BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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2010-12-21 7:54 PM

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Edited by Fred Doucette 2010-12-23 6:27 AM

2010-12-22 7:55 PM
in reply to: #3256949

Montgomery, Tx
Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -OPEN!
Name:  Patrick McLendon
Story:  I am leading into my 3yrd year of tris.  My first year I won both of my races in the clyde division.  This past year I finished 3rd and 2 4th in the 3 races this year.  I also knocked 45 minutes of my HIM time.  I started tris to lose alittle weight and get in shape, but I have tasted the podium and I now feel I can compete. 
Family Status:  married and 2 kids (4, 4months)
Current Training:  I am currently running 5-6 days a week (35-40mpw) and doing JorgeM's cycling plan-Loosely.  I am getting back in the pool next week.
This Years races:  I did Kona tri Sprint in baytown, Bridgeland sprint 4th, and Ironstar HIM (5:05) 4th- 11 seconds back.
2011 Races:Gateway to the bay OLY April 4th, IMTX 5/21, Bridgeland sprint August, Houston Oly, and a fall HIM
Weight Loss Goals:  right now I am 210.  I think 190 would be great by IMTX.  I was 205 when I went 5:05 for Ironstar HIM and IMTX will be ablut the same course.  

I will be a great mentee because I am serious and I want to do well.  I need guidence in my Im training- and I listen to people who have had sucess.  Today is December 22, 2010 and I still have many questions on IM training. 

Lets get it on!
2010-12-22 8:56 PM
in reply to: #3256949

Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -OPEN!
Hey Fred, I'd love to join your group.


STORY: I'm a NH native who came to Baltimore for college and I've stuck around since.  I'll be 27 on Jan 2 and starting my third full year of triathlons, and the second where I'm training with any purpose.  I started out just winging it, did alright for myself, but wanted more.  I picked up the volume, but had no idea what I was doing (and wanted to know how some of those guys were so much faster than me).  Eventually, found a coach for a couple months to end last season, had a GREAT last race, found BT, ditched the coach and have immersed myself in training plans, philosophy, details, etc.  I'm actually still friends with the coach (he works on the same Army post as I do), and he's gotten me more involved and been a real life mentor for me.  He just convinced me to run for the Executive Board of our local tri club, so I'm gonna give that a shot (though I feel a little unqualified).  I love the scientific approach (I'm a ChemE by trade).  Mass and energy balances - what goes in equals what comes's science!  My recent "last thing I'll buy for myself without having to ask permission" present to myself was a Power Tap powermeter, which I'm learning more about everyday as I use it and read about it.

FAMILY STATUS: Proposed to my amazing gf last July, getting married August 20, 2011.

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm trying to build my run now - starting with 150 miles in sept and shooting for 170 in December, then hang on.  Missed a lot of time on the bike because of work travel, but I'm following Jorge's winter plan.  Swimming...what swimming?  I hope to pick it up with some regularity to start 2011.

THIS YEAR's RACES: My results from 2010 were as follows: I had a 2:14:xx and 2:12:xx Olys at Blackbear and NorthEast, 1:40:xx Oly-ish race at Paris Mountain, a 1:04:xx sprint (good for second OA) and a 5:03 at Rhode Island 70.3.

2011 RACES: I am signed up for Columbia Olympic May 2011, Eagleman 70.3 June 2011.  I'm hoping to add an early season Olympic, a July/Aug Olympic and if I can manage a sprint in June (one I've done 3 times so far, so it's a cool race for me).

WEIGHT LOSS GOALS: I am currently 6'1" and weigh 165 lbs. I've been down to under 150 two years ago, but raced last season about 155, which I think is ideal...hopefully I get back dow there.

WHAT WOULD MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: My "A" race is Eagleman, so targeting that HIM distance.  Last year my biggest goal was sub 5 hours at Rhode Island...probably pushed too hard on the bike and fell apart on the run.  It was tough conditions (lots of people thought much tougher than the years before), but I'm still out for revenge at that distance.  I'm pretty active on BT, log everything, like to talk tri to anyone who will listen.  I'm always looking an edge and love to hear what people more experience than me know.  I think I've learned a lot too, and could help others in the group as well.  I'm VERY competitive, probably to a fault, and sometimes that comes out unintentionally, so it's be great if there are others like me, but I try to keep it in check when there aren't.

THis isn't meant to be a "brown nosing" comment, but I've read a lot of what you say in the forums and have always found your advice very helpful, encouraging, and most of all polite and respectful (something that some people here seem to have issues with).  Because of that I would love to join your mentor group this winter.
2010-12-22 8:58 PM
in reply to: #3256949

Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -OPEN!
Oops - I just realized this thread hasn't gone live yet.  I wanted to make sure I got in so I marked it to notify me when people posted so I saw the last post and assumed it had gone live.  Sorry, I can wait until it's official and try to get in then if I need to.
2010-12-23 12:31 AM
in reply to: #3256949

Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -OPEN!
Hello Fred

I would like to be a part of your mentor group.

My name is Jacob, 31 years old, and i come from Denmark, I will be doing my first ironman next year in Austria.
I do all my training alone, and could use some mentoring.

STORY: I picked up training again this january after several years of almost no training, due to education and family. I ran a fall marathon this year in 3:25. I used to run a lot, and have done 4 marathons.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 2 children, 4 and 6.

CURRENT TRAINING: Since the start of december I have been following the competitive program from the book "be iron fit".

THIS YEAR's RACES: A fall marathon, and a half marathon

2011 RACES: Ironman Austria is the only on planned yet.


WHAT WOULD MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I do all my training alone, so it would be nice to have someone to share my training with.
2010-12-23 12:42 AM
in reply to: #3256949

Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -OPEN!
NAME: Brittany Meeks

STORY: 2011 will be my 4th year of tri's. Started endurance sports in 2006/2007 (running initially) and started triathlon in 2008. Did Ironman Arizona in 2009 (11:01:49), not too many this year due to big life changes and lack of time.  I'm an active duty Army officer currently in graduate school (till summer '12) studying American politics before the Army sends me to West Point to teach for two years.  I'm living in San Diego for grad school, so that's nice most of the time. I could go into a lot more about why I race, but suffice it to say I have a competitive type "A" spirit, it's a ton of fun, and training and racing are great stress relievers. I also am a co-captain for a non-profit, nationwide triathlon team--Team Red, White, and Blue--raising funds and awareness for wounded vets. This has been a fun and interesting journey to get it going!

FAMILY STATUS: Single, but looking! Two dogs.

CURRENT TRAINING: I started working with a coach in November--due to holidays and finals, it's been some base building but hitting it "hard" in January in prep for Oceanside 70.3 in April and IMCdA in June.  My two "A" races for the year are IMCdA in June and then IMAZ in November!

THIS YEAR's RACES: Did IMTX 70.3 in April with so-so results--life had exploded in the new year and training was lacking. In June I did the San Diego Marathon and a sprint triathlon; and in July I said good-bye to Texas by doing a sprint tri in the morning and a 50k ultra that started at midnight! Did another olympic tri out here in San Diego but bit it on the bike--finished the race with some road rash, not speedy but finished. Had major job changes and moved across the country, so this year was a "life year."

2011 RACES: I am signed up for the Austin 1/2 Marathon in Feb; Oceanside 70.3 in April; IMCdA in June; IMAZ in July; most likely will have another HIM in there in Sept--either Rev3 Half or SuperFrog, depends upon some Team RWB stuff.

WEIGHT LOSS GOALS: I am 5'3 and have been hovering around 140-143; would like to truly be at around 130 for racing, less than that is super.

WHAT WOULD MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I always log my workouts here.  I am going to have an interesting job of balancing training and school, as well as not burning out with 2 IMs on the schedule.  I was in a mentor group my first year and it was awesome. I did some shared leadership in a group before, but I cannot commit myself to leading a group right now, but definitely can participate in some group support and questions as we all train for the long stuff. I always read your posts (Fred) and find them well thought out and wise and would love to be part of this group and learn from everyone and support each other in the quest for 140.6.

2010-12-23 12:48 AM
in reply to: #3256949

Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -OPEN!
Screen name: phxphotog
Real name: Todd Martin
City: Phoenix, AZ
Job: News cameraman for a local tv station for 18 years

Triathlon experience: Started training Jan 2010...Sprint (Mar '10), Olympic (April '10), Sprint (May '10), HIM (Oct '10) Scratched due to the lake draining when the dam broke.

Upcoming races: PF Chang's 1/2 marathon (Jan '11), Trifamily Olympic (Mar '11), Marquee 70.3 (April '11), SOMA 70.3 (Oct '11).

Since I started training in mid-January, I have lost about 35 pounds. I never realized how out of shape I was until I stared training. For the first 9 months my training was very sub-standard. I was coming off the couch and I was getting more in shape but I still struggled on all three triathlons I did in 2010. In October I started training for my first 1/2 marathon and realized how poor my run training had been. The run has always been my weakness and I know that in 2011 I need to make that my focus. Arizona is kind of backwards on training seasons. While it's cold and snowy most places, it is beautiful here and great to train in. During the summer, it is very hot and difficult to train in so we get out as early as 4:30am to get our workouts in.

This will be my first year training and competing in the 70.3 distance. I have a great local tri community and I am a member of First Wave Tri Club. I really want to be able to do well at the 70.3 distance. I will never be a podium contender or an age group contender but I don't want to suffer through the whole thing. I know that if I train hard and smart that I can do well. I'm guessing that my goal times will be about 6:30 for the 70.3 distances. Right now I'm training about 8-9 hours a week.

I was a member of Fred's (Pennstate) last mentor group and I learned so much not only from Fred but from the active members of the group. The group is what you make it and like Fred said, we had the 2nd most posts of any Summer/Fall mentor group. We also had a lot of IM athletes in our group and I learned so much for the future from them.

My log are public so feel free to check them out. I'll add all of our members into my friends list and check out everyone's training logs weekly. I think the neatest thing about the training logs are the inspires. It is so nice to get a quick comment from one of your fellow triathletes.

I hope we have a good triathlon season.
2010-12-23 1:35 AM
in reply to: #3256949

Kansas City, Missouri
Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -OPEN!
I'm only doing one HIM and it won't be until September.  I'd love to get some info now on long course racing though since I will start training for it right after this block of groups is done.  Can I be part of the group?

NAME: shmeeg / Jay

STORY: This will be my second season, I raced all Sprint distance races last year.  I have always had a fascination w/ the 70.3 distance, and I'm itching to race at that distance.  I am a MOP finisher, but learned quite a bit last season and would like to move into the top 25% of my AG this season.  I've also signed up to lead a mentor group and give some back to the BT community.

FAMILY STATUS: Married. 1 7yo.

CURRENT TRAINING: I am doing JorgeM's winter cycling program, but would like to keep it around 10 hrs/week most of the time.

THIS YEAR's RACES: 1 super sprint, 3 sprints.  Each race was faster than the previous time, which was my goal.

2011 RACES: Big Rock Olympic Triathlon in April, Superfrog in September.  Some cycling and road races mixed in w/ the training throughout the season

WEIGHT LOSS GOALS: I want that 6-pack for summer!

WHY I'M HERE: I think the mentor groups are a great way to learn more about the sport and meet other triathletes that might not ever cross paths with you otherwise.  I learned a lot last year and would like to continue learning about long course racing and training.
2010-12-23 3:03 AM
in reply to: #3256949

Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -OPEN!
Hi Fred and everyone,

I saw that the group was forming and wanted to get in before it filled up..  It is 2:00 am here so I will fill out all my info tomorrow( later today).  I was a part of Fred's mentor group this past summer and it was great. I am excited that Fred it mentoring again.
2010-12-23 4:42 AM
in reply to: #3256949

2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -OPEN!
Hi Fred, and good morning all! I have been watching like a hawk for this group to go live. I have been tri training and racing pretty competitively for going on 20 years, but have only now committed to my first IM (Lake Placid). Fred's outstanding contributions to BT, along with his depth, knowledge, and experience with IMLP add to my excitement to be a part of this group. I am out the door for a run, then a bit of strength training - will post my particulars when I get back. Like Kathleen, I just wanted to jump in fast - I know this group will fill quickly! I look forward to getting to know you all a little better as we do what we do together.
2010-12-23 5:41 AM
in reply to: #3256949

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2010-12-23 5:47 AM
in reply to: #3258373

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2010-12-23 5:50 AM
in reply to: #3256949

Scottsdale, AZ
Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -OPEN!
I would like to join the group. I will post details shortly. Thanks.

2010-12-23 5:51 AM
in reply to: #3256949

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -OPEN!
Hi Fred!

Spotted you'd opened a group with an HIM / IM focus and would love to be involved.

I'm just in work at the moment but will post back over break / lunch with details. :)



NAME: Graycat / Tim

STORY: I've always been the tubby fit one doing weird sports but after settling down with a now ex-gf things spread out. After watching my brother do the London Olyimpic tri I was told I couldn't manage it .... and promptly did it (and a few others) the following year. After that I've moved around the country so struggled to keep tri training going but I'm now committed to doing a HIM and IM next summer for charity so need to get my butt in gear. :)

STATUS: single and not really looking

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm working on my own at the moment to get myself back to a solid base before kicking into high gear Jan / Feb. I'm commuting on the bike a lot which is really helping the ol' legs. I've had calf injuries from running previously but have eased that back in and seem to have resolved the root cause.

2011 RACES: HIM Switzerland in June and IM Regensburg in August are my main focus with the IM being the A race. I've been asked to race in a few relays / olys with friends along the way as well but that is still up in the air.

WEIGHT LOSS GOALS: Currently at about 12.5 stone (175-180lbs) but will probabably drop another 10 by race time

WHY I'M HERE: I'm looking for a group with similar aims that are dedicated to getting to their goals and this seems like the place. Plus I occasionally need my butt kicking if I slack so hopefully that'll happen too :) lol

Edited by Graycat 2010-12-23 6:16 AM
2010-12-23 5:54 AM
in reply to: #3258457

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2010-12-23 6:02 AM
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2010-12-23 6:04 AM
in reply to: #3256949

South Alabama
Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -OPEN!

Good morning-I would love to join the group if there is room left. Will add more details later today but here are the basics.

Screen name: Slornow-real name Randy Location: I live in Fairhope, Alabama and work in Mobile Alabama.  Fairhope is beautiful town located on the east side of Mobile Bay about 20 minutes from Mobile, 45 minutes from Pensacola Florida and 45 minutes from the Gulf of Mexico.   

I'm 48, married for 20 years with a son 17 and daughter 16. This will be my 3rd season doing triathlons.  Did my first HIM in November and plan for 2011 is to do a Spring and Fall HIM with some sprints/olympic distance events during the Summer.

More later-looking forward to the group.


2010-12-23 6:09 AM
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2010-12-23 6:12 AM
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2010-12-23 6:14 AM
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2010-12-23 6:15 AM
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2010-12-23 6:16 AM
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2010-12-23 6:19 AM
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2010-12-23 6:23 AM
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2010-12-23 6:24 AM
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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