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US Air Force Half Marathon - RunHalf Marathon

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Fairborn, Ohio
United States
US Air Force
67F / 19C
Total Time = 2h 20m 5s
Overall Rank = 993/1506
Age Group = M 40-49
Age Group Rank = 180/220
Pre-race routine:

Woke up at 5:45 AM, got my race gear on. I had gathered everything together the night before, no sense in forgetting something or in scrabbling to get it all together.

Made an cheese omelette and had a little toast as well. Talked with the wife, then decided I needed to leave to get to the race.

Left about 6:30-6:45 and got to the race site 7:20 or so. Stripped off my sweat pants, and left on the jacket. Walked over to the general area of the start and decided I didn't want to find a place to keep the jacket, so I walked it back to the car.
Event warmup:

Jogged a little, not very much. I figure I am not going out fast and I can warm up as I run. Didn't really stretch much either, just walked around.

Found a bathroom about 10 minutes prior to the start and used it. Found the pace leader for the 2:20 group and listened to him go over the information.
  • 2h 20m 5s
  • 13.1 miles
  • 10m 41s  min/mile

Once the gun went off we shuffled to the start area, I sure could not call the first bit anything other than a shuffle. Once we got over the timing mats, it picked up a little, but not a lot.

I started out nice and easy, since I knew this was going to take a long time I was not in any hurry at the start. Just start slow and easy.

Miles 1 - 2 were pretty easy, had to dodge all the people that wanted to start up front (why they did I'll never know, common sense says if you are SLOW start in the BACK. I am sure they think those extra 5 seconds they started up front of someone will help them beat that person. rant off). So after dodging the slow runners, and walkers I finally caught back up to the 2:20 pace leader. Fell into the group about 20-30 feet back, hit the first water station at just under a mile, got a glass and drank it. Next station was about 1/2 a mile down the road, drank one glass (should have had more.) Feeling pretty good not breathing too hard, heart rate was right where I figured it would be.

Miles 3-5 - Still feeling great, legs are working fine breathing not labored. I can talk but not super easy. Met Dewayne and Charles, and another guy in here. We chatted and I found out 2 of them were pastors at a local Methodist church, just hang out. Mile 4 water station they were playing Mexicain cha-cha music, boy I would have loved to have had that for the rest of the run. Great beat (maybe a little fast, but hey it was nice). Took a gel at mile 5, well tried to take one. Ended up with half of it on my shirt, and got the rest down me. Heart is still doing fine, I am drinking some water at each station, but not really enough (I figure this out later.)

Miles 6-8 - Well this is where I start feeling the draining, legs are still doing well, but the HR starts getting a little funky. Somewhere in the mile 7-7.5 area the HR starts spiking, I am not pushing any harder. HR sores up into the 170's. I slow down and it drops back. Some where in this area I lost the pace group, I walked some and just try to keep everything together. I start walking th water stations, and taking 2-3 waters not just one.

Miles 9-10 - I am still finding the HR spiking, and finding the miles a lot harder. My pace really drops back here, and I am working a lot harder. Around mile 9 the hills start up again, again it is not a tall hill, but long enough. It was in the section we came back through the Salsa station, music was still playing, but I was NOT feeling it as much this time. Again got some water, ate a couple of gel blocks (not gonna do those again.) I was in the 2 hour range here, not quite but close.

Miles 11-13.1 - Started in the down hill section toward the finish. I am really feeling the effects of running for 2 hours. Just getting tired. I was able to tell myself, that I only had 3 miles to go, only another 30 minutes. You can push for 30 minutes, I was really pleased with the mental efforts this time. Sure I was tired, but I kept pushing. I wanted to get to the end, as I was going down the big hill, I focused on just keeping a nice pace. Hit the water station that had been 1.5 miles, got a glass or 2 gulped it down and kept going. Walked a little, then started pushing again. I focused on someone ahead of me, and then would chase them down. Focus on the next one, go get them... did that pretty much the rest of the way in. 1.25 miles focus, chase, pass...repeat.

The last 1/4 - 1/2 mile is in front of all the old planes for the base museum. I had used enough energy to get to this point, that sprinting was not an option. Just keep right on going, sprinting would have been nice but I needed to stay upright at the end. I figure if someone was in front of me if I couldn't catch them by just running them down, I was not going to catch them.
What would you do differently?:

Train more, drink more earlier on, and take a gel not gel blocks. (Later in the day, I was belching those dang blocks for about 60 minutes.)
Post race
Warm down:

Walked around, got some water, gatoraide, a banana, cookies, and other food. I was watching for my wife, since she was going to try to get there before I finished. I think she said she got there about 10 minutes after I was done, son's swim class and loading 4 kids into the van and driving to the race site.

Saw Tammy Tnickerson and yelled for her as she was finishing. She had a much better time than she thought she was going to have. Found her husband, and we walked to the finish line to find her again. Well it took him about 30-45 minutes to find her.

I finally found my family (well they found me) and I sat down with them.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Having extra pounds that I am carrying. Not having trained enough. Changing shoes about 10 days prior to the race, and having blisters that were still sore.

Event comments:

This was the 10th Air Force Marathon. My first time running it. It was a very well done race, and one that I will very likely do again. I don't know that I will do the full marathon, but the half is very nice.

Last updated: 2006-08-03 12:00 AM
02:20:05 | 13.1 miles | 10m 41s  min/mile
Age Group: 180/220
Overall: 993/1506
Performance: Average
I didn't record each mile, I was going to and then missed mile 1. So I figured I would get every 2... well it was more like I got several splits, but more every 2-3 miles. Mile 1-2 - 20:50 - 10:25 pace - Avg HR 129 Max 165 (spike at .4 mile) Mile 3-5 - 31:12 - 10:24 pace - Avg HR 128 Max 191. Mile 6-8 - 33:03 - 11:01 Pace - Avg HR 129 Max 173 Mile 9-10 - 24:25 - 12:11 Pace - Avg HR 131 Max 181 Mile 11-13.1 - 31:01 - 10:39 Pace - Avg HR 134 Max 202
Course: Out and back with a loop in the middle. There was a nice LONG hill that started right about mile 1 and ended right about mile 13.1. Oh wait that is not right, it only SEEMED like that. It actually ended about 1/2 a mile later. Total climb was 150-175 feet, nothing horrible but it really stinks it was right at the start. We got a downhill shortly after that, but I can't say how long that was, didn't seem nearly as long.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Not enough
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 5
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 5

2006-09-17 9:56 PM

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Subject: US Air Force Half Marathon

2006-09-17 10:39 PM
in reply to: #543973

Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: US Air Force Half Marathon

Great job on your run and good luck on your tri next weekend!! 

Take care of those blisters of yours.  Maybe try a good pair of running socks, since I started wearing Wright Running socks I havn't gotten any blisters this season.

 Congrats again!

2006-09-17 10:40 PM
in reply to: #543973

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: US Air Force Half Marathon
Great Job!  Mexican cha cha huh?  Hadn't thought about that tempo.
2006-09-18 5:56 AM
in reply to: #543973

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Extreme Veteran
northeast Ohio
Subject: RE: US Air Force Half Marathon

So SO AWESOME!  Congratulations on your race!  (What no Corona's to go with the Mexican music?   

You have come so far over the last 9 months!  (Have you looked back at your log from January lately?)  That is so so cool!

2006-09-18 6:17 AM
in reply to: #543973

Subject: RE: US Air Force Half Marathon
Nice Job, I bet your kids are proud of their dad. 
2006-09-18 6:57 AM
in reply to: #543973

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Subject: RE: US Air Force Half Marathon
His whole family is proud of him!!! He's done something that none of us have done---yet!

Good job on your race. A friend of ours always tells us that its not the time of your race butr rather you finished it-upright!!! That is always my goal. That to not finish last.

Good luck next week.

2006-09-18 7:49 AM
in reply to: #543973

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Granvile, Ohio
Subject: RE: US Air Force Half Marathon

Awesome race Scott.  Great job pushing to meet your 2:20 goal!  You have more in you than you think! You and your family are an inspiration!  I'm so glad we got to meet in our racing endeavors!

BTW, Alberto Salazar was telling Fred that the full marathon is much easier than the half.  You have to do the hills in either distance, and the middle 13 miles is all flat!  Maybe next year.....  Fred didn't even know who he was talking to until I told him later! LOL! - you gotta love him!

Good luck next week!

2006-09-18 8:36 AM
in reply to: #543973

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: US Air Force Half Marathon

Congratulations on a great race This one was on my list for this year, but the plans fell through. Your report was  I hope to make it up for it next year. Great job!




2006-09-18 9:23 AM
in reply to: #543973

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Subject: RE: US Air Force Half Marathon

Nice job.  I should've set up a BT rendevous area so we coulda met up.


2006-09-18 10:08 PM
in reply to: #543973

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: US Air Force Half Marathon
Congratulations on finishing a great race!
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