Subject: Do you ever wonder why... 1. The center squares in the company football pool always fill up before the edge squares?
2. You see that pothole in the road from 200 yards away, yet you still seem to hit it?
3. Someone is walking towards you and the 2 of you play "Alphonse & Gaston", both trying to avoid each other by walking in the same direction?
4. You always find what you are looking for in the last place you look?
5. Beef stew always tastes better on the 2nd day, reheated?
6. Your wife/husband/S.O. says something and the very same words were on your lips?
7. You always find another smudge on a window, no matter how aggresively you've cleaned it?
8. TV commercials are never interrupted to bring you "The latest news on..." whatever?
9. The line you are in at the supermarket/bank/porta-potty is always the slowest one?
10. You can think of a million "Do you ever wonder whys" until the moment you need to remember them?
Edited by max 2005-09-28 8:18 AM