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2011-05-04 5:04 PM

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: Ultra 10 weeks after IM

So, I'm running my first ironman at the end of July, and 10 weeks later there's this, a three day stage race: 50k, 50miles, half-marathon.

I've more-or-less decided that I'm going to run  the 50 miler. The question is whether I might be able to do the whole three days/ 94 miles. I know it's a stretch... heck, I know the 50 miler alone is a lot with just 10 weeks to train specifically for it. But my aerobic endurance should be pretty decent from the IM training.

My background -- ran my first marathon and 50k late last year, have been steadily building toward the IM this year. I don't mean to be cocky, but my body seems to adapt relatively quickly, and I like aiming for ambitious goals. What do you think.... any chance I finish all 94 miles?

2011-05-04 9:53 PM
in reply to: #3482416

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Waller County, TX
Subject: RE: Ultra 10 weeks after IM

Go for it, challenge yourself; do all 3 events. 10 weeks is plenty of time to recover, especially if you've built up properly for your IM. You'll have a great base and you'll be surprised at your endurance. I've done trail ultras 3 weeks after BQ Marathons, so I've been there.

Aerobic capacity won't be your limiter; it'll be the deep fatigue in the legs late in the 50-miler that will catch up to you. If it's trail running, you'll suffer a bit more, but should be OK.

Depending on how hard you push the 50 miler, the half-mary is going to be slow, but doable. Disciplined pacing early in each stage will be your key to success, along with the usual nutrition and hydration issues.

Set some realistic goals and you'll be pleased with the results.

neweyes - 2011-05-04 5:04 PM

So, I'm running my first ironman at the end of July, and 10 weeks later there's this, a three day stage race: 50k, 50miles, half-marathon.

I've more-or-less decided that I'm going to run  the 50 miler. The question is whether I might be able to do the whole three days/ 94 miles. I know it's a stretch... heck, I know the 50 miler alone is a lot with just 10 weeks to train specifically for it. But my aerobic endurance should be pretty decent from the IM training.

My background -- ran my first marathon and 50k late last year, have been steadily building toward the IM this year. I don't mean to be cocky, but my body seems to adapt relatively quickly, and I like aiming for ambitious goals. What do you think.... any chance I finish all 94 miles?

2011-05-05 6:18 AM
in reply to: #3482416

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Plano, Tx
Subject: RE: Ultra 10 weeks after IM
neweyes - 2011-05-04 5:04 PM

So, I'm running my first ironman at the end of July, and 10 weeks later there's this, a three day stage race: 50k, 50miles, half-marathon.

I've more-or-less decided that I'm going to run  the 50 miler. The question is whether I might be able to do the whole three days/ 94 miles. I know it's a stretch... heck, I know the 50 miler alone is a lot with just 10 weeks to train specifically for it. But my aerobic endurance should be pretty decent from the IM training.

My background -- ran my first marathon and 50k late last year, have been steadily building toward the IM this year. I don't mean to be cocky, but my body seems to adapt relatively quickly, and I like aiming for ambitious goals. What do you think.... any chance I finish all 94 miles?

Oh heck yea go for all three! I had a friend that did IMFL, then the NEXT weekend did the Penhoti Trail 100. Granted he's done a few IMs and 100s already... 10 weeks is plenty of recovery

2011-05-05 6:23 AM
in reply to: #3482416

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Plano, Tx
Subject: RE: Ultra 10 weeks after IM
neweyes - 2011-05-04 5:04 PM

So, I'm running my first ironman at the end of July, and 10 weeks later there's this, a three day stage race: 50k, 50miles, half-marathon.

I've more-or-less decided that I'm going to run  the 50 miler. The question is whether I might be able to do the whole three days/ 94 miles. I know it's a stretch... heck, I know the 50 miler alone is a lot with just 10 weeks to train specifically for it. But my aerobic endurance should be pretty decent from the IM training.

My background -- ran my first marathon and 50k late last year, have been steadily building toward the IM this year. I don't mean to be cocky, but my body seems to adapt relatively quickly, and I like aiming for ambitious goals. What do you think.... any chance I finish all 94 miles?

Oh heck yea go for all three! I had a friend that did IMFL, then the NEXT weekend did the Penhoti Trail 100. Granted he's done a few IMs and 100s already... 10 weeks is plenty of recovery

2011-05-05 11:34 AM
in reply to: #3482416

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Subject: RE: Ultra 10 weeks after IM

I'm running my 1st 100 miler that same weekend 11 weeks after IM Lake Placid. So I might just be crazy too Laughing.

I agree with the above that the recovery period will be fine. I would be more concerned about getting in adequate training while having to taper for IM for most of July and then the last part of September for the October race. That doesn't leave a lot of actual training time factoring a little IM recovery. So, the better base mileage you can build now, I say the better.

Good luck!

2011-05-06 8:19 AM
in reply to: #3482416

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ultra 10 weeks after IM

Awesome -- thanks for the encouragement. I'm psyched.

Maybe it's a little early to be thinking about training, but if you can think of any plan that might be useful to look at for this sort of thing, that would be great. 

2011-05-06 8:55 AM
in reply to: #3482416

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Subject: RE: Ultra 10 weeks after IM

I'm still pretty new at this, but had great success with Hal Higdon's 54 mile Comrades training plan ( for my 1st 50. I finished the race with energy to spare and no soreness after the second day. It is a little higher mileage than some of the other plans I saw with a mid-week longish run (8-10) and then back to back long runs on the weekend which might simulate the 50k/50 mile/13 mile experience a little. It could probably be adapted to IM training pretty well if you did your long bike on the second day of long runs.


2011-05-07 10:14 AM
in reply to: #3482416

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Subject: RE: Ultra 10 weeks after IM
Dude you are a lot faster runner than I am but that won't stop me from advising:

1. 50 miles is harder than an IM. Running a marathon after running a marathon is harder than running a marathon after riding a bike for 6-8 hours.

2. Your heart and major muscles likely will be in shape to do the 50 miler. The thing you need to worry about is the little supporting muscles in your calves and feet. Also your bones and joints which won't necessarily be prepared for a 50 miler based on IM training. That said I have no doubt that you would complete the 50 miler.

Regarding the 3 races in 3 days, that sound SUPER cool. Like SUPER SUPER cool. I think you definitly have a chance. lol, wow, that is going to hurt though, like a lot. That marathon has a lot of elevation and 50 miler has more. lol, wow.

Training: dude, you need to take it easy after the IM for a week or 2 or 3, I don't know, don't run too much during that time or at least be super careful, work your way up to 100k or so a week then give yourself 7-10 days to taper. If you can get some serious elevation work in there you might be in better shape but I doubt even if you started with the serious elevation work today that the triple would be a comfortable experience.

So jealous.
2011-05-07 4:07 PM
in reply to: #3482416

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South Windsor CT
Subject: RE: Ultra 10 weeks after IM
How do you train for something like this, do you taper?  This is truly inspiring.
2011-05-08 11:47 AM
in reply to: #3482416

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ultra 10 weeks after IM

Well, ^this is what I'm trying to figure out. Yes, I'll definitely taper.... 3 weeks would probably be best, but I'm going to be squeezed for training time, so I'll probably do 2. Here's what I'm thinking.....

Week after the ironman (week 1): I'll be in Yosemite with my family. Probably do some light hiking, maybe a real easy jog or two toward the end of the week.

Week 2: Will be at a conference in Texas, but should have plenty of training time. 2-3 midweek runs, one long run of ~2hrs on the weekend. All zone 1/recovery pace.

Week 3: Time to get serious. Ironman training peaked with ~50 miles/week, but that was 5 weeks ago. Assuming I feel close to totally recovered, I'll aim to get back to ~50 miles this week, with weekend runs of 3h and 1.5h.

Weeks 4-8: If I bump volume 10%/week, week 8 will be ~85miles with long runs of 5h and 2.5h. I think that's a bit on the aggressive side, but if everything feels good, that's what I'll go for.

Then 12 days of taper, and we'll see what happens. I'll be shocked if it's not painful. Should be fun too though.

2011-05-10 2:22 PM
in reply to: #3482416

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Ultra 10 weeks after IM

I did it the other way, a 50-miler 10 weeks before IMCdA in 2009.  I figured if I could still be running 11 hours into the day, I'd be ready to finish the IM.  It was my first 50 and my first IM. 

Doable, but figure out a decent race strategy, especially if you plan to do all 3 days of the run.  (I did a 30 mile trail run the morning after I did an evening marathon last fall.

I hope to see you at Vineman this year. 



2011-05-11 8:00 AM
in reply to: #3482416

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Extreme Veteran
Chatham. Ontario
Subject: RE: Ultra 10 weeks after IM
Sounds like you have already decided that this is what you want to do. Anything is possible, but with a little planning and reasonable expectations everything should be fine.
Looks like a great adventure. Let us know how you make out.
2011-05-26 7:23 PM
in reply to: #3482416

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Queen BTich
Subject: RE: Ultra 10 weeks after IM

Oh, great thread! I'm planning on doing my first ultra in the mountains approximately 8-9 weeks after my IM! Good advice. Unfortunately the IM (AZ) is flat and the run is far from it. I'm going to look at that Higdon book too.

2011-06-12 1:37 AM
in reply to: #3482416

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ultra 10 weeks after IM
neweyes - 2011-05-05 8:04 AM

So, I'm running my first ironman at the end of July, and 10 weeks later there's this, a three day stage race: 50k, 50miles, half-marathon.

I've more-or-less decided that I'm going to run  the 50 miler. The question is whether I might be able to do the whole three days/ 94 miles. I know it's a stretch... heck, I know the 50 miler alone is a lot with just 10 weeks to train specifically for it. But my aerobic endurance should be pretty decent from the IM training.

My background -- ran my first marathon and 50k late last year, have been steadily building toward the IM this year. I don't mean to be cocky, but my body seems to adapt relatively quickly, and I like aiming for ambitious goals. What do you think.... any chance I finish all 94 miles?

Go for it! You've got incredible fitness now, will have even more so with a little rest after IM... and life is all about experiencing INCREDIBLE things. This is an amazing opportunity, go for it!!! 

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