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2009-08-20 9:47 AM

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Subject: Sprints to HIM... Is this wise?
I'm running my 2nd sprint this weekend.  My plan was to complete my 3rd and final Sprint of the season on Oct 4th. My Sprint training seems to have lost it's challenge.  I am not feeling wrecked after hard workouts like I was just a few months ago.  Now I know you will tell me that I am not pushing mysef hard enough. and you are right.  The way I operate though is I need a goal to work towards to really push myself, something I know a lot of beginners can relate to.  

So, here is what I am pondering, There is a HIM available the same day/location as the Sprint. I would have 6 weeks to train for the HIM, should I stick to the sprint and train for oly's next year (part of my LTG's), or really push myself and dive into the HIM in 6 weeks as my last horrah for the season?  Any thoughts?

2009-08-20 9:51 AM
in reply to: #2359978

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: Sprints to HIM... Is this wise?

My progression has been Sprints to Olympic to Half marathon to HIM and then one day to IM.

Just my path though

2009-08-20 9:56 AM
in reply to: #2359978

Subject: RE: Sprints to HIM... Is this wise?
Do it, if you want to.  This is coming from a guy that did two sprints in 08, then trained from nov- april, did a HIM in april, a HIM in June,  three more sprints and one oly since june, and just jumped on a twelve week program to IM (november- beach2battleship).   I did my first century ride on Sunday, the day after my last sprint of the year.  prior to that my longest ride had been 65 miles- ever, and my legs felt good enough to comfortably run 8 miles the day after the century (which took 5:41:08 including pit stops)

You never know what YOU'RE body is capable of until you try.  Just listen to your body, and you'll be fine. 

Again, this is coming from a guy with absolutely no endurance experience leading up to my first sprint in August of 08- so.......
2009-08-20 10:02 AM
in reply to: #2359978

Subject: RE: Sprints to HIM... Is this wise?

In looking at your logs, which only go back to June, I didn't see any runs longer than 4-5 miles. Not many long rides, and very very swim practices over 1800 yds or so. You're going to have swim over a mile, then bike 50+ miles, THEN run a half marathon, all in a row. Just by your running distances along, it doesn't seem as though you're prepared to run a stand-alone half marathon, let alone one after cycling 56 miles and swimming 1.2 miles before that. Unless there's more to the story than is in your logs - but by what's in your logs I'd say no.

I wouldn't do it. Finish your season, and pick a spring HIM. Use the winter to build the volume.

2009-08-20 10:02 AM
in reply to: #2359978


Subject: RE: Sprints to HIM... Is this wise?
My wife and I did 3 sprint tris, and then did an 8 week buildup to a HIM, which we did on Sunday. The race went fine, although its a completely different beast in terms of nutrition, pacing, etc. Its certainly doable.
2009-08-20 10:36 AM
in reply to: #2359978

Subject: RE: Sprints to HIM... Is this wise?
I guess it depends how serious and how much training you did for your sprint. I trained for a 1/2IM as my second race ever. The sprint was a month before and a pool swim at that. Like I said, I was training for the 1/2 tho. If you have been training for a while and as typical triathletes do, overtrained, then I would suggest getting a plan that is a 12wk plan to FINISH a 1/2. Run your sprint and start the plan at week 4 of the plan. Then, after the first week of the 1/2 plan really listen to your body and how you feel. Don't listen to the high and adrenaline, but listen to your aches and soreness. Is it like the soreness you felt in the start of your sprint training or more nagging and throbbing? A sprint to 1/2 is a big bite if you only have a small base fitness training for your sprint. Best thing would be to go after an Olympic and do a 1/2 in 16+ weeks or next season. Then you will be better prepared, not wreck your off season training due to injury, and enjoy it more. Another consideration would be to do a leg of the 1/2 relay if available. Remember the day is avg 5-6x longer for a 1/2; only 2x for an olympic. Triathlon is something you can enjoy the rest of your life, don't risk injury just for a short lived high.

2009-08-20 10:41 AM
in reply to: #2360032

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Sprints to HIM... Is this wise?

I totally agree with this.  Even training for an Oly in 6 weeks would be a stretch for you.  I wonder if you'd even be able to finish a HIM.   Find more ways to stretch yourself in the off season and build your endurance and then plan something more challenging next year.

wurkit_gurl - 2009-08-20 10:02 AM

In looking at your logs, which only go back to June, I didn't see any runs longer than 4-5 miles. Not many long rides, and very very swim practices over 1800 yds or so. You're going to have swim over a mile, then bike 50+ miles, THEN run a half marathon, all in a row. Just by your running distances along, it doesn't seem as though you're prepared to run a stand-alone half marathon, let alone one after cycling 56 miles and swimming 1.2 miles before that. Unless there's more to the story than is in your logs - but by what's in your logs I'd say no.

I wouldn't do it. Finish your season, and pick a spring HIM. Use the winter to build the volume.

2009-08-20 10:55 AM
in reply to: #2359978

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Subject: RE: Sprints to HIM... Is this wise?
Thanks all,

I think you are right.  My logs are fairly accurate (Thanks for taking the time to look)  Running is definitly my weak point. I think I will do the sprint and maybe look for a fall 1/2 marathon or 15K to keep me pushing forward.  If an Oly was offered on the same day, I wouldn't hesitate! I definitly get excited for challenges and always  bite off more than I can chew! Thanks for putting me in check!   

As I mentioned before, My goals included 3 sprints this year then make the jump to Oly's next year, HIM's after that and then IM's eventually.  I need to work on volume in all diciplines.  I really need to challenge myself more during my workouts. The racing season comes to a screaching hault in the NE here after October.  I get nervous with the holidays coming up, need to keep myself motivated and in line.  
2009-08-20 10:58 AM
in reply to: #2360171

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Sprints to HIM... Is this wise?
BikerGrrrl - 2009-08-20 10:41 AM

I totally agree with this.  Even training for an Oly in 6 weeks would be a stretch for you.  I wonder if you'd even be able to finish a HIM.   Find more ways to stretch yourself in the off season and build your endurance and then plan something more challenging next year.

wurkit_gurl - 2009-08-20 10:02 AM

In looking at your logs, which only go back to June, I didn't see any runs longer than 4-5 miles. Not many long rides, and very very swim practices over 1800 yds or so. You're going to have swim over a mile, then bike 50+ miles, THEN run a half marathon, all in a row. Just by your running distances along, it doesn't seem as though you're prepared to run a stand-alone half marathon, let alone one after cycling 56 miles and swimming 1.2 miles before that. Unless there's more to the story than is in your logs - but by what's in your logs I'd say no.

I wouldn't do it. Finish your season, and pick a spring HIM. Use the winter to build the volume.

x2 to all of this.
In my experience the jump from Oly to HIM was a huge one. I'd recommend either trying out an Oly first, or using the next 8-9 months to build volume to an HIM. Run a half marathon this fall or winter, get some 40-50 mile rides in the spring. You'll get there!
2009-08-20 11:07 AM
in reply to: #2359978

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Seattle, California
Subject: RE: Sprints to HIM... Is this wise?
 Injuries happen because people push to hard to soon and they can sideline you for a very long time.  Fitness and triathlon is a life long journey.  Take your time and enjoy the ride.  Be proud of how far you have come in the past few months and prepare yourself to push even further next year.  I think a goal of a half next race season is a perfectly reasonable goal but to push it from sprint to half in 6 weeks seems like a bad idea.   
2009-08-20 11:18 AM
in reply to: #2359978

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Colorado Springs, Colorado
Subject: RE: Sprints to HIM... Is this wise?
Don't do it. Your current training doesn't support a quick ramp up to HIM distances. While you may be able to finish a HIM, why do it if you're not really prepared?

Triathlon season may end, but you can do running races all year. As running may be a weakness it may serve you well to work your way up through progressively longer races. That will provide you with something to train for.

2009-08-20 11:37 AM
in reply to: #2359978

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North Carolina Foothills
Subject: RE: Sprints to HIM... Is this wise?
mchubri` - 2009-08-20 9:47 AM
My Sprint training seems to have lost it's challenge.  ?

As as an alternative point of view, there is nothing wrong with just doing Sprints either. They way I look at it, until I actually win one or come close, there is always a challenge in doing another Sprint.

Even though my training would probably support doing Olympics at least, I enjoy doing Sprints and always feel challenged to improve my performance.

If you need to set a goal to push yourself, you can always set a goal of a podium age-group finish in a Sprint, which might be just as satisfying as "just finishing" a HIM.
2009-08-20 11:46 AM
in reply to: #2360354

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Subject: RE: Sprints to HIM... Is this wise?
2nd the last poster.

try focusing on really getting faster at the shorter distances first, it will carry over a LOT and help your longr speed, and you cannot even imagine how much shorter races can hurt and how much fun they are.
2009-08-20 11:59 AM
in reply to: #2360221

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Mt Pleasant, SC
Subject: RE: Sprints to HIM... Is this wise?
mchubri` - 2009-08-20 11:55 AM Thanks all,

As I mentioned before, My goals included 3 sprints this year then make the jump to Oly's next year, HIM's after that and then IM's eventually. 

These are my goals for the long term!.  I have my first  Sprint completed, 1 Sprint set for 19 Sept and I am looking at 1 last Sprint 11 Oct. 
Next year 2010  I want to do 3 or 4 more Sprints and then complete an Oly distance race in August-Sept as the highlight of my 2010 season. 
2011 maybe a HIM 
2112  IM

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