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2009-08-18 4:06 PM

Subject: Need advice
Good afternoon,

I'm thinking of doing a June Half Ironman next year, and I realize this means winter training.  I don't own a trainer for my bike, and I need some recommendations for winter training with the bike.  What are your thoughts for training indoors throughout the winter on a bike?

Also, does anyone have any half ironman schedules from the internet that they followed and liked?  Suggestions would be great.

Still haven't fully committed.  Thinking of either doing Patriot or Musselman in New York.

Thanks for any advice, feedback to help me make my decision.


2009-08-18 6:00 PM
in reply to: #2356611

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Need advice

As for  the trainer its a good investment for indoor winter riding. That said I hate mine and I only use it when its less than 30 degress out and/or there is stuff on the roads, but you'd need to invest in cold weather gear or make do with stuff from your own closet for that.
You could also  go and use a gym bike.

As for  advice on plans I have none because I don't use one. If you become a paying member of BT they have a slew of plans to pick from. Maybe Erica (ebshot) will chime in as she has used them. Patriot I'll be there!

2009-08-18 6:38 PM
in reply to: #2356611

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Subject: RE: Need advice
I'll second the need to get a trainer motion.  I have a love/hate relationship with mine.  I have young kids too so it is helpful year round when I cannot get a sitter or if hubby isn't home to ride on the weekends/summer.  However, even with a trainer, it doesn't replace the benefits from riding outside.

I used the 16 week Intermediate HIM and also the oly to HIM bridge plan here on BT.  I feel that the plans are heavy on the swim volume and light on the bike volume.  I plan to bike much more in training for my 2010 HIM than I did for my HIM this year.  The run volume, I thought, was spot on. 

I did Patriot HIM this year and there wasn't too much horrible winter training.  As long as you enjoy cold weather running, you'll be fine.  Invest in some good running tights and a running jacket and you'll be good to go.

FWIW, I'll also be doing a June HIM and I can't wait for the cooler weather to train in.
2009-08-18 6:57 PM
in reply to: #2356611

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Guilford, CT
Subject: RE: Need advice
My fluid2 makes a sweet bikestand. I'll use it if I have to and watch some old tri or cycling footage on dvr. I'm a fan of spin classes though, especially in the winter. They helped give me a good base in the winter until I bought a bike and started riding in the spring. It is good interval training. Best to have/do both IMO to keep your sanity through winter. Plans on here seem good. I pretended to follow a couple but it didn't fit my life so I do my own thing. Also, way too much swimming focus for my liking, but maybe I wouldn't suck so bad if I followed it...I might do patriot, rev3 or providence next year... Not sure on my A races yet though so not sure whY will fit best...
2009-08-18 8:14 PM
in reply to: #2356611

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Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Need advice
i am using the Oly to Half bridge right now, it seems to be a good plan...only if i followed it. Like Jayson, life gets in the way, it is too swimming focused, i follow the plan loosely, we will see if that is a mistake on Oct 4th. 

I have a trainer, i hate it, i would rather ride in 35* weather than ride the thing...but it is there and i do use it in the dead of winter when you just cant get outside.

Good luck Erica!!!  I am sure you will be fine!!
2009-08-19 6:46 PM
in reply to: #2356611

Subject: RE: Need advice
Thank you to all who responded.  Cranberry will be my first Oly.  I've done a few sprints (more last year than this), and if I enjoy it, then I believe I will train for Patriot Half Ironman.  I might use beginnertriathlete's 20 week schedule as some sort of base.

I do belong to a gym and LOVE spinning.  They have back to back hour long classes, which might be good for training.  I still don't know that I'll invest in the trainer. 

I also just purchased my first wetsuit online, and I'm hoping for a decent fit, as I don't currently own one.  Time will tell.

Thanks again!! 


2009-08-21 8:47 AM
in reply to: #2356611

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2009-08-21 11:06 AM
in reply to: #2356611

Subject: RE: Need advice

I do 95% of my bike training inside on a trainer. I can normally do 2hours fine, I have done 3hours many times. Get the trainer. Bike lots. I think the trainer helps alot because there is no downtime. It is also great for interval training.

2009-08-21 11:45 AM
in reply to: #2356611

Colchester, CT
Subject: RE: Need advice


I'm in for Musselman next year as well.  I'm following a plan out of "Training Plans for Multisport Athletes".  It's 27 week plan, so with Musselman, basically I'll be starting the first of the year. I've used this plan before, and the reason I like it is because the first eight weeks, the longest bike ride is 1:15 (it ramps up pretty dramatically after that), but that minimizes the amount of time I need to spend on my trainer.  If you are interested in a copy, shoot me a pm and I can email you a pdf.


2009-08-22 4:12 AM
in reply to: #2356611

New Haven, CT
Subject: RE: Need advice
I have a lot of trouble keeping my focus €on the trainer (or treadmill).  Both are necessary, however, in or climate.  For trainer rides I generally try and do very intense sessions lasting no more than 1 hour... the exception is that I can stomach "long rides" during giants games when I ride easy during the game and hard during commercials trying to maintain a certain cadence.  Having the trainer really helped my bike this year.
2009-08-26 10:49 AM
in reply to: #2356611

Subject: RE: Need advice
I’ve ridden trainers for years, even had a CompuTrainer. But, after my last IM, I sold it and now have none as I simply can't stand the thought of ever riding indoors again!

When I used to race MTBs I rode in the woods all year. So, this winter, I'll either be on the road on my CycloCross bike or in the woods on the MTB if the weather/windchill is too severe.

To each his/her own, I guess...


2009-08-26 12:38 PM
in reply to: #2371665

Subject: RE: Need advice

Cappy...does this been I should be digging out the winter gear!!!

2009-08-26 12:46 PM
in reply to: #2372036

Subject: RE: Need advice
Stone - 2009-08-26 1:38 PM

Cappy...does this been I should be digging out the winter gear!!!

Yes. Yes it does!
2009-08-27 4:42 AM
in reply to: #2363795

Oak Ridge,
Subject: RE: Need advice
jsklarz - 2009-08-22 5:12 AM For trainer rides I generally try and do very intense sessions lasting no more than 1 hour... 
Echo this.  I find the trainer a very efficient way to get my intensity / interval work done which is usually limited to an hour or less during the off season /winter months.  I have a fluid trainer that I used for a couple of years.  2 years ago purchased a Computrainer which makes things a little more interesting, made it even more efficient for me to get my specific workouts done but no way around the fact that riding indoors gets old by mid-late winter.   I see no need to slog through long trainer rides during the winter particularly for a June HIM.  1h rides with intensity will accomplish the same work as longer, easier rides.  Plus gets you off the device that much quicker.  Once get to Feb then perhaps start adding some volume.  By then we should be starting to get nicer days here and there to get those rides done outside.
2009-08-28 7:35 AM
in reply to: #2373325

Subject: RE: Need advice
CNIDog - 2009-08-27 5:42 AM

the trainer [is] a very efficient way to get intensity / interval work done ... during the off season /winter months. 

Can't argue w/ the Dawg on the above. But, personally, I've logged enough trainer miles in my life to know I don't want to ever ride one again.

And, as he says:

CNIDog - 2009-08-27 5:42 AM

I see no need to slog through long trainer rides during the winter particularly for a June HIM. 1h rides with intensity will accomplish the same work as longer, easier rides.

So, if you get one, ride it hard then get the hell off!

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