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2004-02-19 9:10 AM

Subject: University of Colorado
Anyone following what is going on there? What are your thoughts? I am actually happy that the coach got suspended. Those remarks he said were way out of line.

2004-02-19 9:17 AM
in reply to: #8216

Extreme Veteran
Fort Wayne, IN
Subject: RE: University of Colorado
Only because it is on sportscenter.  Same with Kobe, same with all the other crap that is going on.   I would rather not and actually only half listen so I don't know most of the details just the dirt you can't miss.  My opinion is that CU has been in trouble since slick Rick had the team.  Out of the fire and into the frying pan for ole CU.  By the way, Barnett will be fired for sure.
2004-02-19 2:10 PM
in reply to: #8216

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: University of Colorado
Yeah - I thought he was a bit out of line too. I actually went to high school with Katie Hnida - she was a few years younger than me and one of those girls who totally had it all together, so I believe her story - I just don't think she's the type of person to manufacture a story for publicity. Between what she's said, and all the other allegations, it sounds like the players aren't really held accountable for their actions under Barnett - anything goes.
2004-02-19 10:59 PM
in reply to: #8216

Elite Veteran
Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: University of Colorado
It should have been w/o pay!  Somebody has to take responsibility, nobody ever takes responsibilty any more and it makes me sick.  Sports in general have been in the crapper for some time now. 
2004-02-20 7:03 AM
in reply to: #8385

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Malvern PA
Subject: RE: University of Colorado

Y-NOT-TRI - 2004-02-20 1:59 AMIt should have been w/o pay!  Somebody has to take responsibility, nobody ever takes responsibilty any more and it makes me sick.  Sports in general have been in the crapper for some time now. 

The rapist should take responsibility.  It's not the coach's fault.  I mean, does anyone here need a coach to keep from being a rapist?  If it's true that he told Hnida not to go to the police and that he would back up his player against her, then that's like saying he's going to commit obstruction of justice.  So he could get in trouble for that, but I don't like when people get in trouble for remarks.  We're becoming an insanely picky country here.  All he did was say she stunk when someone asked why she left the team.

Edited by wrybosome 2004-02-20 7:08 AM
2004-02-20 9:40 AM
in reply to: #8216

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: University of Colorado
Man, when you live in Colorado, all you hear about is CU and Kobe Bryant! I agree that the coach should have never made any remarks about Katie Hnida. The whole thing is crazy. Obviously, something needs to change in this world. Seems like there will be big investigations elsewhere too.

2004-02-20 10:38 AM
in reply to: #8456

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North Carolina, USA
Subject: RE: University of Colorado
How about if we start something else about the University of Colorado? Has anyone heard of that Dathan Ritzenhein guy? Now he's fast. I ran against him in high school. What a beast. Now he's the next best thing that the US has at good olympic runners. How is that for something different for Colorado?

2004-02-20 11:36 AM
in reply to: #8216

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: University of Colorado
Great idea! Haven't heard of that dude, but how about Culpepper? Didn't he go to CU? Qualified for US marathon team!
2004-02-20 8:57 PM
in reply to: #8216

Elite Veteran
Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: University of Colorado


I totally agree w/ u.  I think they should hand the guy that did that to that girl.  But, it sounds like this program had a propensity for violence against women, and a total disregard for them.  Women aren't sex slaves, or tools for a football program.  It is the coach's responsibility to make sure his players are behaving in a proper manner, and if they are not, he needs to take action.  Its also his responsibilty to make sure he is recuriting honorable players.  If not, the players and the coach should go!

2004-02-20 9:13 PM
in reply to: #8216

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Subject: RE: University of Colorado

I live in Colorado and it's a shame that kids can't watch the news anymore because it's all filled with sex, rape, violence and the like. As a former cheerleader and one of those girls who's job it was to watch over college football recruits I have two schools of thought on the subject. On the one hand its common knowledge that the older football players have parties so that the younger football players could, how shall I say, taste the fruits of the university. It was sickening and disgusting when I was in college and I'm sad to here that we haven't come that far in 10 years. But on the other hand its common knowledge that girls like me (strong, independent good head on my shoulders) stayed as far away from those parties as possible. As a rugby player mind you I was stronger than some of the football players so I wasn't afraid of them. But plenty of girls were and they went to those parties out of fear, or some sick fantasy that if they slept with a recruit they could get in good with the football team. It was sick and sadastic and needless to say I didn't last very long as a "recruit groupie."

And don't you belive for one minute that the head football coach didn't know what was going on. The head football coach knows when one of his players doesn't go to class, has a girlfriend, if he cheats on her and even if he missing the toilet when he goes to the bathroom. They know everything it's their jobs. That's what makes me angry about this whole thing. Something like what's going on at CU is systematic, institutional, it can't be isolated. Too many people involved. It's crazy that today you have to be a police reporter first so you can do a better job at being a sports reporter.

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