General Discussion Introduce Yourself!!! » Tri Training as Injury Recovery? Rss Feed  
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2004-11-09 11:26 AM

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Little Rock, Arkansas
Subject: Tri Training as Injury Recovery?
Hello all. I'm a cyclist who started swimming to help rehab a pulled muscle in my back (totally sucks). I'm one of those odd folk who have to exercise for my mental health. I found that I really like swimming and thought I would plan on working up to a tri next Spring (I'm sure the back will cooperate). I come from a running and cycling background, so I figured a Tri was the next logical step.

If you're ever in Central Arkansas, let me know and we can hook up to train.

2004-11-09 12:46 PM
in reply to: #80752

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: Tri Training as Injury Recovery?

Welcome to BT!  I think tri training is great for preventing injury (and rehabbing) since you aren't focusing on one thing. 

Good luck!

2004-11-10 10:23 AM
in reply to: #80752

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri Training as Injury Recovery?

Your story sounds similar to mine. I do adventure races and messed up my IT band really bad in my last one. So I began swimming in July as recovery, worked my way to running about 10K without pain and did my first tri about two weeks ago.

All the "cross training" has really helped; I still can't go on long runs or treks, but doing tris has helped keep me motivated and in some kind of shape. I'm hooked and doing my second tri this weekend.

Good luck!
2004-11-10 12:19 PM
in reply to: #80752

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Extreme Veteran
Midcoast, Maine
Subject: RE: Tri Training as Injury Recovery?
Hi welcome to the site! I had got a stress fracture in one of my toes from running too much too soon so I started swimming to keep up the fitness and ended up doing tri's, familiar tune eh?

Edited by roxx 2004-11-10 12:20 PM
2004-11-10 12:20 PM
in reply to: #80752

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Gold member
Subject: RE: Tri Training as Injury Recovery?
welcome.  that sprint sounds totally doable for the spring.  good luck training!
2004-11-10 6:22 PM
in reply to: #80752

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Subject: RE: Tri Training as Injury Recovery?
Sounds like a great idea. Just be careful with the back [back injury recoverer here]. I also got into tri's when rehabbing a knee injury... my only option given was the pool.... soooo years later, here i am- addicted to tri's.

WELCOME TO THE SITE! Lots of luck with the healing and the training! :0) Milly

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