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2008-08-24 9:14 PM

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Subject: How long did it take to recover-IM?

IMLP was 5 weeks ago and I still feel pretty crappy and have no zip in my legs..hills are harder than normal running and riding.

I'm wondering how long it takes most folks to recover from their first IM? I suspect being 46 makes take a little longer. It isn't like I had a blistering fast time or ran the whole Mary..did lots of walking.

I'm frustrated and a bit depressed with how my body feels. I want to feel normal, train and enjoy training like normal. I feel worse than I did 2 weeks ago.

2008-08-24 9:18 PM
in reply to: #1624692

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Athens, Georgia
Subject: RE: How long did it take to recover-IM?
Don't have any experience to help you out here. But thought I could be a little ray of sunshine. I followed you throughout the day at LP via Aarons tracking here and the IM sight and you did awesome. You are an inspiration to me and many otheres here at BT. Hope you get over these crappy feelings soon.
2008-08-25 10:17 AM
in reply to: #1624692

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Subject: RE: How long did it take to recover-IM?
Mentally about 6 days. Physically, I would say 3 to 5 weeks. My mind thought I was ready to go, but my heart and body told a diffrent story.
2008-08-25 10:25 AM
in reply to: #1624692

Subject: RE: How long did it take to recover-IM?
I know you are "raring to go", but it's about the end of the season so relax, enjoy, get ready to jockstrap me , and take your time.
You trained really, really, REALLY hard and then topped it off with the mother of all races. Treat yourself. You deserve it!
2008-08-25 10:26 AM
in reply to: #1624692

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over a barrier
Subject: RE: How long did it take to recover-IM?
I didn't know it at the time but about 2 months....My results in the Early Spring were way above results in the fall post IM.
2008-08-25 10:43 AM
in reply to: #1624692

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Subject: RE: How long did it take to recover-IM?

Thanks guys..

It is like my mind wants to train and misses the endorphins but my body doesn't want to go much..battle of my mind and my body. 

Just as a precaution I'll see my Doc and see if she'll do some blood work to see if anything weird is going on. It seems odd to me and my coach that I feel worse than I did a couple weeks ago. 

I didn't do the Oly I was registered for yesterday (I have an odd post IM weird minor injury that is keeping me out of the water) but am doing an IM relay Sunday which has me a little concerned...I'm doing the bike portion. 

2008-08-25 1:28 PM
in reply to: #1624692

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Subject: RE: How long did it take to recover-IM?
I can still feel IMLP if i go too hard or too long. I felt a bit post IM too but started a new routine at the gym 3 weeks ago involving functional weight training with a group. It is really fun and i'm even losing weight and body fat. Now i feel really strong in my running and biking. I won't run more than an hour or bike more than three though cause then i would feel it. I'm having fun doing that and no race in the fall planned. I'm enjoying the freedom of it. I have 2009 all planned out. Maybe trying something new would work for you. Do cyclecross like you planned and don't be too hard on yourself. You are an Ironman after all : )

2008-08-25 5:01 PM
in reply to: #1624692

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: How long did it take to recover-IM?

Let me see.  The left leg swelling took about 5 to 6 days easily to subside.  The mental wanting to train was always there, but the physical capabilities took close to 10 - 13 days.

An IM is taxing on your being, but, as it has been put, "If was easy, it would be called football (or whatever else you may have heard)".

2008-08-25 6:07 PM
in reply to: #1624692

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: How long did it take to recover-IM?
For me after my 1st Ironman it took about 6-8 weeks before I felt good doing training of any kind. It just took a while for my HR to adjust and my legs to get their zip back. Mentally I wanted to be back out there because hey I rocked and finished an IM so you want to be out there still kicking #ss.

Allow yourself the time you need to heal and recover. It's so important long term that you don't overdo it.

On the up side it only took me about 2-3 weeks to recover post-IM #2
2008-08-25 6:12 PM
in reply to: #1624692

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Carlsbad, California
Subject: RE: How long did it take to recover-IM?

Oh, the mind told me about a week but it was probably more like a month or so. (I ended up taking 4 weeks of Unstructured Training when I got back)

I remember someone dropping a friendly reminder during that time that "There is no such thing as a 10 mile run in Ironman Recovery"

He suggested I get out and run for the fun of it. Ride with the club and enjoy the sites. Swim with the group at the beach and soak up the sun.

I have a lot of mojo going in my marathon training and I would guess that the time off that I took really helped both mentally and physically

2008-08-25 8:15 PM
in reply to: #1624692

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Subject: RE: How long did it take to recover-IM?

This thread is not boding well for my grand plan.

2008-08-26 6:01 AM
in reply to: #1624692

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Subject: RE: How long did it take to recover-IM?
Hey Kathy,
Just keep in mind your body is ALWAYS telling you something. You obviously need more recovery time. I know your mind wants to go go go, because thats the way we (triathletes) are wired. It's only been 5 weeks since Ironman. I have been walking alot, taking short jogs as of this week. Havn't even thought about my bike yet. If you don't give yourself proper recovery time, it may lead to injury later.

ps I like the above poster who comments about enjoying the sites of a bike ride and going for a relaxing jog. In training for races, we sometimes forget that.

Edited by seankun 2008-08-26 6:07 AM
2008-08-26 6:51 AM
in reply to: #1626211

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Subject: RE: How long did it take to recover-IM?
nathaliemonique - 2008-08-25 1:28 PM

I can still feel IMLP if i go too hard or too long. I felt a bit post IM too but started a new routine at the gym 3 weeks ago involving functional weight training with a group. It is really fun and i'm even losing weight and body fat. Now i feel really strong in my running and biking. I won't run more than an hour or bike more than three though cause then i would feel it. I'm having fun doing that and no race in the fall planned. I'm enjoying the freedom of it. I have 2009 all planned out. Maybe trying something new would work for you. Do cyclecross like you planned and don't be too hard on yourself. You are an Ironman after all : )


That is some of the best advice EVER!! Find something new that is exciting to you - the weight training / functional strength is great! I am planning on putting my focus into yoga & strength post IM, and I will also stick to the 1 hour run / 3 hours bike for a month or two.
2008-08-26 7:07 AM
in reply to: #1624692

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Subject: RE: How long did it take to recover-IM?

When my new cyclecross bike comes in I'll be trying that. Probably not racing cyclecross for awhile or even at all this year but learning, goofing around hopefully with some women from my bike race team. I infrequently ride with others but enjoy it immensely so am trying to do more social riding. Someone from my tri team is training for IMAZ and she says she is a bit slower paced than I am so I may do some long rides with her. I'm signing up for a two day ride with varying length options from 20-100 miles each day on seacoast of NH/ME.

I love riding best and September weather is excellent, kids are in school so I can ride more and still be home with them. So September is really for me enjoy my bike month with a little running, yoga, and optional strength training. I don't love swimming and currently can't do it due to an infected belly no swimming for me.

I want to enjoy my fitness. If I don't start to feel better and nothing shows up after seeing my Doc, I may take my off season down time early as that should allow me to recover.

I wonder if driving 1600 miles as the only adult, stress, no workouts for 3 days of traveling, eating processed foods and sugar while on vacation when I normally don't, all added to me feeling crappy.



Edited by KathyG 2008-08-26 7:08 AM
2008-08-26 7:10 AM
in reply to: #1624692

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The Original
Subject: RE: How long did it take to recover-IM?

You'll be able to tell when you're fully recovered. I actually felt fine for the first week or 2 after the race and then it all hit me after that- I was really tired and felt like I had been hit by a truck.  It  took me so much effort to do the easiest, shortest workouts- it was really depressing.  Looking back, I tried to do too much too soon and it took me about 2 months to feel "normal" again and have energy.  Make sure to listen to your body and rest so you don't delay the recovery process.

2008-08-26 7:20 AM
in reply to: #1624692

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: How long did it take to recover-IM?

It will be interesting to see how I feel after IMKY and how long it takes to recover.  I'm registered for Great Floridian IM distance 8 weeks later.  Maybe that was not such a good idea!  Sounded fun when I registered.  I was hoping for a 2-3 week recovery, 3-4 week training, and 2 week taper.  This may be revised!!  Any advice?

2008-08-26 7:51 AM
in reply to: #1628113

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Subject: RE: How long did it take to recover-IM?
KathyG - 2008-08-26 7:07 AM

p>I wonder if driving 1600 miles as the only adult, stress, no workouts for 3 days of traveling, eating processed foods and sugar while on vacation when I normally don't, all added to me feeling crappy.



That's enough to make anyone feel crappy!!
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