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2005-07-09 10:58 PM

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Bay Area, CA
Subject: For those with Blogs
For those of you who have a separate blog, what do you use and why do you like/dislike it?  I'm wanting to start one up and trying to decide where to put it.

2005-07-09 11:16 PM
in reply to: #193974

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Central, IL
Subject: RE: For those with Blogs
I'm new to blogging but I've used Blogsot for just over a month. It is very easy to update once you get your initial "template" formatted. You'll need a little knowledge of HTML to customize....
2005-07-10 2:26 PM
in reply to: #193974

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Issaquah, WA,
Subject: RE: For those with Blogs
I use LiveJournal.  It is free and easy to use. I like it because it links to my friends who also have a LiveJournal, it is free and I think you get a lot with the free account.  You can also blog pictures if you have a picture account with Flickr.com which is cool.  I like the mood icons.  I haven't really found anything I dislike about it yet. 
2005-07-11 8:33 AM
in reply to: #193974

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Subject: RE: For those with Blogs
I have been running my narciblog Once Again With Feeling for a few years now. It started as I was turning 40 then became an account of my experiences in the classroom, then my wife's cancer treatments, the unmitigated hell that is disney etcetera. It is a place where I blow off steam and my friends/family can keep in touch with what is happening in my life etcetera.

Edited by Wookiee 2005-07-11 8:35 AM
2005-07-11 8:58 AM
in reply to: #193974

Subject: RE: For those with Blogs
Another vote for LiveJournal. Been using it on and off for about 6 months or so. Very easy to use format.
2005-07-11 9:09 AM
in reply to: #193974

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Ann Arbor, MI
Subject: RE: For those with Blogs
It just is a way to detail what I am doing for friends and family and people who think they are too: Old, fat, tired, to do this. If I can do it anyone can! We own our own domain (husband is a nerd) and it is there. It started as a way to chronicle the pregnancies and preemies and became my training blog because I love my kids but need to talk about other things too. I love to write and it is a way to write.

Edited by nliedel 2005-07-11 9:11 AM

2005-07-11 11:39 AM
in reply to: #194623

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Philadelphia, south of New York and north of DC
Subject: RE: For those with Blogs
I use movable type.  I installed it on my server.  It is very robust, and there's a large user community out there.

They also have the subscription service typepad, but I haven't used that.
2005-07-11 4:11 PM
in reply to: #193974

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Aurora, CO
Subject: RE: For those with Blogs
Another LiveJournal vote here. Had it for about 3 years now, although I haven't been updating as much lately, BT has been taking most of my online time.
2005-07-12 9:16 AM
in reply to: #193974

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: For those with Blogs
myspace.com or friendster.com, both are good, I like myspace better.
2005-07-12 10:43 AM
in reply to: #193974

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Subject: RE: For those with Blogs
I used to use Moveable Type until it went commercial - I didn't like that I couldn't edit the comments so I could get rid of the advertisements for various enlargement/casino/blue pill/adult sites etcetera.

Now I use WordPress - http://www.wordpress.orgthe program is free, easy to install and configure and you can edit the comments. I only delete the ones that are advertisements not the ones that are nasty.
2005-07-12 10:59 AM
in reply to: #195778

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Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: For those with Blogs

myspace.com or friendster.com, both are good, I like myspace better.

Hmm... my daughter has a page up on myspace and it looked like fun, didn't realize you could blog there though, I'll check it out.

2005-07-12 12:11 PM
in reply to: #193974

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Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: For those with Blogs

I've had various blogs over the years but, I find that the BT blog is the best.  I also blog on trirudy.com, but that blog does not take fractions of mileage or seconds in the time section.I

2005-07-12 1:19 PM
in reply to: #193974

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Subject: RE: For those with Blogs
Plain and simple blogger. It's free and it posts - just about all I need. I do most of the HTML the "old fashioned way" anyways, so maybe the other ones are better for this.
2005-07-12 4:45 PM
in reply to: #194623

Elite Veteran
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Subject: RE: For those with Blogs

nliedel - 2005-07-11 9:09 AM We own our own domain....

Does that make you Queen Nancy? 

2005-07-12 5:34 PM
in reply to: #196458

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Ann Arbor, MI
Subject: RE: For those with Blogs
Queen Nancy! Too funny.. well technically I guess it does. But since when does the queen change the kind of diapers I faced today? What on earth did Grandma feed them this weekend anyway?
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