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2013-05-27 10:52 AM

Ottawa, ON
Subject: Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend 2013 - 10K (long)
I did an amazing race this weekend and wanted to share my experience. I don’t post much as I am still very new to the sport but I just wanted to say thank you to the guru out there. I have learned so much by you guys answering and sharing your knowledge. For that I am greatly grateful. So here it is:

Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend 2013

Saturday was for the 2k (3pm), 5k (5pm) and 10k (6:30pm) races. Half and marathon was held on Sunday. Mom in-law and a few cousins were racing the 2k, my wife was doing the 5k and I was doing the 10k.

We left the house at 2pm hauling our 3 kids (1, 4 and 5 years old) along with my mom to go spectate and cheer the runners. It was awesome to see all the runners from all generations. The only regret I had was that I did not register my oldest because she kept on asking to go out there and run with everyone. Lesson learned; register the whole family for the 2k race next year.

After the 2k race, it was my wife’s turn to run her 5k. She left to go to the start line but we stayed put as we had a prime location at 200m from the finish. Fed the kids and let them play around while waiting. At about 32 minutes she came in and the kids were so excited to be able to cheer mom from the side lines. She looked good and was still smiling so I knew she had a good race.

Once she passed, we left to go find her at the designated location so that I can start to get ready for my race.

Goal and training:
Coming in this race I had a goal of sub 42 min. but my secret goal was a sub 40. I only had 6 weeks to get ready for this race due to a last minute change but I was motivated to give it my best as this was somehow my 1st running race. (I did a marathon relay in Feb. 2013)

Training has been up and down for the last 6 weeks. Had good plan and training schedule but got busy with life and backyard renovation/gardening. Basically all my runs were done during lunch time were my longest was just a little over 8k at 36:45. I was planning to do a few long runs during the weekend but didn’t get a chance to do so and honestly, I was too lazy to wake up at 4-5am or to go for a run at 9pm after kids are in bed. No excuse, all me.

Anyhow I knew I was aiming big but was confident that my fitness will help me along the way.

Once we found my wife, I went for a quick visit to the porta to change and empty my bladder. I had no time for a quick warm-up jog so decided do to some dynamic stretching. Ate a GU chomps while doing so and tried to calm my nerves at the same time. Gave kisses to the family and left for the start line.

I lined-up about ‘5-6 rows’ behind the male elites and about 2m back from the ‘continuous 40 min’ pace bunny. My strategy was to hang tight with the pace bunny as long as I can and go front there. I knew I was going to get tired at one point so I just wanted a good pair of feet to follow.
After the National Anthem I was feeling very nervous but it was somehow a good feeling. 4 minutes before 6:30, the female elites started with a 4 min handicap. Then at exactly 6:30, they blew the horn for the remaining of the filed. (Male elites out front and all the other runners to follow.)
About 50m or so after the start line, there was a left hand turn which we were recommended not to sprint through it and to start picking our pace after that. I did as advised and start picking speed after the turn on Elgin St. Stayed on the left and start passing some runners and closing in on the pace bunny which has left quite quickly from the start.

I had my watch set for every 1k to see my splits. At the 1k mark, I was doing great but felt like the pace was a little quicker than anticipated but with all the runners around and the spectators; it felt like I was flying so I decided to keep going.
With every steps I took, the pace bunny was getting farther somehow. I knew that I was going at a good pace but he was flying and I had a hard time keeping up. At that point I realize that ‘continuous’ meant continuous and not racing to have negative splits. At that point I settle down and start to follow a pocket of runners that was at my speed.

At the 4K mark, I felt very good and I was really happy with how things were going. Nothing was hurting, no cramps and my breathing was still ok. I was feeling good and started to slowly soak in the race atmosphere. It was an amazing feeling to be running along so many runners and have people on the side cheering for you. All my runs are done alone so this was really different experience for me.

Reach the 5k mark I was still doing great and smiling. Splits:
1K- 3:59
2K- 3:48
3K- 3:55
4K- 4:02
5k- 4:02

At one point of the race, we had a small hill and a little bridge to cross to get over the other side of the Rideau Canal. Dig a little deeper to run up the hill. Kept thinking about my form and keeping my elbows high to help me push through the hill. Everything went well and right before I knew it, I was on descending to go back into the canal route.

At 7k that is when things started to get a little complicated. I started to get cramps under my right rib cage. My legs were ok but the cramps made it very difficult to breathe properly. I just grinded my teeth and kept telling myself that I would not walk no matter what. Saw a few runners staring to overtake me so it gave me the motivation to keep going. Each runner that passed me, I tried to hang with them by matching their strides for a few moments and kept doing the same thing everytime I got dropped.

I believe it was near the 8K mark where they had the 2nd water aid station. I took 2 full cup of water and dumped it on my head and neck. That spur of cold water woke me up and gave me somehow some energy. Kept going and crossing another little bridge (not hilly) to get back to Elgin St. I knew I was very close to finish and kept telling myself that only 2k or less to go: “easy easy easy, watch your form, %6&$#!!, small and quick steps, family is waiting for you, …’

A quick left turn back to the canal road and into the last stretch of the race was what I will always remember for the rest of my life. It was packed with spectators on both side and the atmosphere was awesome! I started to feed myself with all the energy and kept going. By that time, the cramps were gone but my body was near its limit but I just kept on moving while trying to smile for that last leg of the race.

I had a quick look at my watch and saw that I was going to miss my secret goal but the sub 42 was still possible. So again, I kept telling myself to keep moving. I remember looking at the signs with the distance remaining and shout to myself only xxx left to go!
At about 400m from the finish, my left shoes got untied. I remember having this ‘oh ho’ moment in my head but said ‘screw it’ and go for it. I gather the last energy I had from the 200m and ‘sprint’ to the finish line!!!

Finished with a smile and really relieved. Splits:
6K- 4:07
7k- 4:17
8K- 4:25
9k- 4:30
10K- 4:19

My official time as per results website:
Minh Huynh- bib#40159
10K- 41:42:5
OA Male: 177/3425
AG: 29/401 (M30-34)
5K split: 19:57:5

After crossing the finish line, I stood on the left side for a moment to get my breathing back to normal. I tried at least 2-3 times to tie my shoes but my hand was starting to shake. Finally got it and start walking slowly to the exit collecting my finisher medal, took a finisher picture, got some food and drank 2 cups of cold ‘new’ chocolate milk they had. All I knew was that I needed to keep on moving because I was feeling my quads locking up so I didn’t want to stand still.

Walk out and try to find the family. At that point I was freezing with my soaking wet t-shirt. Saw them and gave them huge hugs and ran into City Hall to get on some dry clothes. We left the site for some good Chinese food after a very long and cold day outside.

What limit my abilities:
Training for sure but there is no excuses. If I wanted to have a better time, I would have put more dedication and effort into it. Overall I was very happy go reach my sub 42 min. but as a competitor, I was a little bump not able to reach my secret goal which was so close.
Lots of lesson learned for my 1st official running race.
- Train harder
- Have a better race plan to negative split and have better energy for the 2nd half
- Tie my shoes double knots

Events comments:
This was the first time I ran and went to the Ottawa Race Weekend. It is an amazing venue and I had a blast. Race-kit pickup was a breeze (Friday noon) and I was amazed by how smooth thing were going consider the fact that there are over 40k runners during this weekend for all races combined. Course is mazing and everyone did a fantastic job directing, helping and cheering the runners.

Support and volunteers were amazing. I kept saying thank you every time I could. Again for those that have contributed in any way to this weekend; THANK YOU!!!
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General Discussion Race Reports! » Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend 2013 - 10K (long) Rss Feed  

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