Subject: RE: ok over the swim panic, now on to bike panic Trust your bike. Take it out and practice riding corners and hills. Push the limits and see how your bike handles in different situations. Relax! Your bike knows what to do in the corners and on the hills. Practice riding a straight line, riding a straight line and reaching for your water bottle etc.,
Are you more uncomfortable riding on the hills and corners in a paceline than alone? If so then try riding towards the back of the line behind experienced cyclist. Watch and see what they do in the corners and on the hills. Stay away from the inexperienced cyclist in the group if you can. You want to ride behind someone who is predictable and steady. Or find an experienced cyclist to work with you on the corners and hills.
It is also okay (well it is with our bike club ) to drop back out of the paceline and catch back up (if you can ) after the corners and hills.
It does get easier with time. Each time you go out push yourself a little bit more. We have also observed most women do not ride as aggressively when their husbands are around. This may not be the case for you or anyone else. Just something we have seen in our group. When you are out there alone with the group you pretty much have to suck it up and push yourself or get dropped.
It will get easier with practice. Over the years I have worked really hard to increase my comfort level with fast cornering and descending. Riding fast is a RUSH!