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2009-09-28 7:26 AM

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Subject: 1/2 Mary plan recommendations
My husband and I plan to run a 1/2 Mary end of February together. He just started running/tri training 12/08 so this will be new for him. I plan to do some of the training runs with him. Kevin's longest run has been 8 miles and he travels a lot so consistency will be a goal and a struggle.

I'm looking at training plans for him and wanted some input.

I like the Galloway run/walk concept but looking at his training plan have a couple concerns. In the plan for newbies it has 2 30' runs, a walk day and a long run per week. The 30' runs don't get longer the whole plan which is 17 weeks. Long runs he recommends running 2 minutes/mile slower than you could and once you get to 9.5 miles long runs are every other week. Doesn't seem like very much running.

The other plan he has for time goal runners same  2 runs but they are 45', a long run and an easy walk. Long runs get up to 17 miles but again do them every other week and again 2 minutes slower per mile than you could run.

What would you recommend wise running folks?

2009-09-28 7:40 AM
in reply to: #2429211

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Subject: RE: 1/2 Mary plan recommendations

Salient points:

Long run of 8 miles so far.

Been training for almost a year.

Have at laest 4 months to get up to half mary distance.

Potential drain on time for work.

Based on all that, I'd say any program would be fine.  I've never really used a specific plan for a half marathon, so I cannot speak to the merits of any of them.  I think running 3x /wk is a good goal.

2009-09-28 8:08 AM
in reply to: #2429222

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Subject: RE: 1/2 Mary plan recommendations

Based on all that, I'd say any program would be fine.  I've never really used a specific plan for a half marathon, so I cannot speak to the merits of any of them.  I think running 3x /wk is a good goal.

Indeed.  If he can run 3 or 4x a week, and include "long" runs every other week, he should be in fine shape to complete a half-mary.

Before both of my halfs, the above described my training "plan."   I finished 2:05 at Indy in May.  
2009-09-28 8:10 AM
in reply to: #2429211

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Subject: RE: 1/2 Mary plan recommendations how far would you suggest his longest run be before the 1/2?

2009-09-28 8:18 AM
in reply to: #2429263

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: 1/2 Mary plan recommendations
For my first 1/2 I used the plans.  I really like those.  You put in a pace from a recent race or from a running Time Trial + the amount of current running you are doing and builds a plan around that.  I thought the paces it set for me were very fair, not too fast and not too slow.  It was 3 runs a week for most of the plan and then threw in a 4th run as the race got a bit closer.

IMO best plans you can get without having a coach.

Longest run I did before the 1/2 was 10 miles.

2009-09-28 8:23 AM
in reply to: #2429263

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Subject: RE: 1/2 Mary plan recommendations

KathyG - 2009-09-28 9:10 AM how far would you suggest his longest run be before the 1/2?

Well, I'm gonna give you an answer that you're not gonna like.

My answer is...It depends.

The plan he picks should be based on his goals, both short- and long-term, as well as his general ideas on training.  Does he enjoy training?  Then go for something that has more of it.  If he doesn't like to train a whole lot, then a plan with lots of runs won't be a good option.  If he wants to try to do his very best, then train more.  If that's the case, then I'd say he could get up to 15 miles in training, with more than 4 runs per week.  If he wants to just go out, run the half, and doesn't care about time, then anything over 10 miles would be satisfactory.

It's all about being realistic and honest with ourselves about our goals and our limitations.  I know that I've been guilty in the past of handing out concrete numbers without recognizing the underlying factors.  Kathy, I think you have a wealth of knowledge about training, and your husband is lucky to be able to lean on you for support.  I'm willing to bet that you can help him achieve his goals, no problem.

2009-09-28 3:10 PM
in reply to: #2429263

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Subject: RE: 1/2 Mary plan recommendations
KathyG - 2009-09-28 10:10 how far would you suggest his longest run be before the 1/2?

If possible, I would try & get to the goal distance. It has a big reassurance factor. By increasing long runs 10% per week for 3 & a dropback week, this is very doable. If he is a "over-achiever" would go for 10% more for longest 14-14.5 miles. This has been my plan in the past.Obviously running the goal distance prior to marathon has physiologic limitations & makes ,uch less sense.JMHO
2009-09-28 6:44 PM
in reply to: #2429211

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Subject: RE: 1/2 Mary plan recommendations
My first 1/2 Mary back in '07 my longest long run was 9.5 miles as I had a soccer ankle injury. I can't remember subsequent ones what my long runs have been prior.

I like your thoughts Scout as for sure it depends on what he wants out of the race and the time he has to commit to training for it.

I hope Kevin enjoys the training and the race. I think 1/2 Marys are great distance. A year ago my husband came to the race and at that time he never imagined a year later he could do the 1/2 maybe the 10K. It is cool to see progress he has made this last year.
2009-09-28 7:47 PM
in reply to: #2430769

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Colorado Springs, Colorado
Subject: RE: 1/2 Mary plan recommendations
Personally I don't care for the Galloway plans. I know lots of people have favorable things to say about the Hal Higdon plans - my wife included.

I've never used a plan. I did my first half just by gradually increasing my long run to 13 miles. I think at the time I was probably running about 20-25 miles/week. Maybe an occasional 30. The race was difficult only due to the course profile. It had two miles of significant uphill starting at mile 10 that just drained me, plus another hill about a quarter mile from the finish. All that at an elevation around 7000 feet. If I hadn't been so stupid back then the course would have intimidated me. My time was about 1:58.

If I could run a half with no plan on that kind of course, surely your husband can do much better - especially with your help and experience.
2009-09-29 2:40 AM
in reply to: #2429211

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Subject: RE: 1/2 Mary plan recommendations
I did a 25k in may of 2009 after starting running in July of 2008.  I did a 16 week FIRST 1/2 Mary program and just ran the long runs a little longer.

I loved the 3 runs/wk and the cross training fit in perfectly with  my Tri training.

I am a real believer in the FIRST philosophy for race training.
2009-09-29 8:21 AM
in reply to: #2429211

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Metro NY Area
Subject: RE: 1/2 Mary plan recommendations
I am going to follow the Hal Higdon Novice 10K plan to get me to my upcoming 10K.
Here is a link to the novice half marathon plan which I will probably follow after the 10K plan as too hope to do a half marathon in late winter.

Edited by losta 2009-09-29 8:22 AM

2009-09-29 8:31 AM
in reply to: #2429211

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: 1/2 Mary plan recommendations

I did my first half-marathon this past February using the Galloway beginner's plan.  My long run was 11 miles about three weeks prior to the race.  I did my 30-45 min runs on Tuesdays and Thursdays and my long runs in Saturday mornings.  That let me still do a bike ride on Sundays (I tried doing a long bike ride on Saturday and then my long run on Sundays, but it killed my legs; my Sunday ride was almost a recovery ride from my long run)

I did a four mile race a couple of weeks prior to the half-mary which was good for pacing practice, plus it was over part of the half-mary course (the Ringling bridge over Sarasota Bay).

I met my modest goals, which were first to finish and second to come in under three hours (2:53). 

The Galloway plan worked well for me, being a slow, plodding runner.  At 56, I really don't think I could run more than three days a week, as my body needs the recovery time.   

Looking to next year, I'm planning on pretty much following the same plan.  Before I started the plan last year I had never run more than 10K in my life so I had to overcome some psychological barriers when I started doing longer runs.  I feel a lot better prepared mentally this year.

Best of luck to Kevin - he has a great coach and cheerleader!




2009-09-29 8:58 AM
in reply to: #2429211

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Extreme Veteran
Buford GA
Subject: RE: 1/2 Mary plan recommendations
I was curious about the comments about increasing your distance no more than 10% a week that people always make so yesterday finally just did a quick spreadsheet. I still had that open and based on in theory his max being 8miles you could be up to 12.8 miles in about 6 weeks increasing by only 10% a week.

Just wanted to point that out.
2009-09-29 10:31 AM
in reply to: #2429211

Bluffton, SC
Subject: RE: 1/2 Mary plan recommendations
Topher makes a great point. I'm in a similar boat to your husband. I am planning my first half mary in December and right now my longest run has been 8 miles. But i haven't ran over six in the last month. I've been doing more speed work and tempo runs, but mainly too much cycling to get in a lot of miles.

My plan for the half marathon to max out my long run at 15 miles, four weeks before the event.  A 13 miler two weeks before that. 11 two weeks before that, which means i need to get in an 8 miler in the next week or the week after. With a good amount of shorter runs in between.

Your lucky husband has you to keep him motivated! Hope my vague plan helps a bit!
2009-09-29 10:52 AM
in reply to: #2431859

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: 1/2 Mary plan recommendations

Hey Kathy.  I really recommend the Hal Higdon plans to any new half-marathoner.  I felt the number of runs were not too arduous to keep up with, but I felt prepared.  There is a reasonable progression in the weekly runs, in addition to the long weekend runs.  I used the Novice plan to complete the Bjorklund Half at Grandma's after only a short history of running and I was "fine".  Not setting any records, or anything, but I felt ready.

I often use the "SmartCoach" on Runnerworld, which I also like.  It's very customizable.  I would say, however, that the plan can be a bit tougher.  I would recommend that for a second attempt.

Good luck to him!

2009-09-29 10:59 AM
in reply to: #2429211

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Chandler, AZ
Subject: RE: 1/2 Mary plan recommendations
I recommend Hal Higdon's beginner half program. As far as a race, There is a fine little race here in AZ called the Lost Dutchman. It is on Valentines day. It will make a nice weekend.

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