Beginner Triathlete - Training articles

author : AMSSM
comments : 2
photoThree sports medicine Doctors discuss the results of our user injury poll
author : writingrunner
comments : 1
photoWhere to find the time WITHOUT getting up early
author : alicefoeller
comments : 0
photoTriathletes weigh in on making the most of winter training
author : mikericci
comments : 1
photoAt there are so many plans that there is no need to ever do the same plans twice in a row or even two or three seasons in a row!
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photoThis session will feature some of the best triathlon coaches in the region together to answer your questions about training, racing and recovery.
author : mikericci
comments : 1
photoStrategies for getting used to running off the bike when starting triathlon or taking on a new distance.
comments : 1
photoThis panel discussion will cover many questions on heart rate monitors, powermeters and testing.
author : mikericci
comments : 0
photoHow to tweak your training plan to account for frequent races
author : Anderleka
comments : 0
photoTop suggestions for making the most of your off-season.
author : Coach AJ
comments : 0
photoIs it best to target one main half-Ironman for the season, along with some sprints and olympics, or is it feasible to train for two half-Ironmans in the same year?
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photoShould I just follow my marathon training plan and not really worry about my bike and swim, and just see what happens in the tri?
author : Coach AJ
comments : 0
photoAltitude training has become a hot topic to increase performance. Since not every athlete can simply relocate to an altitude environment the next question is how can altitude training be simulated?
author : jasongootman
comments : 0
photoFrom simple time-trial testing or past performance, you can appropriately set your race goals for your upcoming races.
author : Coach AJ
comments : 0
photoI have a four week gap between the end of my sprint program and the beginning of my Olympic plan. Is it ok to just keep adding the volume needed to begin the Olympic plan?
comments : 1
photoPart 2 is about race day pacing, warming up and a discussion on the usefulness of powermeters and heart-rate monitors for half and full Iron distance races.
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