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Article title Date published
Seated Bicep Curl - Incline Bench, Dumbbell (827%) 2006-06-22
Bicep Curl-Machine (445%) 2006-06-21
Seated Biceps Curl - Dumbbell (398%) 2006-06-22
Preacher Bench Medium-Grip Barbell Curl (361%) 2006-06-22
Strength Training Plan for the Off-Season (343%) 2006-03-05
Seated Bicep Curl – Alternating Dumbell (321%) 2006-06-22
Bicep Curl-Cable Straight Bar (316%) 2006-06-25
Weight Training for Mass (313%) 2004-09-02
Functional Strength Training for the Modern Triathlete: Part 2 (312%) 2012-05-22
VIDEO: Strength Training at Home (304%) 2007-12-04
Incline Bench Press-Barbell Wide Grip (273%) 2006-06-25
Incline Bench Press - Barbell Medium Grip (273%) 2006-06-25
Incline Bench Press - Dumbbell (268%) 2006-06-25
Incline Chest Fly- Dumbbell (259%) 2006-06-25
Going Slow! - Putting the Halt On Tri Life to Live Life (240%) 2005-04-17
Strength Training Basics (232%) 2006-06-04
Dumbell Workout (218%) 2005-10-02
The Strength Matrix II: Graphing and Analyzing Your Set Data (205%) 2006-07-26
Using Resistance Bands for Strength (195%) 2006-03-05
Off Season Recommendations from the Doctors (191%) 2013-12-19
Wrist Curl-Palm Down (187%) 2006-06-24
Member Case Study: Swimming Shoulder Pain (174%) 2007-04-11
Swimmer's Shoulder (168%) 2012-11-28
Member Question: Strengthening for Maintenance (166%) 2005-09-03
Adam against the Odds (159%) 2004-09-04