10 PM
2007-02-02 12:11 PM
in reply to: #677005

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Subject: RE: Sprint to full or half Ironman
Hi, you sound like me... this is also my third season and a few months ago I made the decsision to not do sprints and start with oly distances this year. And know what, now that I have been training and done with my base building, i can't even imagine wasting time on a sprint (only cuz my goal is the HIM next summer with a full the year after). The first week I thought the workouts seems sooo much longer but after that first week, I can't believe I didn't do this next year! Definetly go more oly this year if you are ending it with the IM or HIM. You will need the training early on, not later on
2007-02-02 12:13 PM
in reply to: #677005

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Subject: RE: Sprint to full or half Ironman
I meant to say I couln't believe I didn't do oly LAST year.
due to my time contraints, I have to do allmy traiing after my kids are in bed so I spend about 1.5-2 hours training right now. I love the longer workouts but you do need to make sure you can spend the time training. You can do the events... you have proven it with sprints. Now you just need to make sure you can spend the time for training.
2007-02-02 12:14 PM
in reply to: #677005

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Not a Coach
Media, PA
Subject: RE: Sprint to full or half Ironman

Why not delay the schedule instead?

Based only on what I see in your logs (or don't see), I'd say an IM this year seems awfully ambitious.  But take a look at some plans (for HIM & IM) and see if you can be ready to start one 5-6 months out from the race date.  If you can do the training, you can do the race (whether you should is a different question).

2007-02-02 12:25 PM
in reply to: #677051

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Sprint to full or half Ironman
JohnnyKay - 2007-02-02 12:14 PM

Why not delay the schedule instead?

Based only on what I see in your logs (or don't see), I'd say an IM this year seems awfully ambitious.  But take a look at some plans (for HIM & IM) and see if you can be ready to start one 5-6 months out from the race date.  If you can do the training, you can do the race (whether you should is a different question).

x2. You 'might' be able to finish an IM but if your train properly for it you will enjoy it a lot more and diminish your chances for injury

2007-02-02 12:25 PM
in reply to: #677005

Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Sprint to full or half Ironman
You say you have the time to train and working up the distance - GREAT!

I've heard several times, you should do at leaset 1 1/2 to get the feeling of what a full will be like. Depending on what shape you are in, it may be doable.

I suggest you hire or speak to a coach about it and he/she should be able to give you a good sense of whtat is realistic for your situation. Also speak to your MD to make sure your body is up to it too. Then dig in if you are training comfortably with it. Don't push yourself beyond your limits or you stand a good chance to not even making it to the start line.

Also to consider: You never know if someone you will be working with is an endurance freak...........Umm, athlete too.

Good luck, stay injury free
2007-02-02 12:37 PM
in reply to: #677005

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Subject: RE: Sprint to full or half Ironman

Rather than looking at the race dates and distances, look at some training plans for your goal distance. If you can honestly execute the training in the time before the race, you're good from a training standpoint. However, the differences between short course and long course races don't stop with training alone. With longer less forgiving races, nutrition, pacing, and the taper factor in on race day in a big way. You have to practice that in training too.

I trained for and raced a 1/2 IM last year while spending 90-100 hours a week at work (I get to sleep at night if I'm not busy). It can be done, you just have to train smart, plan well, and get up early...


2007-02-02 12:41 PM
in reply to: #677005

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Subject: RE: Sprint to full or half Ironman

My first season was 5 sprints with an OLY as the last race.

This season is OLY, HIM, 5 sprints, that order.  The OLY and the 5 sprints I consider part of my HIM training and incorporate those into my HIM training schedule.  I use the shorter races simply to break up the monotony of HIM trainingh.

2007-02-02 12:45 PM
in reply to: #677005

Subject: RE: Sprint to full or half Ironman
Thank you.

So it sounds like the consensus is that an Iron is too much (sometimes I get a little over excited about this early in the season haha)

So now it's time to focus on Olympics it seems

2007-02-02 1:03 PM
in reply to: #677005

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Subject: RE: Sprint to full or half Ironman


I am in the MPLS area and have the name of a local coach who will do a consultation on your training plan for a very reasonable price and let you know her thoughts. Feel free to PM or email here and I can get you her info.

This year I am doing 1-2 HIM's, a few Olys and have decided to only do sprint distance TT type workouts on my own. I am looking at an IM in 08.


2007-02-02 1:11 PM
in reply to: #677005

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Sprint to full or half Ironman
Honestly I say you should do a HIM much ealrier in the season if you want to do an IM this year. I say this because the advice given to me and the fact that IM is really really far. A girl I ran with in 2005 was going to do a HIM 2006 and then an IM in 2007. Well after the 2006 HIM she was like I am not going to do the IM ever. She is not sure if she will do a HIM again either. you should be ready to do a HIM well before you would be for an IM so I would suggest doing a HIM couple months before and see if you like it and how you are progressing. Remember when you finish a HIM your only 1/2 the way there.
2007-02-02 1:57 PM
in reply to: #677005

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Sprint to full or half Ironman

Doing a half or full Ironman really depends more on how much time you can train than how many seasons of racing you have done.  There are a few (even one or two here) whose first race was a HIM. 

1)  Don't go into either a HIM or IM without adequate training. 

2)  Take a look at various training plans.  The ones here are pretty good.  A HIM will have you training 7-10 hours per week (maybe a little more or less).  The IM plans are obviously longer (10-17 hours).  Be very suspicious of a training plan that is substantially shorter than everything else. 

Only you can decide whether you can commit the amount of time to train adequately for one of these long races.  If you could commit 2/3 of the minimum time and it is important to do this, you'd probably want to hire a coach to develop a very specific training plan for your situation.  Keep in mind, that if you're already "busy" to the point you need to optimize your training, that you'll be more fatigued and therefore far more likely to get injured.  We tend to underestimate the need for proper rest and recovery, usually with unacceptable results. 

2007-02-02 1:59 PM
in reply to: #677005

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Sprint to full or half Ironman
I agree that you might want to look at the HIM before the IM but overall I think you should really decided what you want to do, what you have time to do, and go from there. I've only ever done in tri, I did an olympic last may and while it sounded crazy when I decided to do it I just stuck to a plan and got it done. This year the goal is the HIM. I'm using the 20 week plan here. 20 Weeks out is in March so I'll make sure I'm ready to start the plan in March and go from there. The big question is do you think you can do it?
2007-02-02 2:06 PM
in reply to: #677005

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New York
Subject: RE: Sprint to full or half Ironman
From looking at the bits that you have put into your logs, abd comparing that to what I'm doing now for IMAZ 07, it might be a bit over ambitious at this point to make the jump to a full IM. But I can't speak for you, obviously. It probably could be done, but it takes an indescribably big committment (time, familial and physical). This week is a recovery week for me, and it still has almost 14hrs of training.

2007-02-02 2:14 PM
in reply to: #677005

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Charlottesville, VA
Subject: RE: Sprint to full or half Ironman
I'm no expert, but I tend to agree with those who stress that the training is the important thing. As they say, you "play like you practice." The more consistent your training, the better your racing will be.
2007-02-02 2:53 PM
in reply to: #677005

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Subject: RE: Sprint to full or half Ironman
I'm in the same boat that your are in right now, I want to make the jump from Sprint to Ironman, but I know before I can do one I have to do a half ironman just to make sure that my body can handle the training and the 70.3 distance. It took me a while to put it off doing a Ironman this season, so I had to tell myself over and over that Ironmans aren't going anywhere so just take my time and do what's best for me.
2007-02-02 3:08 PM
in reply to: #677005

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Sprint to full or half Ironman
There's nothing magic about progressing through longer race distances.  Some people start with HIM's, and it is possible to do an IM as your first triathlon as long as you have time to properly train for it
2007-02-02 4:30 PM
in reply to: #677410

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Sprint to full or half Ironman
McFuzz - 2007-02-02 3:08 PM

There's nothing magic about progressing through longer race distances.  Some people start with HIM's, and it is possible to do an IM as your first triathlon as long as you have time to properly train for it

your are right my first race was a marathon. couch to amry programs are fun. but its nice to do shorter races since you get to see how to all comes together and get an idea before you are on mile 25 of the bike going oh crap this is going to be too long of a day or mile 13 of the mary going jesus what the heck am I doing.

You do not need to but its better I think if you do even though it does not sound as cool. .
2007-02-02 4:56 PM
in reply to: #677005

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: Sprint to full or half Ironman

Can you even get into a Nov. IM if not registered already??

2007-02-02 5:33 PM
in reply to: #677005

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Subject: RE: Sprint to full or half Ironman
A non WTC one, yes.
2007-02-02 6:07 PM
in reply to: #677585

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Sprint to full or half Ironman
co_tri_guy - 2007-02-02 5:33 PM

A non WTC one, yes.

not sure if silverman would even sell out or not. I think you have time though.

The thing about IM vs race like a marathon is you can do a 20 miler in training and get an idea what the race will be like but I do not think a IM has you train for more than 4 or 5 hours in a day, and if you take 14 -16 hours well that is a really long time to do anything.

If you can do a HIM first but that is jsut me.
2007-02-02 10:06 PM
in reply to: #677005

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Subject: RE: Sprint to full or half Ironman
Follow my lead and go for it...just do the training. My first official tri (swim/bike/run) race will be EagleMan this June. The training program is kicking my a$$ and I'm only in Week 2 of 20! If you don't have the time, don't push it. Good luck allez!
PS I'd like to think full IM in '08, but let's see how I feel after HIM '07.

Edited by ChineseDemocracy 2007-02-02 10:08 PM
2007-02-02 10:41 PM
in reply to: #677005

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Sprint to full or half Ironman
If you are aiming to just finish go for it. Any decent triathlete with couple seasons under their belt should be able to finish an ironman distance within the 17 hour time limit.
However racing it is a different matter.
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