General Discussion Introduce Yourself!!! » Newbie Needs Mentor Rss Feed  
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2006-09-25 10:30 AM

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Royersford, PA
Subject: Newbie Needs Mentor
Hi everyone, I just want to start off by saying that I absolutely love this site! I have learned so much in such a short time and it has me so motiviated to get my triathalon training underway.

I just turned 30 and I am in the worst shape of my life. I spent the majority of my life in excellent shape, but I got married, have 2 kids, and I'm in pathetic shape! I am really motivated to get things turned around!

I was hoping to find someone to act as my mentor, male or female doesn't matter. Someone who can hold me accountable, give me some suggestions on training, and someone who can share in my journey. If you're interested please email me at [email protected] . I am located in the philadelphia suburbs in case anyone is looking for a beginner training partner!

Can't wait to Tri!!!!!


2006-09-25 11:05 AM
in reply to: #550757

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Newbie Needs Mentor
Welcome! I know there are a few other BT'ers in and near Philly.

Log your workouts here, join some of the challenges, and you'll find yourself on teams with other people. They'll check your logs and "inspire" you. Return the favor, and you'll probably have some good virtual-training-partners (next best thing to real-life ones).

Ask questions and be willing to offer your own experiences. Even as a noobie, you'll still have plenty to contribute to the discussions.
2006-09-25 2:23 PM
in reply to: #550757

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Fairport, NY
Subject: RE: Newbie Needs Mentor

It's time to get some momentum going. What are you capable of right now? Do you think you're ready to start traininig in all 3 sports, or do you think you should start off with a walking->jogging plan?


2006-09-25 2:28 PM
in reply to: #551069

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: Newbie Needs Mentor
I honestly just got my butt up off the couch a couple of weeks ago. I've been run/walking on my treadmill. I belong to the local YMCA and would like to mix in some biking and swimming...I'm just not sure what kind of program to start...thoughts? Aside from getting in shape, I need to drop about 25 lbs too...sitting behind a desk everyday has taken it's toll. I'd like to start weight training as well, I'm just not sure where to start.
2006-09-25 5:00 PM
in reply to: #551074

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Subject: RE: Newbie Needs Mentor

A couple of ideas:

 1.  You might like the couch-to-sprint program on this site if you're ready to start training in a 3 sports.

2.  Use the logs here on this site to log your training.  As you make friends here, they will check your logs and motivate you (and you will do the same for them!)

 3.  You may have a local tri club in your area; some are more beginner-friendly than others, but it's worth looking into.

4.  Check your state's forum on this site to see what the local BTers are up to.

Maybe one or more of those will be helpful to you.  The most important thing is consistency - so just START, then KEEP GOING, and you'll be suprised how far you get!

 and... welcome to BT. 

2006-09-26 10:31 AM
in reply to: #550757

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Fairport, NY
Subject: RE: Newbie Needs Mentor

Why don't you start off with one of the Couch to 5k plans? They start with walking, gradually add in running and eventually get you ready for your first 5k race. If you can register for one to do at the end of the plan, that's a great motivator.

Don't worry about being 'too slow' to race. You'd be surprised at the range of people who do these races. Yeah, there are the rail thin speedsters, but they're not the only ones there and it's about making it to the starting line and giving it you best.

You could start to mix in some easy swimming and cycling as cross training during this period and when you're done with that plan, you could move onto a beginner's triathlon training plan that would probably take you to the beginning of the tri season next year.

2006-09-26 10:50 AM
in reply to: #550757

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Crystal Lake, IL
Subject: RE: Newbie Needs Mentor

Getting involved in this site can make the whole place your 'mentor'.  Visiting other people's logs will do a few things for you.  You'll learn about training and get motivated.  You will also be able to leave 'inspires' in their log.  When you leave these messages people sometimes check out who you are and if you are logging/blogging they will leave you messages too.  Once this cycle starts you will find yourself dragging your butt out of bed to get workouts done you might not have done otherwise.  It's very motivating.  Also, if you put where you are located in your profile the other Philly area people will see it and talk to you about local stuff.

Good luck and enjoy!


2006-09-26 11:08 AM
in reply to: #552002

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Murrieta Calif.
Subject: RE: Newbie Needs Mentor

Congrats on your decision to make change! I understand exactly what you're going through as I am still going through it. Haven't quite got my pregnancy fat off and I'm the dad! I would say set a goal, both weight goal and tri goal then go for it! Track your food intake religiously! You'd be amazed how quickly little things that go in your mouth add up! Have someone there to hold you accountable (if you need that. I do!) Post your diet on a blog or e-mail it to someone every day. You are welcome to email it to me if you'd like ([email protected]) and I will help in any way I can! Also I agree with joining a local tri group. I can only imagine what the winters are like in Philly so you might consider masters swimming as well. I am a firm believer the more people you involve in your goal, the more likely you are to achieving it, plus it should be fun. As a parent I know how hard it is to maintain friends so this is a great way!

Welcome and happy training!


2006-09-27 2:00 PM
in reply to: #550757

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Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: Newbie Needs Mentor
I really appreciated all of the encouragement that I have gotten so far. Instead of dreading working out tonight, I can't wait to get to the YMCA!!! At this point, it's baby steps for me, but anything is better than a night spent lying on the couch!!!

Thanks again!!!
2006-09-27 3:53 PM
in reply to: #550757

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Subject: RE: Newbie Needs Mentor
Hey there, welcome, what everyone else said.

Where about in Philly do you live? I'm right outside, in Ardmore, and there's a few others here as well.

There's a state message board for PA, and I personally don't feel that the eastern contingent of PA is active enough on it, so be sure to check that out. Also, while I may know next to nothing about bikes, and less than nothing about swimming, I'm pretty decent at the running thing, so if you have questions, just ask.
2006-09-27 4:46 PM
in reply to: #550757

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Subject: RE: Newbie Needs Mentor
I just noticed your email address. I have a lot of friends that work for SEI in Oaks. I'm right up 422 and around Skippack/Collegeville. Soon I'll be moving around KOP and training on the Main Line. I ride/run on the Perkioment Trail and Schuylkill River Trails a lot though. I don't have quite enough tri experience (none) to be a mentor, but if you ever wanna go for a ride or run sometime, I'm up for it.

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