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2008-08-17 2:05 AM

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Penn Valley,
Subject: I was feeling proud of myself... until I passed out

I completed a sprint triathlon last year and one earlier this summer so I'm still very much a beginner.  And, I will state that I only swim backstroke, I haven't learned freestyle yet, I feel like I'm hyperventilating each time I try.  Anyway, I swam my first mile today.  I actually went 1750 yards in 60 minutes.  I only stopped to rest once after 1000 yards for 3 minutes.  It may sound silly to some of you more experienced swimmers, but it was quite an accomplishment for me and I was excited.  

After my swim, I changed and then ran on the treadmill for 20 minutes and went a mile and a half.  I felt pretty good and actually would like to have continued for another 10 or 20 minutes, but I didn't have time.  They were having a blood drive at the 24 Hour Fitness and I had signed up to donate at 12:30 p.m.  So, I finished my 20 minute run and went out to wait my turn.  I was donating about 1:30 and then headed to Costco to do some shopping.  When I got home I felt a little dizzy while carrying stuff into the house so I sat and rested for a bit and got something to eat around 2:45.  

About 3:30 I went to take a shower and while in the shower I got dizzy again.  I sat down on the bench in the shower for a bit and then got back up to wash my face and get the conditioner out of my hair.  I got dizzy again, turned off the water and sat back down.  I think it was due to the heat, with my eyes closed and my head leaned back while rinsing off.  Well, it got worse and the next thing I knew I was passing out, slid off the bench, landed on the floor of the shower and hit the back of my head on the bench.  When I could move, I think I crawled out of the shower and laid down on rug on the floor for another 5 minutes.  

I donate blood every two months and I have never had this happen.  I've lost 35 pounds this year.  I had 10 oz of OJ before my workout and a small bowl of Rice Krispies.  I drank a large bottle of water during the swim, run and prior to donating.  Had more juice, a cookie, 2.5 oz of Sliced Turkey and 80 grams of Edamame Soy Beans.  I usually donate in the evenings and don't workout that day, and sometimes the next day.  I was feeling pretty proud for having done something good for myself and something good for someone else but after passing out, maybe it wasn't good to do both on the same day.  Has anyone donated immediately after a workout and had something like this happen?  My blood pressure before donating was 100/76, was that too low?  They didn't say anything about it.  My blood pressure is normally 107/72.  Anyway, I'm interested in everyone else's thoughts.

Thanks for reading the long post and any input. 



2008-08-17 6:18 AM
in reply to: #1608483

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The Green Between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh
Subject: RE: I was feeling proud of myself... until I passed out

I'm no expert, so take it for what it's worth, but I don't think you're eating nearly enough to support that kind of effort...

2008-08-17 6:40 AM
in reply to: #1608483

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the Alabama part of Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: I was feeling proud of myself... until I passed out
If this was a more extensive workout than you are used to, the worst case scenario is that you have uncovered a symptom of heart problems (a treadmill stress test can tell you for sure). More likely is that either the blood donation itself or the lack of fluid replacement caused the problem.  You might want to give yourself either a day in between next time, or try to over-replace (based on a before and after workout weight) any fluids lost. Be careful to not go too crazy with plain water, as you can cause dilution of the electrolytes in your plasma, which can cause swelling of the brain (which would be very very bad).  Try to replace with at least 20-30% of the fluids as electrolyte replacements (NUUN, gaterade, whatever).
2008-08-17 7:25 AM
in reply to: #1608483

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South Florida
Subject: RE: I was feeling proud of myself... until I passed out
as mentioned above, my first 2 inclinations were: not enough food during the day, and lack of electrolytes.  Just keep tabs on it...I'm sure it was all just too much for you to do on one day.  But kudos to you for donating!!!
2008-08-17 7:33 AM
in reply to: #1608483

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Wellington, North Island
Subject: RE: I was feeling proud of myself... until I passed out
I'd also suggest that you didn't eat nearly enough. You mentioned that you've also lost 35 pounds--a good chunk of weight--which might be an issue too. I'm not sure how that makes a difference as I have no medical training, I just know they only take .75 pints from me when I donate because I don't weigh enough. Your body might still be adjusting to the weight loss.

You might think about eating a lot more, making sure you are very well hydrated, and giving yourself more of a break between the workout and the blood donation in the future.
2008-08-17 7:15 PM
in reply to: #1608483


Subject: RE: I was feeling proud of myself... until I passed out

Hi all.  I'm new to the forum and just started thinking about tri'ing. As a nurse, I actually may have some relevent knowledge about donating blood.  Thought I'd share since I know NOTHING about tri!

You probably passed out because you were slightly dehydrated from your workout (this could be why your BP was slightly lower than usual prior to giving blood) and you lost another 1/2 liter by giving blood.  The combination was probably enough to drop your blood pressure - which started out great, BTW - to the point that you passed out.  Since you have never experienced this before, I would say that you should definitely decrease your activity prior to donating blood in the future and probably not donate at all on days that you work out vigorously.  I agree that you should take in more fluids than usual on the day you donate blood.  Since you hit your head, you should go to the ER immediately if you have any memory problems, weakness or changes in your vision.  And definitely get a cardiac workup if you pass out again!


2008-08-17 7:51 PM
in reply to: #1608483

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Penn Valley,
Subject: RE: I was feeling proud of myself... until I passed out

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for the replies.  Some of you mentioned that I might have been dehydrated.  I figured out that I probably had about 50 ounces of water, 16-17 ounces of juice plus maybe 6-8 ounces of Ice Tea before passing out.  But, I didn't have any drinks that replace electrolytes so I'll keep that in mind for the future.  After passing out, I had some raspberry juice and a granola bar then I had a hamburger and fries for dinner.  I don't usually eat hamburgers or fries anymore but I felt like I needed it.  

I have a Bodybugg so when all is said and done, I burned 3030 calories for the day (most of it in the morning) and ate 1995 calories for the day (mostly in the evening).  My goals are to burn 2600 calories a day and eat 1900 so my deficit of 1035 along with the blood donation was obviously too much.  I've gotten so good at watching what I eat that I probably don't eat enough sometimes.

I learned my lesson, I need spread things out better, think about electrolytes and don't workout on days that I donate blood.  I still weigh 181 so I definitely weigh enough to donate.

Just so you know, I felt O.K. the rest of the day, my head hurt this morning where I hit it but no memory or visual problems.  I'm going to try to get into the Chiropractor early this week and I already had a doctor appointment on the 27th to talk about an issue with my knee so I'll talk to him about this incident. 

Thanks again!! 


2008-08-18 1:54 AM
in reply to: #1608483

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The Whites, New Hampshire
Subject: RE: I was feeling proud of myself... until I passed out
I got a little lost in those numbers, but did I read right that you are aiming for 700 net calories a day??? That is way, way too low, especially in training. You should aim for no lower than 1200 a day.

Others posts sound right - your OJ had electrolytes, but not enough. And not enough calories. And just a plain hard workout. That itself will make me pretty lightheaded sometimes. I would guess the burger and fries were right on. Try eating essentially immediately after a workout, which is when your uptake is highest. And, well, helping someone else by helping yourself by not exercising hard and donating on the same day.
2008-08-18 2:17 AM
in reply to: #1609829

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Penn Valley,
Subject: RE: I was feeling proud of myself... until I passed out

Slugger - 2008-08-17 11:54 PM I got a little lost in those numbers, but did I read right that you are aiming for 700 net calories a day??? That is way, way too low, especially in training. You should aim for no lower than 1200 a day. Others posts sound right - your OJ had electrolytes, but not enough. And not enough calories. And just a plain hard workout. That itself will make me pretty lightheaded sometimes. I would guess the burger and fries were right on. Try eating essentially immediately after a workout, which is when your uptake is highest. And, well, helping someone else by helping yourself by not exercising hard and donating on the same day.

Sorry if my numbers were confusing.  Actually my goal is to eat 1900 calories a day while burning 2600 a day.  Therefore, I would burn 700 more than I ate, that's what my program calls a 700 calorie deficit.  Those are my goals to lose 1.4 pounds per week.  

Yesterday, I ended up eating a total of 1995 but I burned 3030 for the day.  I didn't realize that the swim was going to burn as much as it did.  I know better now.




2008-08-18 12:38 PM
in reply to: #1608483

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Harrisburg, PA
Subject: RE: I was feeling proud of myself... until I passed out
TeamWin75 - 2008-08-17 2:05 AM

I completed a sprint triathlon last year and one earlier this summer so I'm still very much a beginner.  And, I will state that I only swim backstroke, I haven't learned freestyle yet, I feel like I'm hyperventilating each time I try.  Anyway, I swam my first mile today.  I actually went 1750 yards in 60 minutes.  I only stopped to rest once after 1000 yards for 3 minutes.  It may sound silly to some of you more experienced swimmers, but it was quite an accomplishment for me and I was excited.  

First off, any accomplishment, especially regarding the swim, is an accomplishment, and is not silly, no matter how small it may be to some. If swimming a straight 25 yards is an accomplishment, that is something to be proud of. The bad new is that when you learn freestyle, you may actually be looking for a goal of swimming a straight 50! Get off your back, flip over, and get help learning the stroke. Believe me, I thoroughly understand the feeling of hyperventilating. Had been doing it for nine or so months; nothing but sets of 25s with good, long, frustrating rests after each one. Got to me so much I was going off the deep end (no pun intended) and got snappy here on the forum, of which I still hang my head and feel sheepish about.

You had a good day and got caught up and probably did too much. We look at training plans and say to ourselves, I can do more than that, of which we can. Get a plan, or make a plan, and spread things out and allow time to rest and reap the benefits of the workouts. I sometimes double up and do an activity in the AM and a different one in the PM. I would try to keep the two activities a bit shorter than if I was just doing one.

I'm not a nutritionist, and suck when it comes to which food is carbs and which is protein, etc., but eat. I lost 30 lbs. or so by cutting back on types of foods and portion size. I used to biggie-size everything and eat a lot of crap. I can, and do now, eat slightly larger portions just to maintain myself. I get annoyed when some say I'm too skinny, but I begrudgingly see their point...sometimes. Always a good idea to get a physical. I did, just to shut up, er, I mean to pacify my wife. The doctor thinks I'm fine and commended my actions. (So :b to my wife there). Don't know if there's anything useful you can take from this ramble, but learn to freestyle, eat smart, get a physical.

As for the breathing whie swimming, all I can say is that it will come. I spent months reading posts where people had their breathing breakthroughs, and just sat in jealousy. ell-in-or (I think I'm know in love with her) said it best in a responce to my recent DNF post...It totally feels like Charlie Brown's Halloween. All the other kids have their fun tri story. I got a rock.
2008-08-19 1:43 AM
in reply to: #1608483

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Penn Valley,
Subject: RE: I was feeling proud of myself... until I passed out


Thanks for the rambling.  Yes, there was some good info in your post that was helpful.  I know I need to learn freestyle.  That was my plan in April and I went to 3 Masters Swim classes.  Unfortunately, I was really intimidated and didn't feel like the coach gave me any useful advice.  I went for a free stroke clinic the previous summer and felt like those coaches had me do some good drills.  But this summer the coach just put me in my own lane and never gave me anything to work on and would just occasionally tell me good job when she found me resting at the wall.  Most of the time I don't think she even watched me.  It was frustrating.  I did this for three sessions and finally gave up, then found myself reverting back to backstroke on my subsequent swims.  

I've been thinking about buying some of the Total Immersion Products and working on it over the winter.  I've also printed out the 10 points of swimming posted by BigFuzzyDog and want to study those.  Part of my problem is that I'm historically a scuba diver and I'm used to being able to breathe "anytime I want to" even being under water.  

I have a doctor appointment for an occasional knee pain on 8/28 so I'm going to talk with him about this incident and see what he recommends.

Thanks again.   

2008-08-19 6:56 AM
in reply to: #1608483

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: I was feeling proud of myself... until I passed out

One more lap, and you'd have swam a mile (This is the sarcasm font, BTW) Congratulations on the NOT SO SILLY accomplishment! 

THANK YOU for donating blood!

I'm not much help on the BP (mine's often in the 140/90 range) or nutrition, but you may not want to run such a deficit on donation days (or for the week after, as your body is trying to replentish the red cells). 

Next time, sell tickets.  We like to see people pass out in their showers  

2008-08-19 7:54 AM
in reply to: #1608483

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Vancouver, BC
Subject: RE: I was feeling proud of myself... until I passed out

I've been donating blood for years and had one episode where I passed out.  I felt fine until the helicopter came in for the childrens hospital, then I felt super weird and down I went.  The nurses there later told me that they have had a few cases in the pass where the fumes affect people.  I couldn't think of any other reason so that is what I chalk it up to.  Anyways just thought I'd throw in my two cents.                                                            WAY TO DONATE!! Blood it's in you to give!!


2008-08-19 8:03 AM
in reply to: #1608483

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Traverse Cityish
Subject: RE: I was feeling proud of myself... until I passed out
I'd chalk it up to giving blood and lack of calories, giving blood can take a while to fully recover from. Personally, I wouldn't short myself more than 500 calories when training. Your body needs to get stronger during this time, shorting it to much could become counter productive. Less blood + low calories + long efforts = not good.
2008-08-19 9:16 AM
in reply to: #1608483

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Subject: RE: I was feeling proud of myself... until I passed out

Lots of good info above.  A point about the BP- it was a little lower than your usual but not a signal in itself that something was wrong.  What would have been interesting would have been a comparison of your BP lying down, sitting, and then standing.  I'll bet your BP would have been much lower standing up than lying down (called orthostatic hypotension) which can occur in people who are dehydrated, don't have enough salt in their system, or who have lost a lot of weight quickly.  The shower is a typical place for people to become orthostatic (when the blood pressure is low you get faint because it can't pump the blood to the head as well) because with the warmth your blood vessels dilate and it's harder to pump the blood to the head.  Definately mention it to your doctor, and make a visit if it happens again.

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